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Sacha on CL


New member
Apr 15, 2007
Well, I haven't seen her as I dont get to Ottawa much any more, but I have had many pms with her and I can attest to the fact that she is a very bright lady. I think it would be interesting to meet her.
Jul 28, 2006
I haven't seen her either but that post from aimstoplease is an awfully odd 1st post on his first day online her at TERB. I don't doubt that she maybe bright, but and witty but aimstoplease isn't doing her any favors with his inaugural post, many established and proven members all have the same unsolicited comments. Aimstoplease's deffence would hold more clout if it wasn't his first post. I'm glad he may have had fun, if fun was had at all, but my money is with the dudes I know and trust.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
She is in mid to late 30's btw...
Um, I'd add a decade there, both given her looks and knowledge of certain topics. I believe we discussed some computer things and she seemed to know/experience things that would put her older than my 45 years. And I haven't been back because I also found her bossy. She suggested I do certain things that I just found rude, but she didn't say it in a rude way. Body is a bit above average, massage was given and somewhat demanded in return. I chose her because her face in her ad looked okay to me and I generally prefer older women these days. But I really doubt the "mid to late 30s" claim.

P. Sherman

Aug 14, 2008
I'd agree with Gntlmn. I saw her about 3-4 months ago. That one pic she has on the other board really intrigued me so I took a chance. I'd say mid to late 40's. The apartment was in a bad area of town. I can understand that if the SP is using another location for hosting guests, but the inside was a complete dump. She was more focused on my getting her off than the other way around. After 30 minutes I gave up, told her that I wasn't interested, got dressed and left. Will never repeat. There are too many other great ladies here in Ottawa to see.
Jul 28, 2006
1972 makes her 40 by my count, if she's been smoking even half that time then she could easily look 10 years older, and while yes I've been quoted for saying good people live in bad areas, that does not mean that their home inside should be a dump. I know some pretty well to do folks who live in giant homes that are messier than some of the subsidized housing I've seen.

Seeing an escort, a true escort isn't just about the wam bam thank you mam, it's about the whole experience and if you're paying for full escort rates then you are entitled to have a good experience and that includes not having to trapse thought a smokey dump of a living room with garbage and clothes thrown about all over the floor with holes in the wall etc.... There are too many well established posters here that would not recomend her to make me believe that aimstoplease is a shill.

CH I'm glad you enjoyed her, although she does not fit your usual profile, variety is nice, I guess you got her on a good day.


New member
May 9, 2010
I am sooo glad to read this. Almost a year ago I read CERB and drove 1hr each way to have the worst experience of my 40+ times hobby career. She has a spectacular body and an attitude that is almost hard to believe. I have just joined TERB and now see its full value. Thank you


New member
Nov 7, 2008
The positive review makes me chuckle. Recently, Sacha post on the other Board asking how to get more business and whether to post more revealing photos.
I responded that what SPs need is to get better reviews on this Board (terb) Sacha pm'd me asking what this Board was. I sent her a link to this review. The next day Aimtoplease posts.
So instead of doing what the vast majority suggested (post more pics) she chooses to shill herself here. Ironically if she posted half-way decent photos I'm sure she would of gotten more business because with no photos of her body at all many guys view it as unknown and stay away in droves. Oh, sorry, she posted a picture of her feet. Guess that might of pulled in a couple of the foot fetish set.


New member
May 15, 2012
I'm glad I saw this thread as well. I was in touch with "Sacha" on and she told me she didn't smoke but that there "may" be some lingering smoke smell at her incall location. I decided to take a pass on her as I have an allergy to smoke and an even worse one to SPs who smoke and lie about it.


New member
May 15, 2012
so all in all this is about Sacha the german one...
From what I can gather, yes. There's a couple of ladies with similar names: "Sacha" and "Sasha" with the former being the subject and the latter being mentioned by CK. "Sacha" is the German one you refer to DB.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
I just got this on my user profile vistors page... I've never seen her, and I'm going to guess it's the same crackhead you guys are talking about... wtf.

"sacha - 05-20-2012 08:55 PM View Conversation
Fuck you! I am smart, pretty and I love to have fun. If it didn't work between was because of you!


New member
Aug 9, 2010
You people are truly horrible.
Saw her a while back. Would not repeat. Was a waste of my time and $. I won't go into details but one of the turn offs is that she was selfish. SPs are supposed to provide service to their clients, not the other way around. The reviews on the "rose colored glasses" site don't give the full picture so I'm posting this for some balance.

Here most recent ad on CL is this


New member
Aug 9, 2010
And by the way. I have a new picture on the site where old, fat men, who can't get it up, don't have the opportunity to bitch and complain and then blame their lack of prowess on the one they are with. Mr Mclean. Lol.
Saw her a while back. Would not repeat. Was a waste of my time and $. I won't go into details but one of the turn offs is that she was selfish. SPs are supposed to provide service to their clients, not the other way around. The reviews on the "rose colored glasses" site don't give the full picture so I'm posting this for some balance.

Here most recent ad on CL is this


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
some more love via PM this time.. wtf? gonna get banned lol

You can post this one too....
Get a life. And stop trying to destroy mine!


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
if this is the cerb "Sacha" she's actually pretty decent looking. should have more pics up. Don't know why she's getting all crazy msg'ing me tho... i never saw her or gave a bad review. go pick on someone else lol.
Jul 28, 2006
Yeah I got a simillar PM stating "HOW DARE you, you don't even know me...." yeah how dare I have an opinion about messy smelly incalls, how dare I have an opinion about SHILLS, how dare I make a comment about the effects of smoking....

The fact is I get a lot of feed back about her , not just from users of this board, but 3rd party info is just that, oddly enough the information is all very much the same, messy locale, smokey and she is bossy and focused on her pleasure, so all these guys are wrong ? Yeah don't think so. I told her she should focus on the comments and try and change based on the feedback, I doubt she will.

And her online presence here is going to do her great business, with comments like that about old fat men and shilling ..... Sacha, you blew it!
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