It's a slow time of year with U.S. tourists slowing down their visits. Things will pick up again. There is still a phone number on the site and at least the site is still up. This year Rose tried to go big with her intentions for a full service incall next to the international bridge which council stopped. I wouldn't say they are gone, but maybe taking a breather.
1. For many years (actually even from the time before it was called Red Rose) and until fairly recently, I was one of Roses regular clients, and RR operated year round w/o concern for American tourist trade. That trade is not the reason for the site being down.
2. I don't find the site is "up" as you claim - all I see is a disclaimer that the site is "Under Construction" and there is no listing or pictures of the girls.
The banner at the top with the phone number was probably a stock banner that was used to provide an identity for those who clicked on the old link.
Doesn't make any sense to call a phone number for a non-existent site that is puportedly "Under Construction" does it?