Rory McIlroy pulls out of the Olympics


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
He doesn't want to catch/spread the Zika virus.

The Brazil Olympics should be cancelled, or at least postponed until there is a proven effective Zika vaccine.

Athletes and their entourage, press, fans, etc. from all over the world coming to a prime infectious area. Huge risk of spreading the incurable virus to their home countries when they return.

We already know about the devastating effect of Zika on pregnancies and unborn children. We have no idea what other long term effects this virus may have on infected people in general.



Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Rory looks like Shrek, he shouldn't be having kids anyway.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
It's a good thing Rory pulled out, Caroline didn't want a baby.

This could be the smelliest Games ever. Zika is a mosquito spread virus, a pest abundant in Rio. The best way to avoid mosquito bites is to eat raw garlic. The insect loves anything with a hint of sweetness, one hit of garlic sweat and the bug scarpens like Sir Robin facing the fierce chicken of Angor.



Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Rio is a mess and the Zika virus is one of numerous issues.

The water for triathletes, sailors and rowing teams is a sewer infested, biological nightmare (reading various websites, Brazil is a real shit-hole).

The political system is in upheaval, they are going through the worst financial crisis in a century, crime is rampant and to top things off, they shot a jaguar when it attacked a soldier at a torch running ceremony.

I imagine that the games will push on, but these poor people will be paying for this event the rest of their lives and their children's lives.

On the Fan this morning they were interviewing an athlete who was talking about the water conditions. He mentioned that there was a human arm (hospital waste), untreated sewage, dead animals and lots of garbage (even a couch!) in the water. He was talking about how a plastic bag or a log can be a big thing to deal with, not to mention the extremely real possibility of becoming violently sick from the water...Like I said, Brazil is a real shit-hole.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Oh for god sakes.... Put on some OFF... AND FORGET ABOUT MOSQUITOS.

tens of millions of brazilians have no issues LIVING there.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
It was the "Dragon of Angor" and the "Chicken of Bristol" but excellent reference regardless!
Didn't know they had chickens in Bristol. Thought they only raised spotted dicks....running away while being pelted with currants.

Rory pulls out, Brooke Henderson is not so lucky. I'm also hoping Vincenzo Nibali will take a likin to the rhythm method as well.

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