Ricflairjuniour retiring


New member
Feb 22, 2003
While I respect Ric's decision, I'm puzzled by it.

Why would the information that the Ottawa escort scene is "dirtier, more vicious, dangerous and corrupt than I ever could have imagined" lead to someone not posting on TERB anymore? Does this help the situation? It's like being a well respected member of a political board saying "after witnessing how dirty, vicious and corrupt Canadian politics is, I'm not going to post here any more."

Maybe it's just not a favorite subject to discuss. Or that he is withdrawing from the scene and wouldn't have much to input. To each their own, but I think if I had inside information, I would post MORE, subtly suggesting who is not in a bad situation.

But I also commend Ric for at least caring. I've read boards where they were looking for the most enslaved and abused of women. "I was gonna give her an extra $20 because I knew most of what I gave her was going to her pimp, but by the looks of the tracks on her arm I figured it was just going to go to waste. Figured I'd save it and give it to her tomorrow night."
Steph@B&S aka VanessaSFSKitten

Ric is an outstanding guy!I am happy we got the opportunity to get to know each other on Terb and hope you'll stay in touch.As for the previous comment by "rubme" regarding the chooses Exotic Dancer, MPA and SP make to get in the adult industry and most are dragged in the dark side, I have to clarify as I been an ED&MPA that you get bad apples in every kinda jobs.In my journey I see 2 kinda ppl in this bizz:smart ones that get houses,car and save and the one that are not strong and have no ambition to do nothing with their lifes, they do it to survive day by day.I feel lucky that I can do a job that I like and get pay very well.We make a salary that most lawyers and doctors had to get education for 5-8 years to achive.I have been able to build a solid financial network for myself and all the smart other AIS(adult industry server) have done it too.In any walks of life,certain individuals no matter what they do, will fall of the wagon and begin destructive behaviors toward themself.IMO its an individual issue not job related.These same people would of have failed in any kinda background,specially something as complex and dangerous that the adult industry.
P.S.I admire you Ric not to want to be a part of something truly negative that you've encountered.xxx
Dec 5, 2004

Hi Rick

Thanks for all the great posts. They were helpful as a newbie and still helpful today. All the best.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
vanessasexyfrenchsexkitten said:
In my journey I see 2 kinda ppl in this bizz:smart ones that get houses,car and save and the one that are not strong and have no ambition to do nothing with their lifes, they do it to survive day by day.I feel lucky that I can do a job that I like and get pay very well.We make a salary that most lawyers and doctors had to get education for 5-8 years to achive.I have been able to build a solid financial network for myself and all the smart other AIS(adult industry server) have done it too.
Vanessa, I hope you don't equate material gain with happiness. I have been in this business more than 30 years. In that time, I've known people who lost it all, but still had good friends, love and family -- and maybe satisfaction with respect to their pursuits (professional or otherwise) -- and so they were happy. And I have known others who died in wealth and abject misery.

One sad thing I think happens with SPs is that some tend to think that somehow it is "less wrong" the more money they make, or the more assets they accumulate. Life's just not about that. It is partly -- but there's a balance there. We all have to balance our material gains against our spiritual needs. And since humans are community creatures, we all have to contribute to the community to achieve completion.

Over the years, one thing I often saw pimps use to control women was the idea of material wealth. I remember going to dinner at a pimp's house back in Ann Arbor in the 70s, and having his girls tell me their stories. One claimed to be a wall street stock broker, making 6+ figures -- but she quit to walk the streets and give her profits (not to mention her children! SADLY!!) to this pimp. Another claimed she was a physician.

Don't get caught up in that. The truth is, we never really truly own anything. History is riddled with stories of people who believed they owned something until something else (an invading army, a dust bowl, a tsunami, a depression, a hurricane, a mud slide, a currency devaluation, a tornado, the tax collector, a technological innovation, government appropriations, etc.) came along and took it away.

There are things in life that no one in life can ever -- EVER -- take from you. Love. Your experiences. Your memories.

I'm not saying you shouldn't invest in material wealth at all -- just don't count on it. It's highly unstable. But make sure you invest heavily in those things that no one can ever take from you.

Every time a guy sees us, they're doing that very thing.



Active member
Jan 19, 2004
JoyfulC said:

"I'm not saying you shouldn't invest in material wealth at all -- just don't count on it. It's highly unstable. But make sure you invest heavily in those things that no one can ever take from you."

Money doesn't give you happiness...... but it helps!

A lot of factors make happiness. But from a practical point of view, when you don't like your job, and you can't benefit materially from it, you're at the lowest point. Many jobs are dangerous or have some sort of unpleasant thing about it: you may be working in a slaughterhouse, or wiping strangers' bums in a hospital, or working in a steel mill etc. But at least, money you make may be some sort of compensation for the hardship you might have to endure. It's important that people like their job, but few do, and the compensation is important to make it all worthwhile, I think. I see service providing no different here. Many in your profession face getting assaulted, robbed, busted, catching something, not to mention dealing with individuals who are physically not appealing; but if you get pleasure out of it, such as giving pleasure, then it may all be worth it for the right person; but would most do it without adequate compensaton? I might like climbing hydro transmission towers, but not for less than $100,000 a year.



New member
Feb 10, 2005
When you have money, you can afford to make decisions - circumstances don't dictate your life. When you are in control and not under someone's thumb, you are happier.


Aug 16, 2003
Just to clairiify my position here. My concern is with the agencies or agencies posing as independants. There's many out there and if they are deceitful about who they are and how they operate are I'm sure they can not be trusted in other areas. I know, as I learned of some unpleasant situations of late that I feel terrible being party to, all be it indirectly and innocently on my part.

There are a number good independants out there, those special gems we find and occasionaly share. We all know where my alliegences lie, I plan on sharing with regards to independants that I may discover or rediscover :), but I will not continue to support the agency side of things. I no not for sure what corruption Ric speaks of here,but I'm sure we've both had our eyes opened and seen a side of this hobby that we never expected to witness.

Sorry if my orriginal post caused confusion; hopefully this post cut down on the PM's I've recieved regarding the first post


New member
Sep 23, 2004
wilbur said:
But from a practical point of view, when you don't like your job, and you can't benefit materially from it, you're at the lowest point.
Yes. I agree. And I suppose if an escort hated her job, then money would be a saving grace.

I guess I just don't think of it that way.

wilbur said:
Many jobs are dangerous or have some sort of unpleasant thing about it: you may be working in a slaughterhouse, or wiping strangers' bums in a hospital, or working in a steel mill etc. But at least, money you make may be some sort of compensation for the hardship you might have to endure.
I suppose. I'm not so sure it would be enough for me -- but then, I've been lucky all my life to have a job that was pleasurable, interesting AND paid reasonably well.

wilbur said:
It's important that people like their job, but few do
Do you really think so?

wilbur said:
I see service providing no different here. Many in your profession face getting assaulted, robbed, busted, catching something, not to mention dealing with individuals who are physically not appealing; but if you get pleasure out of it, such as giving pleasure, then it may all be worth it for the right person; but would most do it without adequate compensaton?
I guess I view compensation as only one facet.

I don't think I could do a job I didn't truly enjoy -- but then, I've never had to. My experiences haven't included all these negatives you list.

wilbur said:
I might like climbing hydro transmission towers, but not for less than $100,000 a year.
I would -- if I could BASE jump off them! ;)


The D Man

New member
Jun 3, 2004
So sad to see you go Rick! We got along so well......

I myself am gone from Ottawa board, I am back in Toronto.
I had a blast in Ottawa for the past 2yrs.

Good luck to all you wonderful ladies in Ottawa I had the pleasure of meeting.
Keep your heads up, don't let anyone put you down for the services you provide!
Just remember... critisism should only make you stronger and better.

To JoyfulC,you missunderstood my statement:Money definatly doesn't mean happiness it means stability and choices.If you are gonna go to work and make descent money it only make sense to spend it wisely and plan for future ahead as we all know...this job is not forever.You can still have time for love ones and be smart about your future investment.
Last edited:


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Vanessa, I guess I did misunderstand. I agree with you completely. I am often approached by new escorts looking for advice on getting set up in the business. The #1 piece of advice I give (and the #1 piece of advice most often ignored) is: LEARN TO BUDGET. I always tell people that, no matter how much money they're making, put it in the bank, pay your bills first and always put something aside for the inevitable rainy day. I've seen so many beautiful women get desperate and end up doing things they didn't want to do simply because they overspent themselves into a corner. It's too easy to do in our business.

(ps. I used to think this job was "not forever." Now? I'm not so sure! ;) )

It just make me sad to see girls that have been MPA for a long time and made so much money, struggling to survive.To me I always wonder "where do they spend all their money?"And the answer is probably boyfriends, partying and just money mismanagment.As for in doing it forever, as long as you still enjoy it I think there is a market for older woman lovers.Myself, I just opened a small distribution bizz that supplies to corporate company and trying to build it up from scratch.But until it really takes off I am enjoying being a MPA, it gives me the freedom of trying new things without having financial worries.But at 24 I still have alot of time to work toward achiving all my dreams but the ideal is to not put them on hold while you work as an MPA.


May 15, 2005
Smart and beautiful...

<hijack, sorta>

Vanessa: Reading your posts it is obvious that you are smart as you are beautiful and a nice person to boot (sending business your friend's way)
I'm impressed and happy for you that you have plans for the future and are working towards achieving them. Good on you.



New member
May 26, 2005
Rick, Quitting is terb pointless

Hey Rick, why don't you reprot any crimminal info you have to the cops? Just quitting terb won't change anything.


New member
Jan 17, 2005
Some Humor

Well it has been a week since Rick dropped his little bombshell and I figured I'd add some humor to the post.

Isn't it ironic that in the WWE (the character Rick Flair) just won't go away - I mean he's like the 16 time world champ (wooooo)!!

On TERB - we have rickflairjunior - our own 'dirtiest player in the game' who claims to be retiring but will continue to see a specific SP and MP.

Sound like a WWE publicity stunt - what's next, "to be the man you gotta beat the man"??

We await your return rickflairjunior - all the big guys do it. Woooo !! :D
P.S - Ditch trippleH and stick with Batista (more mileage)


4 horsesmen
Jul 4, 2002
not yet

Hi just for the record the original ricflair ( TERB member ) is still around and alive LOL. Sorry I didnt get to chat with you RFJ, all the best .

Happy holidays to all Fellow TERB members

Ric F
Toronto Escorts