RU afraid of H1N1?


Aug 10, 2009
Do you think the H1N1 virus is legit or is it a lot of hype like Y2K was? Remember all the $ spent by dumbass companies xpecting their computers to crash Jan 1,2000? Is this just another money grab by our govt?


Resident foot lover
Jan 22, 2009
H1N1 is not comparable to Y2k at all. H1N1 is a pretty serious threat, that people right now are just brushing off because of measures being taken. I wouldn't be surprised if this virus becomes a pandemic.

Before you try to disregard my statement, I am currently studying molecular biology so I know a little bit about how this stuff works.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
just wondering, ebhobbs...

...why, if the h1n1 is not considered an seasonal flu, that it hasn't hit epidemic proportions already..

As far as getting vaccinated goes...forget it, I have no intentions of getting crap put into me that they haven't even perfected..they are still playing around with the formula...I have never had a flu shot...and don't have any plans on ever getting one...



Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
y2k vs swine flu

Well experts computer wise said the y2k was a real threat - it was, for the most part nothing bad happened here. In other countries a few minor disasters happened - for example a weather /radar used for shipping went down in the pacific resulting in a few deaths.

Any flu, sars, etc, could be the one. We just don't know which one. Are lack controls on travel and disease and globliaztion can make any out break black death level. We shall see. But it is like Y2K, if things are done right nothing will happen.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Swine flu is pretty impotent. In the past year, the 'regular' flu killed something 1000x more people than H1N1. Anyway, we have to cull more humans, so it wouldn't be too bad if this thing became more virulent.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Don't think I'll panic ...

This season's brand of flu has more fatality potential than normal, but with projections is the hundreds of thousands worldwide and tens of thousands in the US and Canada it will hardly threaten civilization. I realize this is small consolation to someone who is, or has someone close to them in the unlucky few, but there are things to do to improve the odds:

1. Wash and sanitize hands often and well. Not just "the usual", scrub like Lady MacBeth!

2. Avoid public gatherings whenever possible when cases start to show up.

3. Sanitize surfaces, home, car, work if you can. Ordinary houshold bleach in water, 40-1 is more than adequate. Every bit as good as expensive products sometimes touted.

4. If you get sick, STAY HOME!!!

BTW - the reason Y2K was such a "non event" was that the word was put out fairly early and most people and systems - including virtually all with critical functions - were well prepared in advance.


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
Swine flu is pretty impotent. In the past year, the 'regular' flu killed something 1000x more people than H1N1. Anyway, we have to cull more humans, so it wouldn't be too bad if this thing became more virulent.
And not even a grin or a happy face so I guess you're half serious RP.

That's a pretty callous statement. Do you have any kids or loved ones??

Would you be thinking the same thing if your son or daughter caught a more virulent strain of H1N1 and died, or shall we change your ID to RiP....


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
I don't worry about the flu as much as I do most peoples hygene and personal sanitary habits. So many people sneeze without covering, leave a bathroom without washing and just have bad sanitary habits. AT LEAST 60% (conservatively) of the men I see leave a restroom don't wash. Even before this Flu made the news, it has been reported how many lives could be saved from flu deaths just by people washing their hands.

I am amazed (not really) with how many people will walk into a McDonalds and after opening the door (probably the dirtiest thing there) with their hands and then use there hands to woof down a Big Mac. Might as well just lick the door handle as you go in!!!!
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New member
Aug 6, 2005
Isn't the more intelligent way to answer this question to look at what happened in those places that already had their flu season? Perhaps base one's opinions on actual facts as opposed to opining freely only in response to the weak media coverage we've had of the southern hemisphere which is just exiting their flu season?

Or does that make too much sense?


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
I don't call it swine flu, I prefer the term bacon fever.:D

In any case, as it was with SARS, this is just a huge hype. I understand that to experts like ebhobbs, this is quite serious as the strain is quite virulent. From a scientific point of view, if you emphasise that aspect, it gives cause to worry. Take into account the ability of the virus to mutate, then it certainly does look worrisome. Add to that the prevalent obsession with making the world "safe", you have medical professionals crying the sky is falling.

However, you also need to take into account human resilience and 1st World sanitary conditions. In warm and tropical climates, a simple scratch can mean death or amputation. If disinfected and dressed it'll heal in a few days. As far as I have read, H1N1 has only been fatal to people living in impoverished conditions. Anyone I know that got the bug felt like crap for a few days and then were back on their feet, very much like any flu we've ever been exposed to since birth. Get plenty of rest, eat regularly, you'll be fine.

Y2K was a definite issue. If you don't believe me, try resetting your PDA to a different date and time, and see how some applications, like GPS, will work. They will start going buggy. Now imagine being a pilot and your nav computer starts crashing or showing false information. However, we had legions of coders working to patch our systems and the impact was hardly felt.


Apr 24, 2005
I don't worry about the flu as much as I do most peoples hygene and personal sanitary habits. So many people sneeze without covering, leave a bathroom without washing and just have bad sanitary habits.
Valid comment. Also, sneezing into your sleeve instead of your hand is changing an age old habit. Same with shaking hands. Not to shake a hand offered to you could be misconstrued as rude or a snub (socially awkward).

I am concerned about H1N1 but not paranoid. It is only one of a million things that can kill you. BTW Try NOT to keep your house "Lysol clean". You need some germs around to "exercise" your immune system. Remember that the human body was designed to live with the pigs:eek:.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
So who's getting a flu shot? Me, I haven't decided yet. Have gotten regular flu shots before and not, but didn't get flu either way.
Jul 4, 2002
Already had it. Been there done that.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
I won't get it unless it is really easy. I got a flu shot once because it was being given at a store I was in and there was no line. It would take that scenario for me to get another.

Again, I'm not worried about getting it, I am leary of all the bad health practices people have. I will be mostly avaoiding human contact!!!


New member
Jul 30, 2009
im not too worried, if its meant to be then its meant to be, and everything happens for a reason, it would suck, but im not gonna worry about it, i could walk outta my house and get hit by a bus tomorrow.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Virulent meaning very contagious...correct?

Or does it mean very sick?

From what I hear the current H1N1 is very contagious, but generally no worse, on average, than the normal flu.

I think the worry is around the pattern of serious cases and the worry that it could mutate to something a lot worse.

The mutation of flu each year is something that can be sort of predicted....and is why sometimes the flu shots work better than other years. This one is a bit more of a wild card I think..partially because of the alternate host possilities, with more than normal possibilities for mutation.

So, the concern is not so much for the current version of H1N1, but what it could become. And, as it is it is serious enough to cause a lot of deaths.


Nov 5, 2005
H1N1 is not comparable to Y2k at all. H1N1 is a pretty serious threat, that people right now are just brushing off because of measures being taken. I wouldn't be surprised if this virus becomes a pandemic.....
er.....isn't it already a pandemic.....???
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