Toronto Escorts

Review: TERB party at Upper Brass


Sr. Member
Jun 19, 2002
What a blast! Arrived with the beautiful Annalee, and Nighthawk's on the sidewalk outside telling us that there are three people there. Ohmygawd; this is going to be a non-event!

WRONG! After a brief pase for an Indian meal across the road, we returned to find that the joint was jumping. Loads of nice people there - Love4Lust, Frid and Kayla among them — and a really nice vibe. My best moment was meeting Julie James, Mia and Madison — all of whom I was planning to contact, after seeing good words in the Incall Forum... (I promptly e-mailed them the minute I got home)

The dancers didn't seem to have attitude problems with the SPs there - one of them (Chris?) was demonstrating the feel of her new implants for Mia, and they were generally cheerful, smiling and talkative. Of course, I did remember once again the reason I don't hang out at peeler bars — they're all too dark to let you enjoy the sight of all the nice naked dancers!

The worst part of the evening came, oddly enough, this morning when I stumbled out of the shower at 8 a.m. and put my pants on — there was a huge rip in the back of them, and I guess I had spent the evening at the Upper Brass quite literally with my arse hanging out of my trousers. To those who didn't notice, thank goodness, and to those who did and never said anything, my thanks - I would have been mortified!

This was the best party for a LONG while; we have a community here - sometimes a severely disfunctional one, but a community just the same. And this was a community event; hey, big thanks to Nighthawk for getting it all sorted out. Even bigger thanks to Annalee, who is a wonderful escort at events like this - and thanks for the ride home.

And will Mis/Madison and Julie e-mail me back? <g>



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Thanks Muddy...

And thanks again to everyone who showed up and made it fun.

I said on another thread about this party there were IMO not enough people there. But that remains my thing for having been to so many other parties where the crowd was double what it was last night. That and some last min happenings before I got there dampened my mood a bit. Also next time I think I will circulate more rather then just sit is the same seat all night and talk with only one or two people. So those I only said hello to and did not get much chance to spend more time with I say... no worries... there will be more parties in the not to distant future. I mean this is summer time is it not.

Party On! :D

Lil' Miss Mia

Retiring August 31st
Dec 10, 2004
North York
It was a pleasure to meet the gentlemen and the ladies that came out last night...yes I like to play with stripper's breasts (only if they ask me to) and even enjoyed an "interactive dance" with a beatiful blonde that Madison hand selected for me...let's just say it was a good night!!!!!!

Tabitha, call me anytime hun, and Muddy, you have been replied to!

xo to all
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts