Was up the belleville way and saw an ad on belleville backpage for a killer mouth and a massage .. located near the Burger king on North front .. showed up and she gave me the room number .. she is from Montreal and works at a massage palour there .. 140 for a half and you get 15 minutes massage and then the killer mouth or you pay 180 for the hour and get a long massage then the killer mouth .. I took the 180 option .. wicked massage no doubt .. Then came what I would call 100% PLUS killer mouth ... I have a bad weakness for a girl that knows her head game .. but this girl can do it well .. she likes too give head .. (her words LOL ) she wins .... Anyway here is the good part .. I ask her for a second go and she SAYS YES .. for 40 more she will do head again .. she had too work a bit too get it up and working again but this is fine with her .. on with the cover and she starts too work .. mind blowing oral but I feel I am not going too do it again ..She is determined she is going too win .. I told her too stop because she had given more than any required effort .. she says no :::; she wants too make me go again .. Finally I told her no and it was not fair too her ... I would recommend this girl in a heart beat .. wicked ass too .. I told her I could only imagine what that ass looked like in a pair of yoga pants .. she said NICE
)))) but the bad time of the month .. so i can not say much about that area ... But then she tells me if the time was right she LOVES too ride .. like what the f11k .. This is her first time here in Belleville .. she says she is coming back .. I hope she does .. No rush .. and most girls would have gave up on the second shot a LOOOONG time before she did .. the best extra 40 bucks i have ever spent