Allegra Escorts Collective



New member
Jan 31, 2003
Did anyone watch Mel on CNN last night ? How did it go?
I only read about it this morning.


New member
Apr 23, 2003
CNN-Mel -Yes

Poor old Mel. He's so bloody emotional! He can't get his facts straight. Aaron Brown asked him specific questions and Mel just did his bit of excitable ramblings (as usual) but did not address the questions re SARS cases in terms re "numbers", I was a bit embarrassed to be honest. He just whined too much! But he has done some good promotion for Toronto in the past. He just gets too damn excited though. Reminds me of me wife! heheh


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Well, o well.... thanks for the info.
The usual "Mel" performance, I suppose then. But the ' number ' thing, which was also mentioned on some news site today, was a bit embarrassing for sure IMO. Doing his Mel thing locally is one thing, but when on a different , more global stage, man, presence must also be substantiated by solid substance at all times.Hope it wasn't his medication.
Kudos to Mel and all our medical officers doing their best to respond to WHO's decision though.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Re: SARS perspective from US side

Tonto said:
... I am not commenting on whether human behaviour is rational or not just telling you the perspective from this side of the border. ..
Yup, point taken.
Fear , on either side of the border, is not easy to tame, even when proper info is provided or made available. Let's hope the world can ride this one out real soon.
As for myself and most people I know , life goes on as usual .


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
I shall not fear, fear is the mindkiller. fear is the total obliteration of self. I shall face my fear, and like the reed I shall bend and let it pass over and around me. when the fear is gone, only I shall remain.

-F. Herbert.


New member
Jan 1, 2003
Re: CNN-Mel -Yes

breaker7 said:
Poor old Mel. He's so bloody emotional! He can't get his facts straight.
He is clueless. I remember during 9-11, Mel told us that there was absolutely no danger whatsoever to Torontonians. Guess he got the e-mail from Osama bin Laden! He thinks we will feel safe, because we heard it straight from Uncle Mel. What a condescending moron.

And now he sounds like a whining old lady.

I think with SARS the biggest thing is simply that's it's new, and nobody can say for sure how fast it might spread so there is an element of fear in that. Nobody knows for sure how big this might get (even though I think they said today it may be under control?).

If somebody came to Toronto and brought the disease back to another country, then it spread from there and was traceable back to Toronto, the WHO or whoever mandates these travel alerts would take a lot of heat, maybe there would be firings, lawsuits etc. They are not going to wait until there is an epidemic to issue such alerts in this day and age.

How many of us would go to China right now (ok I would, lot of hot asian chicks there! Shenzhen...hehe...)? On a per-capita basis, the SARS rate might even be lower in China but the perception is that China is more dangerous than Canada.


New member
Apr 20, 2003
Berlin said:
Doing his Mel thing locally is one thing, but when on a different , more global stage, man, presence must also be substantiated by solid substance at all times.Hope it wasn't his medication.
Absolutely...doing his Mel thing locally is one thing but -you're right re him being on the global stage, one would think he'd have a coach or someone to guide him on how to behave and speak appropriately! I liked Mel's enthusiasm for a few years, but maybe his meds have gotten the best of him -he's got Hep C right? Seems he can never answer a specific question!!! Poor guy.
Question for providers.

Is busines down drastically?

I agree will all the posts that there is very low risk in Toronto and in fact I am doing another research trip in a few weeks and will be there for 10 days.

I am getting tons of E-mail about SAR's from site. I am going to do an article shortly and am also on other sexworker boards where its being discussed.

What I have not seen yet is if business at strip clubs, massage parlors and escorts is drastically down or not. It its still down in a few weeks at least it will be easier for me to get an appointment!
Jan 7, 2003
Yes. Incredibly so, though not many would be that quick to admit it, I'm sure. There's a lot of cross-over in the adult biz and whenever there's a down turn in the SP realm, the number of shoot inquiries rises exponentially. Some of the girls seem as though they're in quite a spot due to the loss of business. Much as I try to help though, there's only so much I can do.

Please do your bit to lend a helping hand to these girls by booking some time (agencies and indies alike)! They're fine. No one's called me hackin' and weezin' into the receiver. It appears that the paranoia has indeed taken root from the looks of things. Where a girl would normally do 3 to 4 appointments on any given day, it has now fallen to 1, if she's lucky. Weekends don't seem to be much better. If this were the case with the odd agency or indie, I would simply chock it up as an anomally. But it's right across the board, man. Anyone who tells you that they're doing fine is lying through their teeth. The only thing that's holding a lot of these people up are their repeat clients.

Down turns are good for my business. I personally have seen a decent rise in membership sign-up's and of those who are already members, the frequency of visits has risen dramatically as well. Coincidence? Perhaps. I don't know enough webmasters in Ontario to be able to do an effective cross-reference to verify this as fact.

So, for those of you who have been having trouble trying to book all those wonderful, popular ladies, now is the time to do it! The line-up's are short, indeed! ;)


Oct 30, 2002
maybe it is good to have a little fear as long as your not overwhelmed.Get the facts make wise and practical decisions.I personally wouldnt do things that could jeopardize your health,if at all possible.Be realistic and sensible and prayer would help too. Thanks,Rich
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