Rob Ford Defends Robocalls


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
That's the thing. If the voters receiving the call are against the new Subway. Then they have just been told their councillor did what they wanted. No problem right?

He didn't say "don't vote for Paul". He only informed the voters how Paul voted. They can use that information as they choose. Agree, disagree, or ignore. No different than any other media source.

I gotta say that it still sorta stinks. Even as a neighbour and supporter of Ford, it smacks of bullying or as an underhanded method. I dunno. The LRT option was not an entirely stupid idea. Maybe he promised Ford he would vote for the subway and changed his mind, and Ford felt he was double-crossed. Then Ford should simply fire him from his executive staff, but the robocall is a bit much. Dirty politics.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
Yes Adam Vaughan, but seriously, is it legal for any cyclist to use the left turn lane of a street like a car? I'm not sure. Maybe it is. I might have done that once. Some cyclists can do it quickly, others I find do it perilously because they're not strong enough or fast enough.
Hey, I swing left but even I consider "Adam Vaughan" name calling..

Yes, it's legal. Not only is it legal I think it's mandatory if you're going to remain sitting on your bicycle (rather than get off and walk it as a pedestrian).


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
I hate riding my bike on a road without a dedicated lane too as I don't trust motorists (hey, I'm careful when I drive my car but not sure about everyone else). My point is that some old streets are just not wide enough for cramming a bicycle lane in this new millennium.
I certainly wouldn't go as far as insisting that ALL roads have dedicated bike lanes.. However I strongly believe that many MORE roads can and should have dedicated bike lanes (grade separated where possible).. I also think there needs to be more education for drivers about the benefits of cyclists as well as where bicycles are and are not allowed to be ridden... Incidentally, the answer to "where are bicycles not allowed to be ridden" is pretty much "sidewalks" and that's it.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I think we have to talk about eliminating all street parking from all major downtown streets, to create road capacity. If we do that, we likely have the capacity to do some interesting things downtown. Like, add lanes on several streets and make them exclusive to cars (no bicycles, no buses, no streetcars) and then take other streets and make them exclusive to transit and bicycles (lrt down the middle flanked by bike lanes and pedestian concourses). With the parking eliminated, there would be an increase in road capacity, and with the different kinds of traffic isolated from one another on key routes, everything would be safer and quicker.
Then we'd have to build more parking lots to accommodate those lost spots. Banning cars downtown might work, but the subway system and station parking lots couldn't handle the extra load. I do think that Richmond or Adeladie could be used exclusively for transit or bikes. Both are one way and are still in close proximity to Queen and King Streets.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Another economic opportunity denser urban development makes: For profit parking lots, taxed to pay for the pollution and other costs those rich folks who can afford them are inflicting on everyone by driving farther downtown than they should.

What's that? Can't get out of your own neighbourhood without the car? Well gosh, I guess the big house and two car thrust garage on the wide frontage wasn't as cheap as it looked. Adjust. Someone will soon open a cheap parking lot where your cul-de-sac meets the real roads. But parking on pricey downtown real-estate shouldn't be subsidized by gas and road taxes. You might also consider car-sharing, so that expensive car you 'need' to get around isn't parked for more hours than it moves.


Mar 21, 2011
It's simply not practical to have bicycles on every roadway. I can tolerate it a bit. I myself don't use a bike to commute except locally but I prefer to leisurely ride one on trails. I just don't trust motorists on the roads.
I don't trust the trails, filled with too many hazardous leisure riders.
I prefer the roads where most follow most of the rules.

And from Jennifer:
Councillor Ainslie files complaint with CBSC, wants the mayor off the air
Smart move by Ainslie, hope he succeeds.
All politicians should be held to telling the truth in public.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I gotta say that it still sorta stinks. Even as a neighbour and supporter of Ford, it smacks of bullying or as an underhanded method. I dunno. The LRT option was not an entirely stupid idea. Maybe he promised Ford he would vote for the subway and changed his mind, and Ford felt he was double-crossed. Then Ford should simply fire him from his executive staff, but the robocall is a bit much. Dirty politics.
I say a robocall is telemarketting, is an unacceptable interruption and should be banned. In fact they are banned by the DNC regulations except for political campaigns, and even in campaigns the politicians are required to maintain a DNC list of those who ask them not to call. I'm on four such party lists. I'd be on the Mayor's but I had no idea there was a campaign, and I bet no one had any idea such a rule was needed outside campaigns. The complaint to the CRTC may sort that out.

The dirty politics is in the language and attitude the Mayor used for his unwarranted attack on a Councillor for conscientiously doing the job he was elected to do: Make up his own mind and cast what he considered the best vote for his constituents' interests.

The point of a Council is to provide counsel: thoughtful and considered opinions on all sides of an issue and then finally to decide by the weight of opinions for and against. So there must be opposing voices, minds and even ideologies. It's hardly any wonder Ford wants to shrink that sort of Council down, given his poor listening and debating skills and penchant for mindless mantras instead of answers. Considering this belligerent and hostile reaction to just one very thoughtful differing view, he wants a Toronto City Rubber Stamp, not a Council.

But all robocalls are bad. If you disagree, please post your phone number as I am starting a duck-cleaning company that will come in after you've fixed your credit, de-virused your 'puter and had Boris move your stuff to <hem> 'storage' while you're on that cruise you won. You can let Rob go to voicemail.

"Nope. The ducks is already clean thanks, but the goat could stand with havin' his ass wiped if yer interested"


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Who wants to join in on this robo-call?:

“This is Toronto taxpayer, 'Anbarandy (insert your username here). It is extremely, extremely unfortunate that last week, Mayor Rob Ford became the only mayor, the only mayor in the country forced to call a news conference at a local gas station to explain why he is friends with an alleged local drug dealer, busted by police. Mayor Ford admitted the man was his friend, calling him ‘a good guy.’ You may remember this the next time the mayor purports to join the war on drugs.”


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Or this one?:

“This is Toronto taxpayer 'Anbarandy (insert your username here). It is extremely, extremely unfortunate that Mayor Rob Ford was the only mayor, the only mayor that Toronto has ever had that spearheaded the drive to eliminate a fully funded, well thought out and based on facts, needs and priorities transit plan for one that is the complete opposite and one which you will taxed for over $1billion and have to subsidize to the tune of $40million plus dollars a year, year after year until you die. You may remember this the next time the mayor spouts off about subways, subways, subway again.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Or this one?:

“This is Toronto taxpayer 'Anbarandy (insert your username here). It is extremely, extremely unfortunate that Mayor Rob Ford was the only mayor, the only mayor that Toronto has ever had that was photographed sleeping on the job, running a football program during work hours, driving around and around aimlessly throughout the city. You may remember this the next time the mayor wails that a part time community centre employee photographed dozing off should be terminated. '


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Another economic opportunity denser urban development makes: For profit parking lots, taxed to pay for the pollution and other costs those rich folks who can afford them are inflicting on everyone by driving farther downtown than they should.

What's that? Can't get out of your own neighbourhood without the car? Well gosh, I guess the big house and two car thrust garage on the wide frontage wasn't as cheap as it looked. Adjust. Someone will soon open a cheap parking lot where your cul-de-sac meets the real roads. But parking on pricey downtown real-estate shouldn't be subsidized by gas and road taxes. You might also consider car-sharing, so that expensive car you 'need' to get around isn't parked for more hours than it moves.
We already have for-profit parking operators like Park Link, ImPark, etc. in the city. The Green P (Toronto Parking Authority) are government run and managed. Green P is undercutting the private operators by charging a lot less. That might be some of the reason people choose to drive over taking transit. If cars were outright banned downtown or we had higher parking rates, tolls, congestion charges it might move people to choose transit.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You could get away with the first and third one there A.

As for the second we have had so many cancelations, changes over the years I think claiming he is the only one could be a lie depending on the wording.

So go ahead. Its legal. Put you money where your mouth is.


Mar 21, 2011
You could get away with the first and third one there A.

As for the second we have had so many cancelations, changes over the years I think claiming he is the only one could be a lie depending on the wording.

So go ahead. Its legal. Put you money where your mouth is.
Ford says it only costs a few hundred.
I'll put in $100, anyone else?


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Or this one?:

“This is Toronto taxpayer 'Anbarandy (insert your username here). It is extremely, extremely unfortunate that Mayor Rob Ford was the only mayor, the only mayor that Toronto has ever had that promised Toronto taxpayers that they could have all the subways they wanted and more and it wouldn't cost them a penny when in reality Toronto taxpayers will be bludgeoned with a total property tax bill increase of over $2billion over a 30 year period for 3 Rob Ford endorsed, gravy greased subway stations expected to attract a measly 6000 extra transit users. You may remember this the next time the mayor shouts out, "Trust me folks!"


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Or this one?:

“This is Toronto taxpayer 'Anbarandy (insert your username here). It is extremely, extremely unfortunate that Mayor Rob Ford was the only mayor, the only mayor that Toronto has ever had that promised Toronto taxpayers that they could have all the subways they wanted and more and it wouldn't cost them a penny when in reality Toronto taxpayers will be bludgeoned with a total property tax bill increase of over $2billion over a 30 year period for 3 Rob Ford endorsed, gravy greased subway stations expected to attract a measly 6000 extra transit users. You may remember this the next time the mayor shouts out, "Trust me folks!"
If it's such a bad idea, why did the majority of Councillors vote for for it? RF is only one vote!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
If it's such a bad idea, why did the majority of Councillors vote for for it? RF is only one vote!
Oh ..oh ! I got this one !

Could it possibly be that there are elections on the horizon and RF, Liberals & federal Conservatives are sucking up for the Scarborough voters even if the solution they are offering is yet another boondoggle waste of tax payers money on a project that will never ever pay for itself ?

The liberals bought an election for a poultry $1 Billion and that hasn't been lost on RF who has demonstrated that he will sink into as much mud as required to get re-elected.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Oh ..oh ! I got this one !

Could it possibly be that there are elections on the horizon and RF, Liberals & federal Conservatives are sucking up for the Scarborough voters even if the solution they are offering is yet another boondoggle waste of tax payers money on a project that will never ever pay for itself ?

The liberals bought an election for a poultry $1 Billion and that hasn't been lost on RF who has demonstrated that he will sink into as much mud as required to get re-elected.
He's still just one vote on city Council.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
We already have for-profit parking operators like Park Link, ImPark, etc. in the city. The Green P (Toronto Parking Authority) are government run and managed. Green P is undercutting the private operators by charging a lot less. That might be some of the reason people choose to drive over taking transit. If cars were outright banned downtown or we had higher parking rates, tolls, congestion charges it might move people to choose transit.
You are preaching to the choir brother. parking taxes were one of the 'revenue tools' Rob refused to consider when the Province asked the City how it would pay for it's fancy-dancy empty subway.

Looks like Rob's going to hike property taxes instead.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I guess calling Joe Warmington and telling him he's "fucking angry" about an article he wrote should put to bed whether or not he's a bully...


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
He's still just one vote on city Council.
Just proves not the only one willing to suck up for Scarborough votes. If he voted against an over-hyped issue because of principle, it would be more notable than trading tax payers money for votes. I think he started his pathetic slime campaign because he resents somebody who has the bigger balls to vote his conscience. Or maybe it was a petty vindictive campaign against someone who opposed him - and I'm giving him too much credit as a scheming politician and not enough as a self-centred egotistical bastard.
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