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Russian war crimes against Ukrainian civilians


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
The left overs of them are underground and are abandoned by Kiev. Some speak English.
that’s what Ukraine is great for—rumours. Don’t worry was watching the Russian military show today where they discussed how many other methods to get them outta there.

However i Must say I wouldn’t mind them poisoned with chemicals there.
Your words speak for themselves.

There is nothing anyone could add that could further clarify the type of person you are.

But thank you for waking me up out of my peaceful existence in this beautiful, free country my family found when they had to flee the brutal savagery of Russian soldiers who inflicted mass murder under Stalin. Fellow Russians killed fellow Russians... all in pursuit of the fantasy of a mighty Russia under Stalin.

You, nottyboi and others are lucky enough to enjoy a live replay of the same inhumane slaughter of your fellow humans. But mark my words, for generations your fellow Russians in Russia will live an even more horrible life as a result of this war. Russia will fail yet again. And Russians abroad will suffer prejudice
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Active member
Dec 7, 2005
You are supporting using chemical weapons on allies of Canada?
They are paid professionals who went there to kill Russian soldiers. That’s after azov pounded civilians for 8 years.And they are not even Canadian allies. The English speaking Azovs have warrants for verry serious offences like murder and weapons smuggling in the states and are escaping the prosecution.Yes I support it.
Besides i understand all those reactions .. oh ah.. chemical weapons…are for the
Lick of understanding of it. they are not necessarily lethal. They give you poisoning and in this case it would be used to smoke them out from underground. There is truly not that many of them left there. Kiev pretty much abandoned them to die. Nobody picks up the phone in them.
Chances of surviving an attack like that would be much higher than
Other options Russia was considering.. like special bombs that go deep enough.
and yes I prefer they smoke them out to Russians going down to lose their lives. That would be a horrible mistake
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Active member
Dec 7, 2005
Your words speak for themselves.

There is nothing anyone could add that could further clarify the type of person you are.

But thank you for waking me up out of my peaceful existence in this beautiful, free country. You remind me that there are so many evil minds that walk amongst us in this beautiful country. We only see the evil when people can post anonymously or they run down innocent women on Yonge Street in a rented van.
You dont know me as a person and never will. And you don’t need any words to judge me. You mind is already Made up when you hear “Russian” because that’s the way you personally were brought up.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
They are paid professionals who went there to kill Russian soldiers. ...
As opposed to the Russian fighters who were 'volunteering' to fight for these republics? Of course Russian media is still trying to portray every Ukrainian as a Nazi.

p.s. When most people speak of chemical weapons, it's not tear gas they are referencing.


Active member
Dec 7, 2005
As opposed to the Russian fighters who were 'volunteering' to fight for these republics? Of course Russian media is still trying to portray every Ukrainian as a Nazi.

p.s. When most people speak of chemical weapons, it's not tear gas they are referencing.
Here we are speaking of Azov exclusively.
and yes most people think of the lethal stuff and it’s already translated how Russians dumped it all over Mariopul civilians.. which is a pile of crap Mariopul is packed with Russian forces and they didn’t dump lethal chemicals all
Over themselves. But I did hear the discussion how to get what’s left of azov which is now very localized in the underground tunnels because they have no Place to go. And the discussion was about the non lethal gasses. Very lethal bombs etc


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
You dont know me as a person and never will. And you don’t need any words to judge me. You mind is already Made up when you hear “Russian” because that’s the way you personally were brought up.
Absolutely to the contrary.

I know enough about you from your own words.

I love all humans. Of all colours, ancestry, religious beliefs. That is how my father who was himself a victim of Soviet "liberation". He never once said he hated Russians. He did say that he felt despair for all those who were unable to escape the Soviet Union. Including and especially Russian citizens. Even soldiers who were forced to fight as were his brothers. Yes, my father's brothers were unwillingly forced to fight and each gave their lives for both the Russian and German armies in the last days of the.second world war.

I challenge you to find a single post on TERB where I have expressed any hatred of any race etc. I challenge you to find any post where i have celebrated or expressed happiness or anything when Russian soldiers are themselves killed. I genuinely feel sorrow whenever anyone is killed. I would love for them to be captured, tired and imprisoned if they are found guilty. Same with Putin. I would love for him to be captured, tried and imprisoned if found guilty.

My step-father was a German whose father (I suspect) may very well have been a Nazi soldier. My jewish friends and extended family members loved him despite the theoritical possibility that his father may have sent their grand parents to the gas chambers. Because he shared the same visceral hatred of the actions and thinking of his own German countrymen. He even felt guilt for being a German despite the fact that he was only a little boy when the Germans were carrying out such atrocities and still knew it was wrong when his own Hitler loving society was trying to indoctrinate him. And, he welcomed the bombing of his own city by the Americans and British so that he could possibly live in peace once his own horrific government was defeated after STARTING the very war the HE suffered for. His fondest memory was when his city was liberated, that American soldiers gave him chocolate out of their own rations.

The question of nature vs nurture comes up. He was only 9 or 10 during this time yet his soul knew right from wrong and evil. You are a grown woman, living a free country and you hope fellow humans get exterminated by poison gas for some nationalistic loyalty. And your intelligence is such that you believe the propaganda of of a government who defines themselves by the strong arm of the strict obedience to forced belief in contrived, manipulative propaganda.

While prejudices and stereotypes have not been created out of thin air, I suspend prejudice judge individuals on the basis of their individual actions and words.

My greatest wealth is my diverse network of friends, associates and my extended multi-cultural family. My dearest ex-girlfriend is Russian. My best neighbours have been Russian. And so on.

What I will note is that the ONE common characteristic of every Russian friend that I have is their visceral hatred of the Soviet era and that type of thinking.

I even support the ability of Russians in the Baltic states to become naturalized citizens of the countries their fathers and grandfathers invaded and slaughtered the native citizens in pursuit of the genocidal "Russification" policy of that evil Stalin empire. None of them had a single cell of their being that did not viscerally hate the way of thinking that you excuse, justify and support.

But you. You excuse and support Putin sending young conscripts to their death. You blame common people for taking up a small rifle to defend their very own life for having a stupid coward in a tank pulling the trigger to launch 100 lbs of high explosives to blow their bodies to pieces. For Russian soldiers to rape women. You go so far as to say with certainty that the Ukrainian people are so wily and astute to blow up their own homes, kill their own people to stage this to put blame on Russian soldiers? Are you that deep in the crazy propaganda hole that you really believe that? Do you think that the Ukrainians will kill their own people to discredit Russia? Like you, the Russians do not need any help in being discredited. Your and their actions are more than enough.

And you twice took the time to write down your dream of people being exterminated with poison gas?

So, I will let my words speak for my humanity and intelligence. And I will let your words speak for yours.

However i Must say I wouldn’t mind them poisoned with chemicals there.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Here we are speaking of Azov exclusively.
and yes most people think of the lethal stuff and it’s already translated how Russians dumped it all over Mariopul civilians.. which is a pile of crap Mariopul is packed with Russian forces and they didn’t dump lethal chemicals all
Over themselves. But I did hear the discussion how to get what’s left of azov which is now very localized in the underground tunnels because they have no Place to go. And the discussion was about the non lethal gasses. Very lethal bombs etc

how the fuck do you KNOW what the fuck is going on there?

Your only source of information is from a country and society that has been force fed propaganda. You beleive it because you feel a sense of nationalism.

You dismiss raw information and THE REST OF THE FREE WORLD that is absolutely contrary to the Russian propaganda that is itself self-contradictory.

I have never said this before, but if you believe in this so deeply, and you like the Russian way of life... why don't YOU get on a plane like so many ex-pat Ukrainians and others from the FREE world and go to Russia to do whatever you can to help with the cause?

If they won't let you load chemical bombs, you could at least practice your (honourable) trade and service the brave Russian warriors.

One blowjob might refresh that one Russian General so he can maybe prove that the Russian army is not the incompetent, cowardly buffoons they have shown themselves to be. Think about it, YOU might be go down;) in history restoring the former glory of the Great Mother Russia!


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
If they won't let you load chemical bombs, you could at least practice your (honourable) trade and service the brave Russian warriors.
I don’t think she can serve Russian warriors. First of all her account is from 2005, so she would be considered an old woman in Russia. Second, Russian warriors prefer rape anyway.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I don’t think she can serve Russian warriors. First of all her account is from 2005, so she would be considered an old woman in Russia. Second, Russian warriors prefer rape anyway.
Why do you have to be so negative?

There is always a way for true patriots to serve their country.



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I don’t think she can serve Russian warriors. First of all her account is from 2005, so she would be considered an old woman in Russia. Second, Russian warriors prefer rape anyway.
A sleeper since 2005?

Since neither she nor nottyboi are doing a good job being activated as Russian trolls, she could go back to the good old Soviet times and replace this guy at Pravda? And considering the economic ruin that Putin brought onto his people, they could save a few buck and re-use his suit?

(I have a feeling it would not need to be taken in either...:LOL:)



Active member
Dec 7, 2005
how the fuck do you KNOW what the fuck is going on there?

Your only source of information is from a country and society that has been force fed propaganda. You beleive it because you feel a sense of nationalism.

You dismiss raw information and THE REST OF THE FREE WORLD that is absolutely contrary to the Russian propaganda that is itself self-contradictory.

I have never said this before, but if you believe in this so deeply, and you like the Russian way of life... why don't YOU get on a plane like so many ex-pat Ukrainians and others from the FREE world and go to Russia to do whatever you can to help with the cause?

If they won't let you load chemical bombs, you could at least practice your (honourable) trade and service the brave Russian warriors.

One blowjob might refresh that one Russian General so he can maybe prove that the Russian army is not the incompetent, cowardly buffoons they have shown themselves to be. Think about it, YOU might be go down;) in history restoring the former glory of the Great Mother Russia!
How the fuck do I know? Well clearly not from you.. because according to you it’s the Soviets are taking over the world there in Mariupol and there is no Azov existed ever.
Just like your father was happy to have bombs I’d be happy to put the end to azov battalion. The sooner the have peace in Donbas region at any cost.
You speak a lot about propaganda even though there is no conscripts in Ukraine. Only Ukrainian once. You apparently think so because you watch too much propaganda.
Your friends hate Soviet Era. We are clearly different age group with you. I had a very happy childhood in Russia.
And yes I heard you would like me and Notty to go back to Russia. To do whatever that is you want us to do. Well I’m sorry I am too busy with my Life here so I’ll pass. Not sure about Notty.
But I however find your comments insulting as disrespectful. And since it’s the case, again I’m gona suggest that maybe you should go to Ukraine!==>>
And don’t forget to bring them all those medals and posters.Not sure if they find them entertaining though. At least abandorys (sp) video when he spent a day dropping Lada from the sky was funny
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You dont know me as a person and never will. And you don’t need any words to judge me. You mind is already Made up when you hear “Russian” because that’s the way you personally were brought up.
I think its fair to judge you for your support of the use of chemical weapons against allies of Canada in Ukraine.

Crystal said:
However i Must say I wouldn’t mind them poisoned with chemicals there.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Just like your father was happy to have bombs I’d be happy to put the end to azov battalion. The sooner the have peace in Donbas region at any cost.
You speak a lot about propaganda even though there is no conscripts in Ukraine. Only Ukrainian once. You apparently think so because you watch too much propaganda.
Your friends hate Soviet Era. We are clearly different age group with you. I had a very happy childhood in Russia.
And yes I heard you would like me and Notty to go back to Russia. To do whatever that is you want us to do. Well I’m sorry I am too busy with my Life here so I’ll pass. Not sure about Notty.
But I however find your comments insulting as disrespectful. And since it’s the case, again I’m gona suggest that maybe your should go to Ukraine!==>>
Because you know what respect goes 2 ways only.
At any cost? You mean you will go to put your life on the line? Or just like Putin, you will send your fellow Russians to their deaths?

I did not say I'd like you and nottyboi to back to Russia. I would not wish that on any human. I merely suggested that if you truly believe in the righteousness of this war, then you might want to take this opportunity to use your intelligence, wisdom and bravery to go fight for what you believe in. You can be as good and patriotic as those Ukrainians willing to go back and fight for their country. Of course I am only joking because I know you won't. You are too busy with your life here. Posting stupid, unintelligent nonsense that you can't even recognize is nonsense.

In your bucolic childhood in Soviet times, don't you know or remember that you did not have the freedom to leave the Soviet paradise? Only when the Soviet system self-destructed because of it's delusions of military glory did you gain the basic human right of freedom to leave your country. And only because of Canada's morality and respect for human decency did Canada give you refuge. Like many refugees, you probably had fuck all to offer Canada when you were given a safe and place to live in freedom.

I am honestly and truly happy that you had a good childhood in the Soviet era. Millions were not so fortunate. Many children with brave parents never knew them because they were sent off to the gulag or hard labour in Siberia. Or just shot in front of their children. Like my friend.

Pravda made sure you didn't know, and the KGB made sure nobody said anything. Maybe you were safe because your patents were one of the millions of local neighbourhood informants?

As an adult now, have you considered that you were a child and didn't know any better? Ot that, like now, anything you said as a child was meaningless at best, and more likely laughably stupid?

Ever think of the millions of adult Russians that were sent to Siberia simply for speaking out? Did your parents not take care to be careful what they said in case their neighbour was an informant?

Did you not know that millions of Russians were killed in Soviet times by their own government?

Are those stories of your fellow Russians made up by themselves in an effort to discredit their own beloved country? Or were you just lucky to have the roll of toilet paper that had the small splinters so because YOU didn't suffer, nobody else did?

You dismiss the experiences and wisdom of those who have DIRECT experience because you didn''t have the same experience? Just because you never had cancer doesn't mean that others did not die of cancer.

I'm sorry that you find my comments insulting. They are intended to perhaps make you reflect on another point of view.

And they are also disrespectful. I value your life as a human but I do not respect what you say. In fact, it sickens me. I am even more sickened that the system has been successful in brainwashing you, and so many other people. I believe you believe what you are saying. But just like an Azov Nazi, I find your indoctrinated hatred to be highly offensive to humanity. Your opinion and position is black and white wrong as a human. And if you fail to consider the other side, then I take pity on you. After all, by definition, half of society is of below average intelligence. And many are too stupid to know they are stupid. I think you may be intelligent but are too caught up in the brainwashing and Russian pride that so many have suffered and will continue to suffer.
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Active member
Dec 7, 2005
At any cost? You mean you will go to put your life on the line? Or just like Putin, you will send your fellow Russians to their deaths?

I did not say I'd like you and nottyboi to back to Russia. I would not wish that on any human. I merely suggested that if you truly believe in the righteousness of this war, then you might want to take this opportunity to use your intelligence, wisdom and bravery to go fight for what you believe in. You can be as good and patriotic as those Ukrainians willing to go back and fight for their country. Of course I am only joking because I know you won't. You are too busy with your life here. Posting stupid, unintelligent nonsense that you can't even recognize is nonsense.

In your bucolic childhood in Soviet times, don't you know or remember that you did not have the freedom to leave the Soviet paradise? Only when the Soviet system self-destructed because of it's delusions of military glory did you gain the basic human right of freedom to leave your country. And only because of Canada's morality and respect for human decency did Canada give you refuge. Like many refugees, you probably had fuck all to offer Canada when you were given a safe and place to live in freedom.

I am honestly and truly happy that you had a good childhood in the Soviet era. Millions were not so fortunate. Many children with brave parents never knew them because they were sent off to the gulag or hard labour in Siberia. Or just shot in front of their children. Like my friend.

Pravda made sure you didn't know, and the KGB made sure nobody said anything. Maybe you were safe because your patents were one of the millions of local neighbourhood informants?

As an adult now, have you considered that you were a child and didn't know any better? Ot that, like now, anything you said as a child was meaningless at best, and more likely laughably stupid?

Ever think of the millions of adult Russians that were sent to Siberia simply for speaking out? Did your parents not take care to be careful what they said in case their neighbour was an informant?

Did you not know that millions of Russians were killed in Soviet times by their own government?

Are those stories of your fellow Russians made up by themselves in an effort to discredit their own beloved country? Or were you just lucky to have the roll of toilet paper that had the small splinters so because YOU didn't suffer, nobody else did?

You dismiss the experiences and wisdom of those who have DIRECT experience because you didn''t have the same experience? Just because you never had cancer doesn't mean that others did not die of cancer.

I'm sorry that you find my comments insulting. They are intended to perhaps make you reflect on another point of view.

And they are also disrespectful. I value your life as a human but I do not respect what you say. In fact, it sickens me. I am even more sickened that the system has been successful in brainwashing you, and so many other people. I believe you believe what you are saying. But just like an Azov Nazi, I find your indoctrinated hatred to be highly offensive to humanity. Your opinion and position is black and white wrong as a human. And if you fail to consider the other side, then I take pity on you. After all, by definition, half of society is of below average intelligence. And many are too stupid to know they are stupid. I think you may be intelligent but are too caught up in the brainwashing and Russian pride that so many have suffered and will continue to suffer.
Well in my childhood I probably didn’t learn English because a moment ago you suggested I go to Russia to suck a generals dick.
All that fighting your brothers did during the ww2 and the Stalin’s dictatorship happened waaaay before I was born.
Russians invaded to Ukraine to get rid of Azov. And I agree with the fact that whatever was done to Donbas by those militias has to stop at ANY cost. Sorry you find it insulting.
There is not a sentence where you don’t call me stupid or a child or give me a medal.
if you don’t want to continue getting worked up over my opinion, just please put me
Ignore. I’d appreciate it


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
How the fuck do I know? Well clearly not from you.. because according to you it’s the Soviets are taking over the world there in Mariupol and there is no Azov existed ever.
All I know is that Russian soldiers in tanks crossed the border of an internationally recognized sovereign country and have rained down explosives on villages, towns and cities. The Russian army fired the first shot at these innocent civilians and they are shooting back at the tanks and soldiers who are shooting at them to defend their lives and country.

"According to me'? I don't deny the existence of the staggeringly dispicable Azov and the Nazi terrorists they are. I don't think 99% of the Ukrainians and Russians living in Ukraine despise them any more than you do. But that is not why Putin tried to take over Kyiv. You know that too.

I have never said anything about Mariupol or taking over the world. And if I did I would say that if Russia does cross the next line to "take over the world" then the world and russia would finally see how pathetic and weak that army is. They would not stand a chance if they picked on someone their own size. They would be rightly humiliated.

And their own pride would doom their own country and likely most of humanity because they would resort to their only real strength, the unique physics of a nuclear bomb. The technology of the TU-144 Concordski, was stolen from the vastly superior minds of the free world. Russians invent very little because they are too busy stealing and copying. That is why Russian cars, trucks and most other things are pieces of shit. Thieves never get as rich as those whon they steal from.

Too bad, The world would be a better place for everyone, especially Russians, if their government weren't such corrupt thieving psychopaths.

Wanna bet my childhood in the young, free country of Canada was wayyyy better than yours in the glorious Mother Russia. And your life here today is better than it would be anywhere in Russia or any country living under Russian rule or influence.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
While we are at it, can anyone explain to me how is it that Russia was entitled to deal with Chechnya as it saw fit simply because Chechnya was a part of Russia and not an independent country.
but when Ukraine is trying to deal with Donbas since 2014 it’s somehow different and Donbas is entitled to foreign military help even though Donbas was a part of Ukraine.


Active member
Dec 7, 2005
All I know is that Russian soldiers in tanks crossed the border of an internationally recognized sovereign country and have rained down explosives on villages, towns and cities. The Russian army fired the first shot at these innocent civilians and they are shooting back at the tanks and soldiers who are shooting at them to defend their lives and country.

"According to me'? I don't deny the existence of the staggeringly dispicable Azov and the Nazi terrorists they are. I don't think 99% of the Ukrainians and Russians living in Ukraine despise them any more than you do. But that is not why Putin tried to take over Kyiv. You know that too.

I have never said anything about Mariupol or taking over the world. And if I did I would say that if Russia does cross the next line to "take over the world" then the world and russia would finally see how pathetic and weak that army is. They would not stand a chance if they picked on someone their own size. They would be rightly humiliated.

And their own pride would doom their own country and likely most of humanity because they would resort to their only real strength, the unique physics of a nuclear bomb. The technology of the TU-144 Concordski, was stolen from the vastly superior minds of the free world. Russians invent very little because they are too busy stealing and copying. That is why Russian cars, trucks and most other things are pieces of shit. Thieves never get as rich as those whon they steal from.

Too bad, The world would be a better place for everyone, especially Russians, if their government weren't such corrupt thieving psychopaths.

Wanna bet my childhood in the young, free country of Canada was wayyyy better than yours in the glorious Mother Russia. And your life here today is better than it would be anywhere in Russia or any country living under Russian rule or influence.
Well you should probably read posts more carefully because my post about chemical weapons was me posting which options russians were considering to get azov from the underground with minimal casualties.
you call me
A child, and I wld say that it’s simply childish to discuss who’s childhood was happier..


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
Funny enough according to the latest news there was no chemical weapons deployed today.
so russia apparently had no guts to commit the war crime that crystal was rooting for. I thought Putin was the biggest poisoner but Chrystal just beat him :)
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