Saw this on CL: Ladies Please Read


Jan 19, 2004
Why can't people just enoy this hobby instead of using it as a way to act out against women. :(
unfortunately because some people have some serious personal/emotional issues and the only way they know how to handle it is to take it out on someone they percieve as weaker and vulnerable. fortunately (in this case) the lady was able to defend herself and beat the crap out the loser.

i hate hearing about stuff like this but i am glad it didn't have a worse outcome.


Riding into the sunset...
Sep 4, 2003
Where the law is not...
The CL post re this scum deserves to be reproduced b4 it is taken down...

BAD CLIENT!!! BAD CLIENT!!! PLEASE READ LADIES!!!! - w4m - 23 (downtown)
Date: 2009-11-04, 3:17AM EST
Reply To This Post

Tonight, my friend who is a provider here in Toronto has been attacked by a client. She is well and a bit shaken but mostly confused as of why a person would do something like this to a sweet girl, even going so far as blaming herself. She stated that the man had a heavy french/indian accent and talked entirely too much about what he wanted every time he called.

She met him at his outcall location, everything had checked out and went smoothly. She said he opened the door and pulled her in causing purple bruises on her arm, slapped her punched her and pushed her on the bed. But he didn't know she is taking up kickboxing so she gathered herself and beat the crap out of him and ran out.

The man disappeared from the hotel before authorities arrived, possibly taking the stairs. She has bruises all over her arm face and sides, nothing was broken but she informed me that she did alot worst to him having nearly broken his jaw, nose and a possibly broken rib from fighting him back.

He may attempt this again so please be careful ladies she gave me his info to post on here but I'm not sure where else to put it.
Please be safe when going to outcalls ladies, there are still crazy people out there who may want to hurt you, carry mace if you have to, just to make sure that you won't get hurt like her.

His numbers are 514-572-XXXX or 438-777-XXXX (numbers editted)
He has a strong French accent the name given was (initials left - full name removed) T.G. He may be on his way back to Quebec.

She doesn't remember what he looks like it was all a blur for her. If you could post this up anywhere you can to inform girls about this man and give information please do so.
Lets keep Toronto safe.

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Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
What's fair is fair

I think the incident as written is a very scary (and disgusting) situation, that if true, should be plastered everywhere.

However, I don't think it's fair to post a person's name and number based on a secondhand account in an anonymous Craigslist posting. It is not attributable to any SP or person.

I'd like to suggest that we remove the full name and numbers until we get more info or some sort of verification, please. I'm 100% for escort safety and sex workers' rights, but for all we know this could be a prank or revenge post by just about anyone.

Just a sober thought.

Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
suspicious story.

He took off, used the stairs. No one can find him.

Ummmm. What about the cops checking who rented the room.

Sounds like someone getting someone back for not paying her the agreed amount.

lol at the girl 'hulking up' and kicking the guys ass. Nice touch.

Anyways, everyones entitled to an opinion and mine is this story has too many huge holes.


Sexy Beast Extraordinaire
Sep 30, 2008

suspicious story.
Anyways, everyones entitled to an opinion and mine is this story has too many huge holes.
True, it was shocking at first then as I thought about it and contacted the person who posted it, things just sounded odd and didn't connect. They wouldn't even tell me the name of the provider who got attacked.

So I'm like, possible revenge, and wouldn't she have told this 'friend' posting this story on CL other places to post it? If at all it is true? If you're pissed at someone or taking revenge on a client you should really just take it as a loss and keep it moving. I was initially shocked at first, but later I was thinking wtf?


Riding into the sunset...
Sep 4, 2003
Where the law is not...
I have editted the post and removed the direct identifying information - I can't do much about CL - at least the info is here for SPs to look at.

I will confirm 100% that I know an SP who was contacted by this individual yesterday. The M.O. is the same - very explicit on the phone, same phone numbers and same name. She almost went to see him but plans fell through at the last moment after midnight last night.

So IF this story is not B.S. I am glad she is safe and did not make the same mistake as the other woman. Too close for comfort.

Be safe ladies.



Oct 23, 2005

First off anyone that abuses women in any circumstance deserves castration.

That being said....

It does seem like a bit of a holey story.

If she had the guts to report him to the cops the ph#'s will lead to his identity and the cops will investigate.

Why would a hobbiest use his REAL first and last name when booking... its a little dumb (maybe if the story is real he IS really dumb).

Just being detail oriented not ALL hotels/motels force you to show real id. some "Business" friendly places dont.

Anyways if the story is real--- its worthwhile to share.

If its a revenge scenario I do feel for the guy... imagine the vigilante justice he may face next time he tries to book.

Studio 409

New member
Oct 8, 2009
A girlfriend of mine had a similar situation about 3 weeks ago. She provided the incall location - he claimed to be staying at the same hotel. When he came to the room they spoke everything was fine... He asked to see her feet she lifted one up to show him and he grabbed it sweeping her off her feet and on to the bed. She believed things were going to go very badly so she got mad and fought back - he tried leaving the room and she fought to keep him there to call the cops ... He managed to leave and oddly enough ... he used the stairs. She said he was a small E. Indian man with glasses and a coat she described as "like a janitors" lol She said to look at him - you would never guess.
I just wish she had more details about the guy - but he called from a payphone in the hotel :(
Be safe Ladies


New member
Sep 9, 2009
The story does sound a little like revenge,but look at it logically...The LE would only do a full investigation if the sp ended up in hospital for treatment,otherwise it is he said she said thing between two people stretching the laws of the land....if that is his real name and number,maybe the "friend" should call him and tell him about the post and lets hear his side of the story....but again it all comes down to treat others the same way you expect and demand to be treated by others and enjoy yourselves,life is way too short!!!
Sorry,but that is my 2 cents worth.....


New member
Oct 13, 2005
do you people honestly believe this guy would use his real name and do you honestly believe the cops give a shit trying to protect a hooker? cops dont care they write a report because its procedure and then file it away somewhere waiting for the guy to turn into a mass murderer before doing anything about it, torontonians are so gullible these days, the police have no power in this city


Resud Er Et Siger
May 21, 2003
While phone is still publicly advertised, I checked and nobody listed for both numbers (411 reverse lookup is easy on Internet). Could be blocked numbers, which would be wise for that guy to do. Or he changed his phone numbers already.


The one and only!!!
This is bullshit!!!

I know Tony, he's one of my regulars from Old Montreal...

He's young, pays very good money, tip all the time, and is very nice...

The only thing is he is f*****g high! If you go to his hotel, he will offer you pretty much anything... Mush to coke, pot to heroin, and a lot of alcool.

You just have to say no...

I do not believe this story a single minute...:mad:

BTW, he's calling several times two or three days prior booking, looking for some dirty talks, but he pays it...

Last time, he gave me almost 500$ for an hour, instead of the 240 I was asking for...


The one and only!!!
For sure, it is Telus provider...

You have to look up at for cellphones provider, but before publishing his name, remember that it's CL, and anything is possible...

While phone is still publicly advertised, I checked and nobody listed for both numbers (411 reverse lookup is easy on Internet). Could be blocked numbers, which would be wise for that guy to do. Or he changed his phone numbers already.


Durham's Best Kept Secret
I know Tony, he's one of my regulars from Old Montreal...

He's young, pays very good money, tip all the time, and is very nice...

The only thing is he is f*****g high! If you go to his hotel, he will offer you pretty much anything... Mush to coke, pot to heroin, and a lot of alcool.

You just have to say no...

I do not believe this story a single minute...:mad:

BTW, he's calling several times two or three days prior booking, looking for some dirty talks, but he pays it...

Last time, he gave me almost 500$ for an hour, instead of the 240 I was asking for...

I am confused. Grass Hooper are you an escort?

I would still presonally keep my girls away. We don't like Party Call clients.


Riding into the sunset...
Sep 4, 2003
Where the law is not...
I know Tony, he's one of my regulars from Old Montreal...

He's young, pays very good money, tip all the time, and is very nice...

The only thing is he is f*****g high! If you go to his hotel, he will offer you pretty much anything... Mush to coke, pot to heroin, and a lot of alcool.

You just have to say no...

I do not believe this story a single minute...:mad:

BTW, he's calling several times two or three days prior booking, looking for some dirty talks, but he pays it...

Last time, he gave me almost 500$ for an hour, instead of the 240 I was asking for...
Hmmm, that info I think will also be helpful to the ladies if its true. Most women I know will have nothing to do with a client who is involved with excessive alcohol or drug use.



Meat Manager
Mar 12, 2009
Waterloo, ON
Yeah I saw her post this on another board.

I ussually don't book anyone that offers to 'pick me up'. It kinda creeps me out and bells start going off lol.

I got a copy of his number but to be honest I'd not have put myself in that situation.
Ashley Madison
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