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Sayings You Hate.


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
For the last little while, i almost hear everyone use this phrase and it drives me nuts hearing it.
Its a stupid phrase that has caught on and you sound like an idiot when you say it.

"It is what it is"

What the fuck does that mean? That is not a justification to making any kind of point or getting any message across. wish people would stop saying it.

Another one is i get in text alot from chix. "just wanted to say hi" Really? You're gonna text me this nonsense when you know i'm busy at work? Fuck off. If you really wanna say hi, you would call me and say it.

What are some of the sayings you hate?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
It is what it is.......well its I think the polite way to say.....too fucking bad, this is the situation, its not going to change/im not going to change my mind etc so suck it up and deal with it.

But yes I agree time to retire this one.


Nov 20, 2006
Generally these phrases are used by people who deserve to be judged and hated but anyways

Don't hate the player, hate the game
Fuck you, you choose to play the game, so I will hate you

Don't be hatin.
Well, don't be doing things worthy of hate

Don't judge me, you don't know me.
1: If you are going to speak like a Jerry Springer Guest, I will judge you
2: Everybody judges people they don't know, even you. You might make mistakes, but it is worth it.
3: Behavior patterns tend to clump. If you are acting like a schmuck or an idiot in this context, odds are you are one elsewhere. I could be wrong, but as you say, I don't know you and it really isn't worth my time to get to know you, considering again with the clumpage. Sure I could be wrong, but I am not a judge so I don't have to be 100% accurate.


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
Generally these phrases are used by people who deserve to be judged and hated but anyways

Don't hate the player, hate the game
Fuck you, you choose to play the game, so I will hate you

Don't be hatin.
Well, don't be doing things worthy of hate

Don't judge me, you don't know me.
1: If you are going to speak like a Jerry Springer Guest, I will judge you
2: Everybody judges people they don't know, even you. You might make mistakes, but it is worth it.
3: Behavior patterns tend to clump. If you are acting like a schmuck or an idiot in this context, odds are you are one elsewhere. I could be wrong, but as you say, I don't know you and it really isn't worth my time to get to know you, considering again with the clumpage. Sure I could be wrong, but I am not a judge so I don't have to be 100% accurate.'re pointing out a lot of good one there fatone. I too hate those ghetto type phrases.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
"just sayin' "
Damn it, if you want to say something, mean it! Don't freakin' wishy washy over it.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
[SIZE=+2]"Have a good one"[/SIZE]

Haven't a clue what the 'One' is that is being referred to. It sounds moronic, unspecified and specifically non-committal.

I wish to heaven people would stop using it.


New member
Jul 12, 2003
"Not that there's any wrong with that..." = I think there's something wrong with that, but I lack the stones to disagree with the prevailing public opinion.

"Yaknowwamsayn?, (contraction of "Do you know what I am saying?"), = all-purpose sentence appendix for those who are so inarticulate that they do not even understand themselves.

Any sentence that starts with "I speak for...

Conditional apologies, "I'm sorry if I offended you,,,"; I wish to apologize.... Half measures for those too proud to admit they are wrong.

"As you are aware,..." = "To confirm the rumour that has previously been denied...".


Nov 20, 2006
"Have a good one"
"Not that there's any wrong with that..." = I think there's something wrong with that, but I lack the stones to disagree with the prevailing public opinion.

"Yaknowwamsayn?, (contraction of "Do you know what I am saying?"), = all-purpose sentence appendix for those who are so inarticulate that they do not even understand themselves.

Conditional apologies, "I'm sorry if I offended you,,,"; I wish to apologize.... Half measures for those too proud to admit they are wrong.

"As you are aware,..." = "To confirm the rumour that has previously been denied...".
I use the you know what I am saying a lot with my father. Kinda on the deaf side and often tends to fill in what he thinks you said. Not with anyone else.

As for the rest, you might as well get pissed off with people who ask you how your day is or how you are doing when you damn well know they don't care and any other answer than "fine" or "OK" is not really acceptable even if you just found out you got the cancer and your cancer got space herpes.

Social conventions. Sometimes they lead to odd things.

As for the not that there is anything wrong with that... unacceptable, unless you are talking about the gays. I would comment more, but I must master my own domain at least until some female finds me sponge worthy. Serenity now! [and by Serenity I mean the 90's porn chick]


Nov 20, 2006
0're pointing out a lot of good one there fatone. I too hate those ghetto type phrases.

It goes far beyond the ghetto thing. People seem ready to cut themselves the moment one says anything remotely negative.

Much like.

Well that's your opinion.

Well duh.

Or I am entitled to my opinion
And I am entitled to mine, and my opinion is that your opinion is quality organic fertilizer and not much use for anything else. I am entitled to my opinion also, that is kinda how it works, or used to.

As long as you don't fuck someone else over, do what you want. However accept that other people have the same rights even if they include this.

Or as I say it. Your have the right to do what you want, I have to right to laugh at you for doing it.

The above phases are in the same manner of annoying as the more ghetto versions above, they suffer from the same thin skinned politically erect bullshit.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
"Oh my god"


Nov 5, 2004
IT IS WHAT IT IS - takes the cake

"It is what it is"

I worked with this tool that said this probably in every conversation I observed him in. Problem was he was a professional and usually you want an answer a little less skin-deep than this.

When he was fired last fall, guess what I said to him on his way out the door . . .

Madeline Rhodes

Den Mother Extraordinaire
Jul 23, 2010
At the end of the day....

Of late.....(just say lately instead. Of late sounds pretentious.)
"Going forward".... Just say "in the future".
Some people are unable to help using formal speech. Pedantic Speech is a common trait among those with Aspergers, and among the gifted population.

While it may seem pretensions to yourself and others. I assure you that it is not something they can modulate or control... Which is why it is something which I feel should be taken into consideration and tolerated a bit more.

Not everyone is attempting to make themselves appear to be your "betters". Some people just cannot help it.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
He wants to have his cake and eat it. If I have a cake, I would assume I would want to eat it.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
At the end of the day....
I have one colleague who says this all the time.
One day, I challenged him on it. I asked him if his answer would be different in the morning or at lunch time. He had no idea what I was talking about until I explained it to him.
It was actually quite funny.
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