Allegra Escorts Collective

Sad Story todays Sun - Jamie Lynn


Jul 2, 2010
A sad story indeed. The thing is, the psychological damage was done at an early age. So people question why she made these choices without looking at then onsets - was initially raped 12 years before and according to the story, was abused in some way or another through most of her life (she is only 21).

I think it is easy for someone who has not experienced this type of trauma to say " why doesn't she just go work at Timmy's" without having any understanding of the problems she is going through and is faced with at such a young age. Funny, people are like sheep and follow paths that are familiar with and feel "comfortable" or akin to. I think that in no way should this be a reflection of how the industry is run but rather a imaage of thise desperate with no knowledge of where to turn.

I am not sure how a young, very young woman can just go and work among people who have not been through even half of what she has been through and relate to them.

The fact that she cuts herself show obvious psychological problems.

Super, where does it say that she- herself, made 2000 per week??
You said it right jaygood.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Making the status of prostitution quasi-illegal is the issue. If it did not have to exist on the fringes, there would be much fewer problems.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
In your happy place
Having worked answering phones at an escort agency and then a massage parlour as second jobs I can tell you that these women (and some men) are exploited. Most MPs the girls make 5 to 10 bucks off the 70 dollars for your reverse is going to the if you go in and ask for a basic...she makes 5 bucks...tip her.
As for escorts...they make half...the driver gets some...the house gets some...and the gal just spent an hour with someone she might not have wanted to be with for 120 or so....
I can remember I worked briefly a few years ago for an agency and some guy tried to greek me and when I stopped the session he shortchanged me as he claimed he had to go to a bank machine after the call...
I got on the phone with the booker and this guy did it right in front of the what is he there for? I thought he was my security? Hello?

And the at the MP I got jumped by the "security guard"....totally brutal...

I like indy...Ill take my chances and decide for myself who I see and don't see.



Apr 24, 2005
I got on the phone with the booker and this guy did it right in front of the what is he there for? I thought he was my security?
There is a disconnect here. Why do the guys on the Board feel that the agency always take the side of the ladies whenever a client complains? Also, many clients (maybe the vast majority) don't even bother to complain because they feel the agency will always support their ladies, right or wrong. Same with SC managers and owners.
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