Road rage in america - best of the year | bad drivers usa, canada


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Wow, this compilation of various road rages that has even resulted into street fights, is an eyeopener:

Think it is time to get a dashboard camera, as there are some real lunatics on our streets!!

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I just got one. Love it so far. Still have to get the back camera installed. Got the catch those rear-ender too


Aug 10, 2013
I just got one. Love it so far. Still have to get the back camera installed. Got the catch those rear-ender too
W/ an ass like yours, it would be a challenge to try not to rear end you. LOL.

Seriously though, look into the blackvue cameras. I have a dual camera set up and they work QUITE well.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I watched the first 10 incidents. Here's my take on how some of these could've been prevented. People do stupid things, sometimes they're aware, sometimes not. But it's your job to drive defensively and prevent a collision.

1. Driver could've tapped the brake (or let off the the gas) as the van passed him on the shoulder. Instead, the van clipped his front right fender and sent him into a speed wobble. Poor shocks likely contributed to that. Preventable collision.

2. Driver in passing lane slowed down frustrating the driver behind, then sped up as he was trying to be passed. Preventable collision.

3. Driver in passing lane was being tailgated. If he simply moved over and let the van pass, nothing would've happened. Instead he left a gap, then didn't slow down or move onto the shoulder as he was being passed. Preventable collision.

4. When someone brake checks you like that in the passing lane, keep an eye on them. Driver should've know the same guy may try to cut him off again. Preventable collision.

5. Driver gets rear-ended. Has a dash cam and gets a clear view of the licence plate, but continues to follow the car. Then loses control and rolls his car. Preventable.

6. Camaro ahead in curb lane approaches parked cars. Based on the speed they're traveling, driver should've known he couldn't stop and was going to change lanes. All he had to do was simple tap on the brakes or a little steering input to the left as there was room to move over. Instead (if you watch closely) at the last second, he actually turns right and hits the Camaro. Preventable collision.

7. Skip this one. Not sure what was going on there.

8. Guy in pickup cuts off driver and stops in a live lane. Hindsight is 20/20 but if this is in the US, many people have guns. I'd be driving around him on the shoulder and getting the hell outa there. Possibly preventable.

9. I think the guy got rear-ended. Not preventable.

10. Transport driver has issues. Not preventable.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
My advice when driving...there are stupid people out there who will do stupid things. If someone cuts you off...take a deep breathe and let it go...if someone tailgates you in the passing lane, give way, courtesy goes a long way and safer. Don't ever give chase...nothing good will result from it. Absolutely nothing. I had one lady follow me from Pickering to Markham because she claims I cut her off...Mind you it was in the 401, she was in the passing lane and I have to pass on her right because she was driving I stopped by for coffee she let me have an earful...I took it...and told her if it makes her feel better...just make sure she drives safely...Some road ragers will go far and beyond...and they always think they are in the right...always.


Been Around
Mar 15, 2014
Room 38DD
Excellent advice my friend. There are things in life that are just NOT worth pursuing! :very_drunk:

Have a safe 2019!

My advice when driving...there are stupid people out there who will do stupid things. If someone cuts you off...take a deep breathe and let it go...if someone tailgates you in the passing lane, give way, courtesy goes a long way and safer. Don't ever give chase...nothing good will result from it. Absolutely nothing. I had one lady follow me from Pickering to Markham because she claims I cut her off...Mind you it was in the 401, she was in the passing lane and I have to pass on her right because she was driving I stopped by for coffee she let me have an earful...I took it...and told her if it makes her feel better...just make sure she drives safely...Some road ragers will go far and beyond...and they always think they are in the right...always.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
My advice when driving...there are stupid people out there who will do stupid things. If someone cuts you off...take a deep breathe and let it go...if someone tailgates you in the passing lane, give way, courtesy goes a long way and safer. Don't ever give chase...nothing good will result from it. Absolutely nothing. I had one lady follow me from Pickering to Markham because she claims I cut her off...Mind you it was in the 401, she was in the passing lane and I have to pass on her right because she was driving I stopped by for coffee she let me have an earful...I took it...and told her if it makes her feel better...just make sure she drives safely...Some road ragers will go far and beyond...and they always think they are in the right...always.
Good advice. If I'm in the passing lane and someone wants to go faster, I move over. Regardless of how fast I'm going. I don't understand the mentality of people who think they're going fast enough and therefore don't have to move over. Why would anyone want to be tailgated?

Maybe the signs should say this. :D

Just wondering if TeeJay was in any of the videos?
Probably 90% of them...


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Good advice. If I'm in the passing lane and someone wants to go faster, I move over. Regardless of how fast I'm going. I don't understand the mentality of people who think they're going fast enough and therefore don't have to move over. Why would anyone want to be tailgated?

Maybe the signs should say this. :D

Driving in countries like Germany is far more disciplined as no one should be grabbing the passing lane. That lane should always be kept clear and the traffic will flow far more efficiently. It is illegal to pass a car in an inner lane. No speed limits, but a lot less accidents on their autobahns. That is what they should be enforcing here, in order to eliminate those lunatic drivers that weave in and out of lanes, and are then responsible for all the collisions.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Driving in countries like Germany is far more disciplined as no one should be grabbing the passing lane. That lane should always be kept clear and the traffic will flow far more efficiently. It is illegal to pass a car in an inner lane. No speed limits, but a lot less accidents on their autobahns. That is what they should be enforcing here, in order to eliminate those lunatic drivers that weave in and out of lanes, and are then responsible for all the collisions.
I've driven in Germany, Britain and Italy many times and yes, they're far better drivers than they are here. Besides taking driving far more seriously, it starts with better education. Here you don't even have to take a single lesson, just pass a simple driving exam and road test. This explains why we have so many bad drivers with poor knowledge of the rules of the road.

Germany is a country that takes its driving very seriously. This is understandable when you realize that a German driver’s license costs over $2000, after a minimum of 25-45 hours of professional instruction plus 12 hours of theory, and such a license used to be good for life. Beginning in 2013, the German license had to conform to the EU term of 10 or 15 years. German licenses issued before 2013 will become invalid by 2033 and must be replaced by the new European (EU) driver’s license.

Cars marked “Fahrschule” (driving school) mean a student driver may be at the wheel. However, you don’t have too much to worry about; in typical thorough German fashion, Fahrschule cars are equipped with dual controls so that the instructor can take over any time the student gets into serious trouble. The practical, on-the-road training time has to include night driving, autobahn experience, in-town driving, and a multitude of other driving situations. The test for a German driver’s license includes questions about the mechanical aspects of an automobile, in addition to the usual examination on the rules of the road and a first aid exam.

German and European traffic law has a few variations that North American drivers may not always be aware of. For instance, it is illegal to pass on the right on the Autobahn. Slow moving vehicles must always move to the right, and faster vehicles may pass on the left only. The only exception is when both lanes are moving slowly (under 60 km per hour), as in the frequent traffic jams (Verkehrsstaus). In such cases drivers are allowed to pass on the right, but at a speed no higher than 20 km per hour faster than the traffic in the left lane.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I've been thinking about getting a dashcam too. Some insurance companies will give you a cut rate on your car insurance if you have one


Active member
Feb 5, 2009
This is nothing. Russian road rage videos are epic.

Russia it's a necessity to have a dash cam

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
In Ontario I can find no insurance company that gives a rate reduction for dash-cams, can you help?
Canadian insurance companies havent caught up yet, only in other countries so far.
But supposedly its coming soon to Ontario and rest of Canada as well


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Most drivers feel entitled. I can't count in both hands how many types of entitled drivers there are. Another thing that clogs up traffic in plazas are those lazy fuckers who park in front of the store instead of the parking lot because they're waiting for someone. Some would even leave the vehicle unattended.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
Although most won’t admit it, drivers subconsciously don’t think of themselves as ‘slower traffic’. I would suggest that “Slower Traffic Keep Right” signs be replaced with “Keep Right Except To Pass” signs to remove the reference to slower traffic.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Although most won’t admit it, drivers subconsciously don’t think of themselves as ‘slower traffic’. I would suggest that “Slower Traffic Keep Right” signs be replaced with “Keep Right Except To Pass” signs to remove the reference to slower traffic.
Even better. ^^^

Just change State to Provincial...

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