Toronto Passions
Toronto Escorts

Rioja's & Old Movies...

The other night I sat at home curled up on the sofa sipping a rioja and watching an old movie, it was a wonderful evening and one of the ways I enjoy spending a cool rainy night. I lean towards quiet nights in, music, movies and most of all a good book. I have caught up on all my reading for the summer/fall and now am looking for something else to catch my interest, I lean towards non-fiction, politics and social sciences with the odd classic thrown in just to remind myself that what came before is still relevant today and to feel that common thread that ties us all together. Any suggestions?

When I meet someone new I enjoy getting to know them a bit, I find that a connection of the mind and spirit makes a physical encounter so much more enjoyable. I enjoy the feeling of letting yourself go, being vulnerable and exposed in front of another individual and not having to worry about the expectations or pressures of the world beyond our door. If that's the type of encounter you are looking for, if you want to escape for a few hours and enjoy a relaxed, sensual escape from the ordinary world perhaps you should send me an email.

I am in Toronto for less than 2 weeks and do require 24hrs notice in order to arrange a date. I am happy to visit you at your location throughout the GTA and with a few additional details - sorry guys but there is some fine print ;) - I can arrange to host in Toronto or near the airport, hosting is not something I offer regularly though so please understand that I have a screening process.

2hrs - $900
Dinner Date - $1500
Overnight - $3000

For additional information please visit my website, and to arrange a date please contact me at the email below.
Hello Gents!

I am now offering a special getaway package that I hope you will find enticing!

As many of you know I too frequently travel for business and I quite often find myself bored in my own hotel room late at night. When I am travelling my days can be rather busy, I will have meetings or seminars to attend and usually there is a dinner invitation after the days activities which I may try to duck out of, but sometimes it is a necessary evil.
I know that I often prefer to spend my evenings with familiar company, someone I can enjoy my time with but that does not always feel possible when I am at a conference or when surrounded by colleagues and discretion is paramount. I hope that my latest date has addressed these concerns.

The Conference Package

With a minimum of 2 consecutive 12hr dates (additional time may be added) we will meet each day/evening depending on your schedule. In order to ensure our privacy I will arrange for a separate room at the same hotel or should you prefer at a hotel nearby. With this in mind when we meet we can share my room, I will never stop by your room and if you want we do not need to meet out at all, I am happy to arrange for room service, wine, anything you feel is necessary to relax and unwind after your day. Of course if you wanted to go out for a night on the town I am happy to meet at a restaurant or arrange for a 'business appropriate' meal at any time, I actually love when I get to put on a suit.

(don't worry I own a shirt!)​

If you find yourself wanting to travel with someone but concerned about privacy, worried your colleagues will find out who the leggy brunette popping in your room is, or just wondering why you have such girly little squeals escaping from your room each night... I am happy to offer up my private hotel room, and of course my companionship though there will still be a few girly little squeals. :wink:
Send Sandi or I an email and let's connect, because I know you can be busy but it doesn't mean that on those days when someone takes up most of your day you do not need a little help to unwind and release the stress. I would love to be the person to help with that!

Consideration varies but packages are starting at $4800+ expenses, details will be posted on the website soon!

I am in Toronto until Nov. 11 and happy to make arrangements for a little rendezvous, I have a minimum of 2hrs for all dates but can easily escape for much longer should you prefer that.

November Travel:

Washington DC Nov. 13-14
Denver CO Nov. 15-17 (morning)
Scottsdale AZ Nov. 17-18
Chicago IL Nov. 19-20

I look forward to seeing you!


Another fun little candid!​

As Summer into Autumn slips
And yet we sooner say
"The Summer" than "the Autumn," lest
We turn the sun away,

And almost count it an Affront
The presence to concede
Of one however lovely, not
The one that we have loved --

So we evade the charge of Years
On one attempting shy
The Circumvention of the Shaft
Of Life's Declivity.

~Emily Dickinson

The autumn weather surrounds me, the beautiful fall colours inspire and I take great pleasure in the flavours of the season. I was reminded of this poem today and I am inspired and hopeful rather than sharing it’s darker vision I wanted to share its beauty in verse.

I am available as of tomorrow through until Nov. 11 next week. Please note I do require advance notice for all dates due to my outside work schedule and as such a same day date is unfortunately not possible.
If you enjoy long leisurely hours spent by candlelight, the light autumn scent in the air, soft music and a warm body next to you please send me an email, I would love to indulge our senses together.
It's Autumn. I feel the cool air surrounding me, the sun rose late in the day and sleeping is more satisfying than ever. I lingered in bed today not wanting to expose my skin to the chill in the room, opting instead to spend an additional hour drifting in and out of sleep and warm under my duvet. Leaving my white fluffy cocoon was a shock to my body, I hurried to quickly cover it again in layers of cotton, lycra and fleece. I moved quickly but with little purpose or direction over to my sofa where a warm blanket waited for my return. In my head I debated the merits of making coffee while standing on the cool tile of the kitchen or going for a latte at the local coffee shop.
Time passed.
Eventually I put some music on and began to make my coffee, grinding the beans, boiling the water, hovering over it while it brewed. I loved feeling the warmth from it, the scent of the beans filling the air and how that familiar smell seemed to warm my body.

Me, not wrapped in my sweater waiting for water to boil. ;)

It's definitely a lazy Saturday morning and I'm enjoying a few songs of the season. I hope you enjoy this one as well and please share your favorites with me, I would love to hear what keeps you warm on a chilly autumn morning.

I am available this weekend through until next Wednesday if you would like to find another way to warm up during these cool autumn days.
If you would like additional information please visit my website and send me an email to arrange a date. I look forward to hearing from you.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts