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New member
Jan 19, 2002
Does anybody worry about being infected by SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in MP? Specially the Chinese MP.
Feb 24, 2002
in a bed
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
Why especially the chinese mp's??
You know why, T-top. Because every chinese MPA is straight off the boat from China or Hong Kong. And every chinese MPA goes to their homeland every night. And since SARS is spreading there like wildfire any MPA here going back and forth from the Orient to the GTA will likely be infected. That's how SARS has spread in the GTA in the first place, through chinese MPs. :)

To prevent infection I always wear my special-tailored bodyglove wetsuit every time I hit a Chinese MP.


New member
Jan 19, 2002
SARS is described as a mysterious form of severe pneumonia and so far it has infected almost 500 people and 17 have died. The worst is this virus can be transmitting through the air. The first case was found in Sourheast Asia and 3 people have died in Toronto.


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
I'm not normally the paranoid type but I think common sense should tell you that going to an Asian MP could involve some risk. Look at the facts:

- SARS originated in Asia
- Toronto (I believe) has the most cases of any "Western" city and SARS it is concentrated in the Asian community
- The disease is spread through "close contact".
- Most Asian MPs seem to specialize in servicing the Asian community meaning the MPAs who work in these parlours have a higher than normal chance of contracting the disease

The whole point of going to a MP is to get some "close contact" so I think I will pass for the time being.

Edit: I was going to respond to a similar thread by Oil Please. Is he still with us?
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pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Latecomer : ...Oil Please. Is he still with us?
Was he ever ?

I just came back from a non Asian MP, in the strict sense of the term and seeing an Asian girl. In all the times I've been there, I'd say I've seen just as many Asian clientèle "coming" and going, as I have Caucasian. The majority of girls that work there are non Asian.

Since I quit drugs, I just don't do the paranoia thing too well ...

We're our own worst terrorists ...

Squatting Tiger summed it up well ...
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Feb 24, 2002
in a bed
Yes, SARS is most likely transmitted through the air, but that is misleading. From what I hear you need an infected person to cough or sneeze right in your face to have a chance to get infected. So unless your MPA has a bad habit of sneezing or coughing at you, you have the same likelyhood of being infected with an MP than when you are talking to someone in Chinatown or if you walk down little Italy. It's just our paranoid nature that makes us feel that we're the next victim.

Besides most people seem to recover from SARS. And remember that there are billions of people who live in southeast asia, and if the numbers are right, the reported cases don't seem to be a lot. Does anyone remember how people developed a phobia of birds when West Nile was the big thing. And before that, I knew folks who were scared of opening their mail because they might be opening an envelope of anthrax.

But if you want to feel safer, stay away from MPs. Shorter lines for me.
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Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
Squatting Tiger said:
Yes, SARS is most likely transmitted through the air, but that is misleading. From what I hear you need an infected person to cough or sneeze right in your face to have a chance to get infected.
Point taken but what about kissing? Maybe, I overstated my case but I still think that some risk remains. A lot of the less reputable MPs use illegal immigrants who may not be getting the medical attention they require. The risk is probably low but why take an unnecessary risk when other options are available?
Feb 24, 2002
in a bed
LateComer said:
what about kissing?
Well, this has nothing to do with SARS but with hygiene and personal health when hobbying. Be careful with who you kiss, what you kiss and with what you put into where. Just imagine to yourself what she's been doing prior to serving you. If you are into DFK and DATY, then SARS is not the only thing you should worry about. As always, just be careful and street smart.
Guys, I am Asian and I am fucking freaked at what's going on there.

My mom is going to Hong Kong in april and I am trying to convince her not to go. Even if I do see an MP, I am not going to take the chances. I'd rather be safe and see a non-Asian MP.

When I was at Pacific Mall today I heard someone caught. And guess what? Everyone was staring at this person ..... it was fucking funny ..... I had to laugh at all the spectator's facial expressions when they heard somebody caugh.

Honestly, although I am Asian, I am currently avoiding Asian places. I was at Pacific Mall only because my mom wanted to go.

Until everything gets fixed ... I am staying home.


New member
Jul 14, 2002
submissivedave said:
Honestly, although I am Asian, I am currently avoiding Asian places. I was at Pacific Mall only because my mom wanted to go.

Until everything gets fixed ... I am staying home.
But wouldn't it make sense that if you are avoiding Asians...and you are Asian, that they would want to avoid you as well??? They and other Parlours may think the same about you? Would that make all Asian doctors off limits? All Asian food preparers? etc.?

We do seem to grab hold of a premise that if something originates in a particular part of the world, that somehow if we avoid those characteristics...we are safe?? There is no safety net. Non-Asians have, do and will travel to Asia all the time. They come back and yes, may carry this with them. Who knows? I'm just mystified at how avoiding certain MPAs cuts down the risk when anyone who's come in contact with anyone of various colours or nationalities whose visited Asia recently is suspect. And now that it's spread to the US, Canada and other countries...can you now suspect anyone from these other countries?

Hmmm, I say life goes on...and when it doesn't. Can't worry about what there is no control over...and there is no way to control, or even minimize this.

Tito Santana

El Matador
Okay last week LE strikes and now people fear going to MPs this week because of SARS .... WTF!?!$!

Can't wait to see what happens next week .... Toronto MPs will be targets for American bombing??!!

P.S. Brock Lesner is the Next Big thing

Tito "Latinomania still running wild" Santana


Jan 6, 2002
Look at the bright side: if everybody's getting scared to go to Asian MPs in the next couple of weeks, then it's gonna be real easy to finally see these MPAs that seem to be booked every time you're trying to see eh
spartan5782 said:
But wouldn't it make sense that if you are avoiding Asians...and you are Asian, that they would want to avoid you as well??? They and other Parlours may think the same about you? Would that make all Asian doctors off limits? All Asian food preparers? etc.?

We do seem to grab hold of a premise that if something originates in a particular part of the world, that somehow if we avoid those characteristics...we are safe?? There is no safety net. Non-Asians have, do and will travel to Asia all the time. They come back and yes, may carry this with them. Who knows? I'm just mystified at how avoiding certain MPAs cuts down the risk when anyone who's come in contact with anyone of various colours or nationalities whose visited Asia recently is suspect. And now that it's spread to the US, Canada and other countries...can you now suspect anyone from these other countries?

Hmmm, I say life goes on...and when it doesn't. Can't worry about what there is no control over...and there is no way to control, or even minimize this.

You've raised some really good points. Nonetheless this thing is big ass serious. Even the WHO is involved. I have not seen much in life. But, this is the worst thing I've heard of in terms of viruses and shit in my 20 or so years of my life.

No one wants to be infected by this thing. I mean if I die a noble death ... I would be more then happy to die. But dying because of a spread of virus from a stranger? Or catching the virus because I went to an MPA?

I don't know how Magic Johnson got his AIDS virus, but when it was a hot topic back then, he said he got it from a dentist or something. Think about how he feels. Nonetheless, he does look like a very healthy and happy man, just enjoying life as it is.

We Asians in both Asia and North America have been very concerned. We tell our relatives and friends not to go out and stuff. I mean generally speaking Asians, because of their culture/philosophy/whatever are not afraid of themselves dying. What they are concerned about is spreading it to the rest of the family and dragging the whole family to the grave ...

Thank you once again

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New member
Jul 14, 2002
I totally agree on the severity of the virus...hell, it can cause death. And I'm not saying I want to die either. My points were directed more towards the avoidance of Asian MPAs and to what extent we can carry this "fear".

You're standing in line at CIBC and an Asian teller whose handling money is bypassed for a non-Asian who has just caughed three times covering with their hand and continues to count money. But, they are non-Asian, so must be safe, even though they or a family member may have just come back from Asia? Thousands of examples (I won't go of service industry having direct and indirect contact by which this "may" be spread, not just MPs..we don't know. But what colour or characteristics a particular person may have certainly is not the determining factor.

You mention Magic Johnson being HIV positive, with the same logic, should all Blacks be avoided? No, because it knows no boundries just as any virus. And with the world wide movement of people today, there's no such thing as "containment". Just early detection and cure is the only hope. But "avoiding" a virus is sort of like dodging a bullet, you're just plain lucky or in the Matrix.

I do wish you well and if staying indoors with the covers over your head makes you feel safer...go for it. Just don't freak out when you order Pizza Pizza and an Asian delivers gotta eat!!


Active member
As an update to SARS - the diease control centre in Hong Kong has found the strain that causes SARS. They've confirmed it with the CDC in the US. They will now be able to treat the disease within 8 hours.


Master of Sinanju
Nov 22, 2001
wooly110 said:
As an update to SARS - the diease control centre in Hong Kong has found the strain that causes SARS. They've confirmed it with the CDC in the US. They will now be able to treat the disease within 8 hours.

wooly you have misspoken a bit here. They have idenfified the virus and will soon have a TEST that tells you if you have SARS within 8 hours. So far most of the treatments for the disease do nothing. Though if you catch it early your chances are better.

Also, the WHO has confirmed that the November outbreak in South China is related. That brings the number of infected world wide to 1325 and dead to 53. Fatality rate of 1/25.

The infected include 7 Chinese tourists who got it by being on the same plane as an infected man travelling from Hong Kong to Beijing.

In TO now you all have free 10 days off of work if you want it. Read the papers. Call your employer say you have a fever and have visited Grace Hospital since March 16. Instant 10 day quarantine.

And now that this is a health emergency the province can lock you up against your will for quarantine.

Furthermore the Canadian government has told people they should put off travel to Hong Kong and Singapore till further notice. Though its not mandatory yet just a recommendation.
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Captain Biggles

New member
Aug 17, 2001
Look, it's no longer confined to the asian community in Toronto. The original case(s) were returning travellers, but now the vast majority of the confirmed and suspected SARS cases are in the health care community.

I for one am declaring a moratorium on hobbying for the next couple of weeks.


Senor Monkey
Jun 12, 2002
The lunatic fringe
The only thing to fear is fear itself.

wooly110 said:
As an update to SARS - the diease control centre in Hong Kong has found the strain that causes SARS. They've confirmed it with the CDC in the US. They will now be able to treat the disease within 8 hours.
These facts are like the ones others throw around in the lounge. Please see and

"Is there a test for SARS?
Although coronavirus has not been proven to be the cause of SARS, CDC and its partners are working to develop a new test to look for evidence of coronavirus infection in patients with SARS."

"Q : What is the treatment for SARS ?
A : While some medicines have been tried, no drug can, at this time, be recommended for prophylaxis or treatment. Antibiotics do not appear to be effective. Symptoms should be treated by adequately protected health professionals. As a result of good supportive care, some patients in Hanoi have been transferred from critical care wards to regular wards."

pool said:

Since I quit drugs, I just don't do the paranoia thing too well ...

We're our own worst terrorists ...

I thought that you once said that you never took drugs. Or was that that you have not taken any for 10 years? That is after I said that you looked the part at a party. :p

But you are right there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Either I get SARS or I do not. If I do not, well then no problem.

If I get SARS either I get well or I die. If I get well, no problem.

If I die ... well that sucks ...

but how many people are there in Guangdong Province? How many got sick? How many died?

How many people are there in Ontario? How many contracted west Nile virus? How many died from it?

Sure there is a reason to take it all seriously and to be careful, but let’s not exaggerate.

Every time you step in your car statistically you are at risk of dieing in a car crash. Do you think about it? Are you frequently panicked by the possibility? So far statistically that is the most likely way that you will die before you die of age related illnesses.

Primitive Monkey logic.

Oh yeah and what if someone sneezes near you at the supermarket? Will you stop going out all together? Or will you start wearing a mask?
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MPA Cultural Advisor
Nov 13, 2001
Is it not time to move this conversation to the Lounge??



Feb 12, 2002
If you're worried, then I'll say avoid Asian places in particular until this thing clears up (which maybe a while) otherwise, hobby on as usual. I'm more likely to get it personally since I already work at a hospital...
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