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Review of Ava Jones


New member
Aug 7, 2007
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is episode 21 of my journey of 43.

Several weeks ago, I managed to book an appointment with the lovely Ms. Ava Jones. If I had known that I would be so jet-lagged after my time in Las Vegas, I would have booked for next week. Why, you ask? Because any time spent with Ms. Jones requires that you be in tip-top shape, mentally alert, physically ready to climb amazing peaks, and descend into sweet luscious valleys.

I am not exaggerating. Ava Jones is a treat. A sweet, creamy, delicious treat that makes you want only one thing - more.

While some on the board have suggested that the recommendations are fake, I have heard nothing but lovely things about Ava. I have only one thing to say to the naysayers - up your game!

Einstein was correct - time is relative. I booked an hour and it felt like 10 minutes.

Her kissing is sweet, soft, and sometimes aggressive. She is a natural hard-body but with the roundness just where I like it (hips and inner thighs, if you are wondering). Her breasts are magnificent in shape, touch, and taste. Now, I love going downtown and I have to say that Ava gives new meaning to rush hour. She is responsive, delicious, amazingly symmetric, and now on my lifetime top 10 that I wish to pleasure again and again.

As I have said before, I tend to be a little shy at first, but Ava put me at ease and had me rising to the occasion. The multiple positions transitioned easily and were always safe. The intensity of my orgasm was matched by hers which was a real turn-on. I felt a connection and as we chatted, it became clear that I will be back.

Overall, without hyperbole, this was a terrific encounter with a terrific young woman who really likes sex. Her location is clean and I was offered a shower - which was spotless. The only troubling part for some (not for me) is that she has a couple of large dogs that are enthusiastic and this may put some of you off.

She may be hard to reach as she does this part-time. My advice - book in advance, be patient, be ready for a beautiful ride.

I want more but I am now 6000 km away. Sigh.


Drinking apple juice
Jul 3, 2008
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Ava! She is a very beautiful young woman, no doubt. One point kinda stuck out to me though: that you've heard nothing but lovely things about Ava. Now that may be true because the other board is a recommendation board and not a review board. So it only stands to figure that you'd only hear lovely things about Ava or any other woman for that matter over there. Reviews are not allowed over there as I found out first hand while attempting to review Ava. They are allowed over here on terb though. Just my two cents.


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
Why are both posts with Ava's name on them so controversial. People will think the poor woman is a problem. A sweetheart like her doesn't deserve this grief. You may like her or not, you may express it here, or not, but please don't drag her name through this.

Yes, I have reviewed her, and I think she is a rare gem.
Last edited:


New member
Sep 23, 2008
esoterica said:
Why are both posts with Ava's name on them so controversial. People will think the poor woman is a problem. A sweetheart like her doesn't deserve this grief. You may like her or not, you may express it here, or not, but please don't drag her name through this.

Yes, I have reviewed her, and I think she is a rare gem.
I agree completely agree and have tried to bring the threads back to Ava and how great I find her to be, as do the majority that have enjoyed her company. However I think that insidevoice has an axe to grind because his negative comment about her was removed from the other board, and he is still fishing for approval on this board (I don't care about his experience frankly she is a perfect 10 to me) It is valuable to understand that insidevoices taste and my taste are obviously not the same I will be cautious about ladies he does like as I am cautious about the post he makes about not liking Ava.

As for the dead horse that Secret Admirer is beating (and I really should just shut my pie hole and ignore it) we have heard it over and over we understand that your criticism on another post was not directed at her, apology accepted.

Now back to Ava, I have got to tell you that she has the nicest pussy I have had in a long time, this pussy is in the top 3 of my life time (that says a lot actually) when you start to play with it, it unleashes this amazing goo, kinda like clear ghost buster slime stuff, and the taste and consistency is unbelievable, and she has an amazing butt, it is too die for, tight flat tummy and a pair of near perfect implants that have lots of playability. Also this lady is a scorpion so she is predominantly horny all the time, she was born to fuck.

No one is all things to all people, however if you like Ava than hang on for more reviews from me, if Ava is not your type than you can probably ignore most of my posts. I will do the same if I find a poster here that is consistently posting great experiences about ladies that I did not enjoy I will conclude that they have different taste than me. I certainly will not conjecture that they were paid off for these high accolades, look at insidevoice and Stacy from GOE ( I am speaking out of turn as I am not sure if he reviewed her here but he told me he really liked her) she rocked his world and she did nothing for me, I don't think she paid him in anyway either through service or extra's for a good review or kind word, we just have different tastes, my 10 was his 5 and his high rated girl was my 3-4, the numbers are really quite meaningless unless we know the poster.


Drinking apple juice
Jul 3, 2008
Yep, different strokes for different folks. My only point on this thread was to discount the initial statement that there have been nothing but lovely things said about her. That's it, that's all, I'm done. And I'd certainly never stoop to fishing for anyone's approval.


New member
Aug 7, 2007
Read vs Hearing

insidevoice said:
Yep, different strokes for different folks. My only point on this thread was to discount the initial statement that there have been nothing but lovely things said about her. That's it, that's all, I'm done. And I'd certainly never stoop to fishing for anyone's approval.
I make a distinction between what I hear from those I know and trust and what I read some people I do not really know. I had heard nothing but lovely things about Ava. I had read some things that were not complementary but since I do not know the people personally, I take what I read with a grain of salt.

Is this not how most of us make our decisions and come to form opinions. Some sources of information are just worth more than others.


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
ulixestrojan said:
I make a distinction between what I hear from those I know and trust and what I read some people I do not really know. I had heard nothing but lovely things about Ava. I had read some things that were not complementary but since I do not know the people personally, I take what I read with a grain of salt.

Is this not how most of us make our decisions and come to form opinions. Some sources of information are just worth more than others.
And as you rightly say, seeing is believing. I saw. I believe.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
insidevoice said:
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Ava! She is a very beautiful young woman, no doubt. One point kinda stuck out to me though: that you've heard nothing but lovely things about Ava. Now that may be true because the other board is a recommendation board and not a review board. So it only stands to figure that you'd only hear lovely things about Ava or any other woman for that matter over there. Reviews are not allowed over there as I found out first hand while attempting to review Ava. They are allowed over here on terb though. Just my two cents.

I think that insidevoice just has a cold chip on his shoulder. It seems that whenever a nice comment is made about Ava he is quick to stick a negative comment about how he didn't enjoy her company. Insidevoice.... GET OVER IT. You need to remember and like others have said, just because one person enjoys the time spent with a particular SP isn't what might get your boat to float. I think you have voiced you opinion enough on her and quite frankly its getting old. Perhaps we should ask her to do a review on you. Something tells me that she could probably comment on things she didn't like.

I see her weekly, I never post because I don't feel the need to. However it does seem that whenever someone posts something about her on Terb, controversy does come up.

She is sweet and genuine. She looks at this as fun and pleasurable, not as a buisness. She is a true gfe, and not mechanical in the slightest. Dummpy describes her to a tee both on the site, but more descriptive on Cerb. Her incall location was always clean and welcoming, not to mention her lovely attitude. She is funny and can carry on a conversation with such intellegence.

Now, today she has posted that she is retiring, and she will be missed, for those of you that have no seen her, sorry for your loss. For those of us that have, our dreams will be filled with the foxy brunette.

Ava incase you read this, I loved our sessions, and it will take some intense looking to find someone to replace you!!


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
Trustthis said:
Perhaps we should ask her to do a review on you. Something tells me that she could probably comment on things she didn't like.

Who was the one getting PAY?


New member
Sep 25, 2008
The point I was getting across was that perhapshe should be looking at himself as well. If he stated his opinion once and left it at that, no problem, but he continuously brings it up. Like have you ever had a bad day? Perhaps he wasn't exactly a gentlemen.... we don't know the circumstance, so he shouldn't be so hard on her!

He just seems to be taking it to a level that isn't required


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Also, just because she is the one getting paid, if the chemistry isn't there it isn't there. We all know this before we commit to a session. Its just time to grow up!


New member
May 19, 2008
Although I never had the pleasure of meeting AvaJ as our schedules could not synchronize; I have communicated with her on a few occasions and each and every time she was professional and kind hearted. From that perspective, and her contributions on the other board, I came to know her and I admit I like her style not only as an SP but most importantly as a person.

Because she announced today that she is leaving the industry, I just want to wish her the absolute best in her future endeavors. Best wishes AvaJ :)


Drinking apple juice
Jul 3, 2008
Trustthis said:
I think that insidevoice just has a cold chip on his shoulder. It seems that whenever a nice comment is made about Ava he is quick to stick a negative comment about how he didn't enjoy her company. Insidevoice.... GET OVER IT. You need to remember and like others have said, just because one person enjoys the time spent with a particular SP isn't what might get your boat to float. I think you have voiced you opinion enough on her and quite frankly its getting old. Perhaps we should ask her to do a review on you. Something tells me that she could probably comment on things she didn't like.

I see her weekly, I never post because I don't feel the need to. However it does seem that whenever someone posts something about her on Terb, controversy does come up.

She is sweet and genuine. She looks at this as fun and pleasurable, not as a buisness. She is a true gfe, and not mechanical in the slightest. Dummpy describes her to a tee both on the site, but more descriptive on Cerb. Her incall location was always clean and welcoming, not to mention her lovely attitude. She is funny and can carry on a conversation with such intellegence.

Now, today she has posted that she is retiring, and she will be missed, for those of you that have no seen her, sorry for your loss. For those of us that have, our dreams will be filled with the foxy brunette.

Ava incase you read this, I loved our sessions, and it will take some intense looking to find someone to replace you!!
The only "controversy" that comes up is that Ava-lovers from the other board seem to want to drown me out over here on TERB. Listen closely now ... I'm very happy that you adore her so much and her service is good for you, Trustthis. I accept that chemistry plays a part in every encounter. But the experience I had with her was so uninspired that I could not chalk it up to lack of chemistry. I don't know why people try to throw me under the bus for me stating my opinion. I accept your opinion of her now why don't you accept mine? Hey, perhaps we can even meet in the middle and say that YMMV or she was inconsistent. And asking her to post a review on me? My friend, that's got to be the oddest thing I've ever read on this board.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I think that just because you felt it was uninspired.... and you are the only one that is down right telling people it was horrible for you, doesn't really give her the title of being "inconsistant". If anything, Chalk it up to a bad day not YMMV.

I don't think that asking her to right a review on you would be the oddest thing... Paige and Cat did it on Dummpy, However something tells me that hers might not be so positive. Especially since you consistantly disrespect her.


Drinking apple juice
Jul 3, 2008
This is a review board, Trustthis. And I feel it is my right and/or duty to review our time together. I take exception to your statement that I consistently disrespect her. Like it or not it's my review of what happened during our time together. I did not use the word "horrible". You are trying to put words into my mouth. I'd not describe our time together as horrible, just uninspired. And I will take your advice and shall chalk it up to a "bad day". Anyway, I have nothing further to add. She's retired. Having her write a review of me is a ridiculous idea. Let's let this thing die.


New member
Apr 4, 2005
Ava is leaving the business from what she posted on the other site.I wish her luck and hope she does well.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
Trustthis said:
I think that just because you felt it was uninspired.... and you are the only one that is down right telling people it was horrible for you, doesn't really give her the title of being "inconsistant". If anything, Chalk it up to a bad day not YMMV.

I don't think that asking her to right a review on you would be the oddest thing... Paige and Cat did it on Dummpy, However something tells me that hers might not be so positive. Especially since you consistantly disrespect her.
How did I get dragged into this? Plus I think I am new poster here so it's not fair to discuss the other board here, what happens there should stay there and what happens here should stay here. One of the key differences is that the ladies are in safe environment on the other board that allows them to interact. It is a different environment over here, and it should be other wise we just all be on one board.

BTW I do feel greatly complimented with the reference, however I also think that the boards should be distinct entities. And there is an outside chance that some poser got on here and stole my screen name from the other board to get instant recognition (thank goodness I got here in time :D )


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I am so very disappointed that Ava had retired, I am also disappointed in the newbies that don't know the rules. Perhaps if they did proper research on ettiqute, Ava would still be seeing clients.

Note to all Newbies, Don't walk into a SP's home without her answering the door to let you in... Lets be logical here guys! We seem to loose our Indy's due to preventable experiences.
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