Russian con in action...Part 1


Nov 14, 2006
I recently responded to an ad in my lavalife mailbox...and this is what I got. What do you guys think - bogus? I am leaning 60% toward bogus but some part of me wants to think she's genuine...


Hi! I'm so happy to receive your reply! It was good to meet you on
dating site! You made my day! Why I chose you?

I found you at the site by chance. Telling from the beginning of the
story I know a woman who is on a dating site.

That profile wasn't mine, it was a profile of that woman, but she let
me find someone from the dating site from her profile.
I don't know how to use the site, so I found you by chance and wrote
you. I didn't know what will happen, I didn't know if you write me or not.

But I am glad that we met each other. I've never tried to find someone in Internet but soon I will come to your country to work there, so I will have a work visa and a permission to work. My friend worked in the USA somewhere near Fort Lauderdale two years ago. She worked in amusement park from 11 am till 6 pm and from 7 pm till 3 am she worked in a bar. Of course she was always tired but she made very good money!

I think I can do it too! Now she is in Europe, working for 3 months. She wrote me she liked to work in the USA better!

I want to find a man who can tell me about the life over there and maybe

of course something more then just a friend!!! I don't have a

boyfriend so I'm open and ready for new adventures!!!

I'm in Russia now, but soon I will leave Russia to make my trip so you

can forget about our distance.

I've never been abroad, only in the South of Russia, the Black Sea,

Sochi (where probably will be Olympic Games). I like warm climate ))

According to my visa I can work in your country for 3 months, I can

prolong it to 6 months if I want. After 6 months staying over there I

can go home or try to get a green card.

I think my level of English is not so bad, but still it is very

simple. I can't read philosophy books in English or business books)))

Anyway I want to improve my English while staying over there. I write

and speak English by myself. We have Discovery channel here in English (my friend has cable TV, so I come to watch it!). I like this channel so much! Very interesting!

I'm sending two pics, I hope you will like them. I will send more next


I live in small town here in Russia, and I decided to find someone by

Internet not to be alone when I make my trip. The life is different in

every country and I think it's hard to live there when you don't know


I can do some simple job as a waitress, or to work in some shop. And

later when I improve my English I want to find a better job!

I will start my trip from Moscow, I will go there to pass English

tests and have an interview. I think everything will be OK!

Working program helps me to get the visa, permission for work and

all travel documents and they will help me to get job. It's a special

program for young people who is not lazy and make some money.

Also they can settle me with another girls from Russia and Brazil who

came to work there too, it's very cheap.

Here I can earn only about 100-150$ a month to work from mornig till

late evening (my city is really small).

I think I can change my life and see many wonderful things and just

different life. I am full of plans and different dreams.

I am sure you will be not disappointed to meet me in real life!!!

I don't have a special plan or something like that for a new

relationship, I'm open to everything! I don't want to be an abuse for

you, if you don't want me as your woman, we can be just friends!

But I hope you'll like me and my photos!

I had a boyfriend, but it was nothing serious and we broke up one year

ago because he moved to Vladivostok.

OK, I will finish this email... I don't know what else I could write

you in my first email. Please reply to me

even if you don't like me, because you are the only man I am

responding to. If you don't like me I will continue my search. I hope

so much to receive your answer!!!

I hope we can have a nice communication by emails so I will know

somebody is waiting for me over there! Not so long time to wait for me,


I hope you are my soulmate and we can match each other!

Tell me about yourself and the place where you live! And send me

photos! Sorry for being too talkative!!!

Please write me back here, I write you from my private email address



Nov 14, 2006
Part 2 follows - this was after I sent her a 1 sentence email - are you coming to Canada or the USA?

hello!!! Thanks for your reply so much!!! I hope soon I will be

come to your area by my birthday and we will meet each other!

This time I will write you more about myself. I think you should know

more about my life and my hobbies so you will know if we have any

common interests.

So you already know my first name Anastasija. My last name is Kopytova.

I'm 27 years old, not that young I

suppose? My birthday is on 12 March. I'm 168 cm tall (5.6.) and 51

weight (about 120 pounds, I'm not sure how much it is in pound but I'm

not fat which you can see from my photos!).

I don't know exactly my bust-waist-hips measurements, I

don't have a reason to measure it because I think it's OK and my body

is proportionate )) I take care of my body, I do aerobics three times

a week and two times a week I go to a swimming pool.

I have an older sister, you can see her with me on photos. She is 31

years old now.

She recently divorced and she had 4 years old daughter. Her husband

cheated on her.

We live with our parents in 3 room apartment.

The name of my city is Bratsk, it's near Irkutsk city. Bratsk is

quite small city unlike Irkutsk which is a large city, the main city in


Have you ever heard about the lake Baykal? It's near Irkutsk! It's the

deepest and cleanest lake

in the whole world. It's very beautiful!

I graduated from Irkutsk Humanitarian University two years ago,

the dance faculty. Yes, we have such faculty in Humanitarian

University! So I'm a professional dancer. I don't want to have a

dancer's career because I will have not much time for my private life

and for relationship with a man. I work as a dance teacher, I teach

children from 12 to 17 years how to dance! Also I have a certificate

of fitness instructor, this is my another hobby. So it would be

perfect if later I can find a work as a fitness instructor or teacher

dances!!! I think it's a very good job for a woman, I'm always in a

good shape and I keep myself not that busy!

Do you know how to dance? If not I can teach you!

I can dance many different styles.

When I come to your city I will work as a waitress in a restaurant. I

would like to work as a

dance teacher but I think you understand it's not possible to arrange

such work by Internet because they want to see the level of my dancing.

Anyway I will try to find this kind of work when I come over there. Or

not a dancer but aerobic( fitness) instructor, I think it's also very

I'm sending few photos for you today! I hope you are not tired to look

at my photos?

First two pics were taken in Sochi (the Black Sea) last summer. The

next two pics were taken during New Year's holidays while we were

shopping for presents with my sister.

In winter I like skiing, although we have cold winters... our summers

are warm usually.

Mom is much younger then my father and they are very happy together. My

mother is a teacher of music in the school. I can play piano also, she

tought me to play piano. I finished music school and I still play

piano about once a week. My father is retired engineer.

I cannot say I enjoy one particular type of music. It might sound
for you but

I can listen to almost everything. The list is endless actually. But

there are a couple of things I have always enjoyed to listen to.

They are Enigma and Deep Forest. I adore their music. It is so sensual

helps relax a lot. I also like classic music, jazz, rock, lounge.

I want to try how to ride a motorcycle someday! I've never tried it!

By the way, do you have an International Airport in your city?

Please write me the name and the code of it.

Or write me the name of the nearest airport to you.

I write you my emails from Internet cafe, I don't have my own computer.

I suppose in few days I will leave for Moscow and start my trip!

There is no any messenger in this Cafe so we can only keep emailing

each other. I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails?

My address here is Russia, Bratsk, Gagarina 54 street, flat 6.

So now you know who I am....

I just can tell you that I enjoy life and I try to live to the

fullest, I like to try new things. I'm not that smart.. I was not that

good in mathematics, physics, biology and so on! But I'm very tender,


artistic, faithful, decent person.

Sometimes I can be not well organized, I think everybody had it's own

minuses and pluses.

I don't look for any special qualities in a man. I just hope he will be

faithful to me and ready to create a happy family with me and I will

do everything to make him happy. I'm looking for a soulmate!

OK... it's time to finish my email. I'm sending a kiss by the wind to

you and if I sent it to the right destination you should receive it by

evening )))) I hope you will catch my kiss somehow )))


New member
Sep 23, 2007
Sorry Man....100% CON! I received 1 just like that, and my buddy received 1...honestly the only thing that changes is the name...the ones we received were from Russia as's scary how similar they were to the one you just received...seeemsincere....but 100% fake!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
If you are interested play it out. If she does get a Visa to the U.S. or Canada you can visit her or she can visit you. Do not send her money!! I strongly suspect that the next development will be that there has been some problem - and you are so kind and can't you loan her some money - and she will pay you back. If so she is actually Yuri the balding Russian man who will very much enjoy spending your money.

One flag although she may herself believe it, is the idea that after coming on a short term Visa she will be able to adjust to Permanent Resident Status. This is so unlikely that it is just about in the realms of my selling you the Brooklyn Bridge.

Create and give her a webmail address, do not give her a "real address" if she is legit she will be able to contact you when she gets here. If as I suspect she is not legit, you can dump the account.

Caveat emptor!!


Nov 2, 2007

play money...but play along....get close to offering money...but never do...See if you can go TO SEE her...etc etc.

In fact send me an email for her (PM)...I wanna play along as well!!!!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
play money...but play along....get close to offering money...but never do...See if you can go TO SEE her...etc etc.
Also, given the circumstances do not offer to visit her in Russia. Normaly I would say do so, but not given the facts you have described.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Terminator2000 said:
This thread is useless without pics.

I'm not certain that pics of wetnose are going to be of much help, but whatever floats your boat.:eek:



The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
It's not worth the time and effort to respond!

From The St. Petersburg Times, Russia.

Staff Writer

MOSCOW - A Canadian man in love with an imaginary Russian woman has helped Yekaterinburg police arrest a couple behind an Internet scam that cheated love-struck foreigners out of thousands of dollars.

The Canadian citizen became worried about the bride-to-be he had met through the web site after she wrote to say that all the money he had sent her had been stolen by the Russian mafia, Yekaterinburg police said.

In fact, the bride was nothing but the criminal imagination of a local couple, police spokesman Valery Gorelikh said by telephone Thursday. The couple, which he refused to identify, ran a web site called Russian Girls that had consisted entirely of photos of nonexistent would-be brides.

The gullible would-be fiancees were scammed out of money through letters asking for money from the fake women, as well as by a section on the web site where the men could buy imaginary gifts for the imaginary women.

On hearing the news about the voracious mafia, the Canadian, whom Gorelikh also refused to identify, flew out to Russia to help his would-be bride. He contacted the British consulate in Yekaterinburg, who immediately sent him to the police. The police traced the couple when they continued to write letters to the Canadian.

Gorelikh said the couple would be charged with fraud under Article 159 of the Criminal Code, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail.

Complaints about fraudulent Russian bride web sites are common. The U.S. Embassy said last year that it was getting up to 10 calls per day from men who had been duped.

The embassy directs the men to, a web site that explains the various scams.

Another web site,, has a list 15 pages long of women suspected of having scammed foreign men, and offers a paid service for men to check out the person they think they are communicating with.

Despite the rise in cases, there have been very few convictions.

One woman, Yelena Berkova, whom the blacklist web site has accused of scamming foreigners, even went on to enjoy minor celebrity status after starring in the THT reality show "Dom 2."

But one con artist, who swindled thousands of foreign men, was last year convicted after an Australian man complained to President Vladimir Putin.

English translator Yury Lazerev, 34, was given a suspended one-year sentence in November in Chelyabinsk after being found guilty of conning nine foreigners by pretending to be a shy English teacher named Alfiya Matveyeva.

Lazarev is thought to have made $300,000 from the scam, and police discovered an Aladdin's cave of lovers' gifts - perfumes, jewelry, and various foreign monies - when they searched his apartment.

Australian Terry McCarthy wrote to Putin in 2001 to complain after he was conned out of $700 by Matveyeva. His letter was passed on to the Interior Ministry, a Kremlin spokeswoman said. Police traced the payments to accomplices of Lazarev in Chelyabinsk, and he was arrested.


If anyone is still determined to continue, you can check this site to see if your Russian friend has been previously outed as a scammer:


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Failure to heed common sense

The Fruity Hare said:
From The St. Petersburg Times, Russia.

The Canadian citizen became worried about the bride-to-be he had met through the web site after she wrote to say that all the money he had sent her had been stolen by the Russian mafia, Yekaterinburg police said.

In fact, the bride was nothing but the criminal imagination of a local couple, police spokesman Valery Gorelikh said by telephone Thursday. The couple, which he refused to identify, ran a web site called Russian Girls that had consisted entirely of photos of nonexistent would-be brides.

The gullible would-be fiancees were scammed out of money through letters asking for money from the fake women as well as by a section on the web site where the men could buy imaginary gifts for the imaginary women.
The bottom line in the above story is that he sent money before they had even met. Would he have done this (and regarded it as showing common sense) when corresponding with a woman from Yellow Knife?


Nov 14, 2006
wetnose said:
See on the one hand, she sounds so terribly sincere - it hardly looks crafted at all. But the odds of her choosing my personal ad out of the literally 1000s of them out there...Of course the pictures are kinda swaying my judgement too, because she's cute!
You guys are right. But I can only imagine what kinda damage this girl can do on some other guy who's a lot more vulnerable and doesn't share the same kind of "ahem" release that we do...

I would like to upload the pic but i get the error message "unable to move/copy file"

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
Along similar lines, I have been to various Carribean countries and met people off the resorts. These are the hustlers who usually initiate casual contact. Almost without fail, once they have befriended you, they need money to visit an ill relative. It's never a lot of money, almost making you feel like a heel for doubting them. But nevertheless, just another scam.

Each country has their own scams. In China, you sit down with a girl at a bar, within minutes your table is full of drinks and she has had a sip from each of them. Then they charge you $1000U.S. If you don't pay up they threaten you and take whatever cash you have. Same thing used to happen in Soho in London. Nigeria we all know about the online scams. But apparently not otherwise they wouldn't continue to clog up our junk mail.

The reason the Russian scam works with many people is that they put on a human face and make it seem plausible. Only a few hundred or a few thousand dollars to have the woman of your dreams meet you in your city. Unlike the Nigerian scam which offers millions!!!! which should set off alarm bells.

Wetnose, delete her/his e-mails, go to a Russian MP and have some real fun closer to home for a lot less!

Roger Melon

New member
May 3, 2007
Of course this is a scam.

If you haven't given out any personal details I urge you to waste as much of the scammer's time as possible. You might even try replying to the original email with a phony name from a made-up webmail address (just delete all of your real contact info)- 99% of the time these criminals mass email and will accept any replies they get. Ask lots of dumb questions - pretend not to understand how to do Western Union transfers when the inevitable request for money comes up. Mention that you will soon be travelling to Russia with lots of cash and see if you can get them to wait for you at the local airport, preferrably holding a sign with a name like "Hugh G. Rection".

There is a thriving community on-line who consider toying with internet scammers to be a great sport. Google "scam-baiting".

The fact is we usually can't get them arrested, and we have no way to warn other potential victims. The only good we can do is to waste so much of their time and resources that scamming becomes less profitable and they stop trusting real victims.


New member
Jul 27, 2003
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts