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Russiagate Turns On Its Originators

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004

And I read over the weekend that Trump has given Trey Gowdy the highest level security status. Which means the perp's are not going to be able to hide behind the line " we can't share that information because it would threaten national security ". This is going to get very interesting in the coming weeks....


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
If they can tie the Dossier to the FISA warrants, people will go to prison. Not to mention that there's a major clean up coming to the DOJ and the FBI. The next few months will be very exciting.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
And people wonder why the US has become the laughing stock of the world and Russia is able to say that American democracy is not working. Trump and this GOP crowd has dome more damage to American democracy than Russia ever could. Sad.


Mar 12, 2004
And people wonder why the US has become the laughing stock of the world and Russia is able to say that American democracy is not working. Trump and this GOP crowd has dome more damage to American democracy than Russia ever could. Sad.
Did you even read,... let alone understand posts #1 and 2,... ???


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Did you even read,... let alone understand posts #1 and 2,... ???
He doesn’t need to, his TDS is all he needs.


Mar 12, 2004


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Do you have any idea why the dossier has now become an issue?
Because it was found out that Clinton, via both her campaign and the DNC which she secretly took over ahead of the primaries paid via proxy for an ex foreign spy to contact the Russian FSB for dirt on her political rival?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I guess the following relegates this thread to the massive and insurmountable pro-Trump shit pile of disinformation and Fake News:
LOL!! Blackmailed with the document Hillary paid for and they created as opposition research. So, they leaked it out in order for a third party to do the blackmailing? Or Fusion GPS was going to blackmail or was it the HRC's campaign? Which is it? They created it and they had no control over access to it? I can keep asking questions, but I think we're done with this fable from Fusion.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Because it was found out that Clinton, via both her campaign and the DNC which she secretly took over ahead of the primaries paid via proxy for an ex foreign spy to contact the Russian FSB for dirt on her political rival?
The information contained in the dossier is not only credible but also so concerning that is was passed on and acted upon by the FBI.

The information in the dossier documents a compromised and possibly blackmailed by the Russians Trump

The information in the dossier documents a litany of financial arrangements with dubious Russian financiers.

The testimony of Glen Simpson has until Feinstein's release, been squashed by Republicans out of the fear of the damage it would do them and Trump.

The information in the dossier disclosed of a Trump campaign insider who also tipped off the FBI to a blackmailed Trump.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The information contained in the dossier is not only credible but also so concerning that is was passed on and acted upon by the FBI.

The information in the dossier documents a compromised and possibly blackmailed by the Russians Trump

The information in the dossier documents a litany of financial arrangements with dubious Russian financiers.

The testimony of Glen Simpson has until Feinstein's release, been squashed by Republicans out of the fear of the damage it would do them and Trump.

The information in the dossier disclosed of a Trump campaign insider who also tipped off the FBI to a blackmailed Trump.
Too much cool aid. Fusion GPS insisted on testifying behind closed doors. Their testimony was not "quashed", it was simply classified. Both, Comey and McCabe, testified, under oath, that the Dossier remains unverified. Simpson is simply pivoting from collusion to subvert an electoral process to financial alleged crimes. He has no proof of either.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The information contained in the dossier is not only credible but also so concerning that is was passed on and acted upon by the FBI.

The information in the dossier documents a compromised and possibly blackmailed by the Russians Trump

The information in the dossier documents a litany of financial arrangements with dubious Russian financiers.

The testimony of Glen Simpson has until Feinstein's release, been squashed by Republicans out of the fear of the damage it would do them and Trump.

The information in the dossier disclosed of a Trump campaign insider who also tipped off the FBI to a blackmailed Trump.
Which doesn't address a single thing I said.

Ever hear of a process crime? If what Don Jr. Did was wrong then this is over the top.

Point out a single thing I said was false.

And then tell me how you can prove the dossier is all true when Mueller hasnt even verified it.

Feel free to say Donny did wrong. But then so did Clinton and her cronies.

Fusion is now claiming it was all Steelers idea to go to the FBI. Does that mean the DEMS and GPS Were Not going TO?

Think about that.......


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Because it was found out that Clinton, via both her campaign and the DNC which she secretly took over ahead of the primaries paid via proxy for an ex foreign spy to contact the Russian FSB for dirt on her political rival?
That is absurd and has been completely debunked. But lets say it is true. The dossier if it was used at all was at best one of among several sources for the FISA warrant. The FBI also relied on intelligence from British, Australian and other countries' intelligence services. Apart from the salacious elements which have not been corroborated (which is very different than saying they are not true) the other elements have been corroborated by all of the US intelligence agencies. So why dont you tell u why this inquiry should be undertaken other than to distract from Trump by the most partisan member of the congress.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
LOL!! Blackmailed with the document Hillary paid for and they created as opposition research. So, they leaked it out in order for a third party to do the blackmailing? Or Fusion GPS was going to blackmail or was it the HRC's campaign? Which is it? They created it and they had no control over access to it? I can keep asking questions, but I think we're done with this fable from Fusion.
Is that the same Fusion who was engaged by the GOP during the primaries and who has asked for its testimony to be made public?


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
And then tell me how you can prove the dossier is all true when Mueller hasnt even verified it.
With the expectation of the salacious elements of the dossier the US intelligence agencies have corroborated the contents. With the exception of the PGOTUS and his surrogates and lackeys EVERYONE agrees. Jr.'s own evidence confirms large portions of it inclsuing the part that Steele reported to the FBI.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
That is absurd and has been completely debunked. But lets say it is true. The dossier if it was used at all was at best one of among several sources for the FISA warrant. The FBI also relied on intelligence from Britain and other countries' intelligence services. Apart from the salacious elements which have not been corroborated (which is very different than saying they are not true) the other elements have been corroborated by all of the US intelligence agencies. So why dont you tell u why this inquiry should be undertaken other than to distract from Trump by the most partisan member of the congress.
Debunked? It's a matter of public record now. Every word of it. Supeona proved who paid Fusion. Braisille publically stated Clinton had control of the DNC before the primaries. Fusion hired Steele. Specifically due to his Russian sources. And paid for it all.

Thats from the MSM and court documents released.

The inquiry is important in the same way Don Jr's meeting is. Using Russian FSB based information to influence the election.

They both tried to do it. Charge one. Charge the other.

Using illegal means to collect information is wrong. Ask any member of law enforcement. And also ask them how well its viewed by judges.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Is that the same Fusion who was engaged by the GOP during the primaries and who has asked for its testimony to be made public?
Hold on to yer hat, there's a lot of goodies to come to light in a near future re. Fusion GPS. They tried like hell to keep their dealings secret. The courts disagreed. Got to remember to pickup some popcorn for this. It's going to be better than All the President's Men.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
With the expectation of the salacious elements of the dossier the US intelligence agencies have corroborated the contents. With the exception of the PGOTUS and his surrogates and lackeys EVERYONE agrees. Jr.'s own evidence confirms large portions of it inclsuing the part that Steele reported to the FBI.
They have supposedly cooberated some. Like things about that so and so was in a city at a certain time. That type of thing.

But if they have cooberated a single piece of evidence that is unlawful and Trump can be charged with then where is the impeachment? The charges.

You are mistaking the language of "high confidence" as fact. It's speculation still.

Until charges are laid, and they haven't even charged Donny or Jarrod yet, id say things aren't as cut and dried as many claim.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Is that the same Fusion who was engaged by the GOP during the primaries and who has asked for its testimony to be made public?
Actually the GOP didn't directly pay for it. A website has claimed that. And was out before Steele was brought in.

Basically Fusion played for both teams and shopped what they had to the Dems. And probably offered more. And plausible deniability for this.

Only now it's unravelling.
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