Robbers target Biker Shindig...with amusing results


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
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Armed robbers target Oz biker shindig
By Lester Haines
Published Friday 29th February 2008 11:09 GMT

Two robbers who decided to target a Sydney club picked the wrong night for their armed assault - a monthly meeting of bikers who duly whupped their asses.

The Southern Cross Cruiser Club was enjoying its get-together at the Regents Park Sporting and Community Club last Wednesday when the masked pair, bearing blades and machetes, burst in and "yelled at patrons to drop to the floor as they emptied cash registers at the bar", as CNN puts it.

The bikers quickly entered from an adjacent room and laid into the master crims with tables and chairs and "pretty much anything that wasn't bolted down".

The club's night manager, Jim Webb, explained: "They thought they had the upper advantage with their knives and their machetes. They didn't expect to run into a bunch of guys carrying chairs and tables."

One of the ne'er-do-wells tried to escape through the club's service entrance, but was quickly apprehended. The bikers' leader, Jerry Vancornewal, said: "We just grabbed him, crash-tackled him to the ground, hogtied him with electrical wire and left him for the cops."

The second perp ran straight through a plate-glass door and jumped from a balcony. Cops caught him a short distance away. Webb noted: "All he had to do was push the button and it automatically opened."

A third suspect, manning the getaway car, escaped after the bikers threw furniture at him, and has not been traced.

Vancornewal summed the whole thing up nicely with: "These guys were absolutely dumb as bricks. I can't believe they saw all the bikes parked up front and they were so stupid that they walked past in."

The cuffed couple were later charged with armed robbery and "face disguised with intent to commit indictable offense", according to police. ®

In case you're wondering, the Southern Cross Cruiser Club's monthly knees-up involves drinking, cricket, football and, rather improbably, lawn bowling.


Feb 21, 2008
it's a crime to hide your face? looks like a lot of SPs are in trouble!


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
marikiss said:
it's a crime to hide your face? looks like a lot of SPs are in trouble!
No it's only a crime to cover your face when you're going to commit an indictable offense. Read the whole sentence. :)

"face disguised with intent to commit indictable offense"


Hunting..what ??
Apr 21, 2006
Very Retired
The second perp ran straight through a plate-glass door and jumped from a balcony.


R.O.F.L.M.A.O.........slipping & sliding all the way no doubt HAHAHA



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I find it amusing that they were "lawn bowling". Thats almost to Pythonish.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
This reminds me of something that happened at Parachute School of Toronto in Arthur in the early 1980s. A group showed up to make their first jump for the day. Among them was a young woman whose brother had made some jumps and who died in a base jumping incident out west.

I'd just landed from a jump and my dogs were going nuts. I yelled at them to shut up, but they kept barking. Finally, I went over to see what was going on. A young man was lurking near our van and I assumed he wanted to see the dogs, but was intimidated by them. I told him not to worry; they barked a lot, but they wouldn't bite. I offered to introduce him, but he backed away and ran. Hmmm....

A while later, one of the other experienced jumpers came over and asked me if I had my guitar in the van. I said, sure! He said, let's look and see. We looked and it was there. Then he told me that a couple other jumpers had guitars stolen. At that point, things clicked, and I told him about the guy I saw lurking by our van earlier.

They put two and two together and figured it out that this first jump group had gone down through peoples' cars, trailers and vans, stealing anything of value. The police were called. The cops came and made the kids open their trunk, and there were the stolen goods and credit cards. But when it came to giving back cash, the thieves insisted that any money they had on them was theirs and no one could prove otherwise.

The whole thing got quite heated, but finally, at one point, the cop told the thieves that if they didn't want to return the stolen cash, that was fine. The cops would just leave. And if there happened to be a few bounces at the drop zone that day, well... c'est la vie! People crater in on drop zones.

As I remember it, the thieves forked over the cash they'd stolen and split.



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
dcbogey said:
Remember though - close only counts in lawn darts and grenades.

And nukes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you consider how litigious everyone is today and the concern over the toys I find it truly amazing that lawn darts were ever marketed.

personally I miss the sharp metal edges on my old Tonka trucks.



New member
Sep 29, 2004
LancsLad said:
And nukes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you consider how litigious everyone is today and the concern over the toys I find it truly amazing that lawn darts were ever marketed.

personally I miss the sharp metal edges on my old Tonka trucks.

I still let me kids play with some of those! And the old Dinky-toy tanks that shoot the little plastic shells. Great fun.
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