Review of Alexxis


New member
Sep 27, 2006
Set up an appointment with Michelle at Jasmine’s recently and then had something come up at work which was going to jeopardize me being able to keep my appointment. I spoke to Michelle and she was so understanding about the whole thing. I felt pretty bad about it because I understand it’s a business and cancellations are not always inevitable but do have an affect on the business. I therefore managed to change my work commitment around and decided to keep my appointment. Anyways I was supposed to see Michelle but she was not feeling 100% and suggested that she could still attend to me but asked if I would consider Alexxis who was also in attendance. She suggested I come in and make my decision then. Well gentleman I must say that although I had only taken a brief look at Alexxis’ pictures, I was stunned when I saw her in person. She is absolutely beautiful, I would even say she has a Hollywood look. The pictures on the web site are so off the mark I think they should be removed until she gets new ones taken. She has golden brown soft and perfect skin, has a beautiful slender and taut petite body with perfect curves in all the right places. I took the 45 minute deluxe massage and of course like all the women there she was very clean, pleasant and fun.


New member
Jul 26, 2006
Nice review Monamie. I have heard such good things about Alexxis. I guess it is my turn to get in line.


May 17, 2005
Are you saying her body is much better than this rather terible pic (with what looks like a bit of a saggy tummy, stretch marks, thick waist line, 2-3 months pregant ... etc.)??? Not sure why Jas decided to post this pic up .... but I guess that is the difference in how a girl looks thru a man's eye and a woman's eye. I hope she takes your advise and removes those pics ... or at least this one ... I did try to tell her that before but she decided to remove the whole thread instead .... (????)

Monamie said:
She suggested I come in and make my decision then. Well gentleman I must say that although I had only taken a brief look at Alexxis’ pictures, I was stunned when I saw her in person. She is absolutely beautiful, I would even say she has a Hollywood look. The pictures on the web site are so off the mark I think they should be removed until she gets new ones taken. She has golden brown soft and perfect skin, has a beautiful slender and taut petite body with perfect curves in all the right places. I took the 45 minute deluxe massage and of course like all the women there she was very clean, pleasant and fun.


New member
Sep 27, 2006
Well, I must say that Gmuoo's link to that picture is another bad picture. I mean I know I was only there for 45 minutes and not all of that time was used to look directly at ALexxis but I am certain she is much much prettier than the pictures seen so far. I guess to confirm my opinion we'll have to wait for someone else's confirmation. All I can say is she was and is beautiful.


New member
Feb 7, 2006
I saw Alexxis last week. I think she is pretty, and I would say the picture shows her body pretty accurately. However, what impressed me most was her execellent service and attitude. On top of that, no phone interruption during the whole session and the most discreet place you can find.


May 17, 2005
ahhhh ... Jas, Jas, Jas, ... you usual unwilling acceptance to suggestion and criticism has failed you once again. It just makes people see more what kind of "non-open-minded" person you really are behind those lovely eyes.

I can`t tell you where those things ("sag", `stretch marks", ... etc.) are if you fail to see them. It was so obvious to me (and probably many others too) the very first time I saw the pictures.

As with your usual rude and non-apologetic nature as evidenced on this board zillion of times, you accused me yet once again of keeping her pic while you were the one that posted those terrible pics in the thread "More temporary pics of Alexis" in the first place :) :

Should I be expecting an apology from you? Doubt I will ever get one as I don`t recall you actually apologized the last time when you so blatantly and wrongfully accused me in your extremely rude PM that I purposely put a "ugly penis" image in your section of the spreadsheet while it was in fact your own browser that had the bad cache of the smiley, which I cut and paste from your own description of Victoria in your very own exact words. Oh what did I do in return? I nicely responded back to your PM (despite that it was beyond rude to begin with) and even cleared up the problem/confusion for you and for those who were looking at your section in the spreadsheet. Anyone guess whether the Jas everyone thought that has such a lovely face and smile on the surface and all that "always righteous" philosophy even bothered to say a little Thank you???? Obviously not!!!! An apology??? Maybe in your dreams only!!!

What do I think our Jas is going to do next??? Do she does the best ... run to the Mods like a cry baby and ask to have this thread that has anything bad mentioned about her to be removed (as usual) ....

Jas, this is a review board and I am not your average reviewer that only gives praises just because of the Jas factor!!!! Grow up and learn to take some criticism especially when it is so blatantly obvious you can need some improvements in this area of your personality.

Alexis, unlike someone, I am not afraid to apologize. I am sorry if I hurt your feeling but it probably gives you some better hints on how to have better photos taken in your professional shoot. I just called what I saw. But seriously, no one should post those terrible pics of yours up in the first place if those do not truly reflect what your body is like. If I am your agent or boss, I would have bothered to look twice before I post anything up to actually promote or demote your image. Any young boy with a $99 digital camera knows how to take better pics of girls than those ...

And in case you haven`t noticed, the others thought it was a terrible picture too ...

Jasmin_MA said:
First, I know they aren`t the best pics of her, but please tell me where do you see the "sag" and the "stretch marks" and what makes you think she is "2-3 months pregnant"? I think the pic shows the fact that, no she isn`t a skinny minny and she has an inny belly botton, not to mention the way she is sitting.... By no means is she fat and I think your comment is actually quite rude... and very insulting. And just to let you know, for someone who hasn`t even met her, you have done a great job of hurting her feelings. Keep your negative comments to yourself....

I actually think Alexis has a sexy curvey (I don`t mean fat, I mean nice form) body... kinda like my body... and I don`t have any stretch marks, nor do I look like Im preggo... maybe you shouldn`t keep a picture that was deleted of someone you think is so awful... your reasons for doing so are beyond me... maybe it was for this exact reason... when someone had something nice to say about her you could drag out this pic and insult her.... You are the only one with that pic... it isn`t posted on my site as you have implied...

She will have her professional pics done soon.... "NAME OF PHOTOGRAPHER" hurry up and get home....


New member
Jul 20, 2006
gmuoo said:
Are you saying her body is much better than this rather terible pic (with what looks like a bit of a saggy tummy, stretch marks, thick waist line, 2-3 months pregant ... etc.)??? Not sure why Jas decided to post this pic up .... but I guess that is the difference in how a girl looks thru a man's eye and a woman's eye. I hope she takes your advise and removes those pics ... or at least this one ... I did try to tell her that before but she decided to remove the whole thread instead .... (????)
I have to agree with Jasmin on this one. I thought your comments about Alexis are off and abit crule. I don't see any stretch marks and she definitely doesn't look pregnant. Having met Alexis I would agree that she needs better pics but her beauty speaks for itself. I read this thread and I think Jasmin has every right to defend Alexis.

My SO always tells my son to keep his mouth shut if he doesn't have anything nice to say.


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
gmuoo said:
Not sure why Jas decided to post this pic up .... but I guess that is the difference in how a girl looks thru a man's eye and a woman's eye. I hope she takes your advise and removes those pics ... or at least this one ...
I'd have to agree with gmuoo concerning that one rather unflattering image. When I first saw it a week or so ago my initial reaction was exactly the same as gmuoo's --- my eyes locked in instantaneously on "that" area. I'm not saying that my own stomach is more attractive though (it certainly isn't) but then I'm not charging money for people to look at it or touch it! I guess it's just one of "those" photographs that didn't turn out so well although what we can see of the lady's mouth and face is absolutely beautiful. Perhaps it was the lighting that cast some unfortunate shadows and created a false and unflattering effect? Anyway, we all have "good hair days" and "bad hair days". In the circumstances, I think it would be best to crop, delete or replace that particular image but that's only my personal opinion.


New member
Aug 17, 2005
Jasmin_MA said:
...nor will I apologize for bringing to your attention that there was some sort of virus that created an ugly looking dick (for all those who missed it- it was a penis that had about 20 piercing) in place of a smilely face that showed up on the spreadsheet that Gumoo created beside Victoria's name - it's not really appealing or attractive... Im sure any other MP owner would do the same...
Oh man, I missed that. That would have been funny! No wonder you're extra bitchy today.


May 17, 2005
1. Even temporary pics can be taken with much better taste. Of course, the girls work themselves ... like all my employees, they work for themselves BUT they work for me too. You used terms like "... decide to let her go ..." in the past, control their email addresses and take a cut out of the donation so it does sound like they do work for you. No matter what, you do profit from it so even taking a 2nd look on the pics before posting any crap up is not too much to ask .... especially if you are helping a friend like you said .... then you should have even taken extra care for your friend's sake and her introduction to the biz

2. I think I did apologize if Alexxis found the comments insulting but those were my very frank and honest comments and instantaneous reactions that I am sure were shared by many. I still stand by those comments. If you don't want to hear negative comments, then don't throw negative stuff out. Besides, it was the original reviewer of this thread that initially brought up how terrible Alexxis' pics were and not me purposely bringing them up. I just showed an example of what he was talking about. I really hope you can take the criticism and learn from it and be a better woman or better friend to your girls.

3. The apology is for you falsely accusing people in something that they did not do and not for flighting about your argument vigorously. In this case, I did not save and post her pic like what you accused of me in doing. In the ugly penis case in the spreadsheet, you also falsely and repeatedly accused me of putting it there by purpose when in fact the exact words + the smiley came from your very own description. I even told you that I was not even aware of any image tags in the entire spreadsheet. The apology again is in falsely accusing people in something that they did not do before you even attempted any effort to find out the cause first ... it is OK to "falsely accuse first and then apologize deeply later" as I deal with this kind of people all the time ... no big deal ... but "falsely accuse first and nothing later" is regarded to be beyond rude in my book ...

hey, I have nothing against you unlike what you and your bf think ... if those conditions change, then I would love to come and see you and your girls again like what I told you before ... I am a very forgiving person :)

Jasmin_MA said:
I have repeatedly noted that those pics are temporary until the photgrapher has an opportunity to see Alexxis (and Yuki).

I give the girls free will to choose whatever pics they want to be posted on TERB or don't want to use - they work for themselves and I "don't need to think twice" about what they have decided for themselves - so again, by assuming you know what goes on in my business (and personal life I might add - assuming you know what type of guy my BF is and what he will do if and when we break up - in a negative way - inside PM message that I received from Gumoo) you have managed to insult Alexxis again. If you don't like the pics that's fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion - so why do you continue to see the need to make a HUGE deal out of this single pic - just as you did in the original thread - making comments that were inappropriate and mean spirited. There are 4-6 other pics of Alexxis to be found on TERB of which when they are put together they provide a greater understanding of her appearance... Why couldn't you have posted links to all her pics and asked would you say Alexxis is better in person or are the pictures accurate?"

However the point of my response post was that I thought it was extremely RUDE and UNTHOUGHTFUL to purposely bring up an "unflattering" pic of someone in a thread that was supposed to be a thread reviewing her skills, personality and actual in-the-flesh appearance. Instead the choice was made to insult her again and again. Yes you are right, this is a review board - a place to review actual experiences and to gain information about people or places that interest you. Since you have made it abundantly clear in the past that you do not intend to ever frequent my establishment again, why did you feel the need to gain information and comparative analysis on an attendant that works at my place?

You can think whatever you want about me, you can even think that I have some miraculous powers and persuasion with the Mods and Fred and that they bow down and kiss my feet and do whatever I say because my measley $37 a month (approx) keeps the bread and butter on their tables.

I don't whine, I call people out and speak my mind - I always have and always will...

I'm not going to apologize for defending one of my friends from assholish comments, nor will I apologize for bringing to your attention that there was some sort of virus that created an ugly looking dick (for all those who missed it- it was a penis that had about 20 piercing) in place of a smilely face that showed up on the spreadsheet that Gumoo created beside Victoria's name - it's not really appealing or attractive... Im sure any other MP owner would do the same...

However I will thank you for all the positive contributions you have and continue to make to TERB - you have greatly enriched the TERB experience for many TERBITES, both new and old


May 17, 2005
AM, my comments were on the pics and not on the real her and I do stand by my comments 120%. I doubt this is a place where your SO is welcomed here so you can save your SO's lectures for your own digestion.

If you don't want to hear bad things, then stay home and watch PBS. If the board is all about praises and ass kissing, then it won't be a too useful board. It is quite simple. People throw crap out ... then they should expect to get crap comment back.

If you don't see something wrong with those pics, then maybe you are seeing it thru a woman's pair of eyes too. 14 posts so far. Half or more are on general category crap and the other half are all singing and dancing for Jas ladies ... hmmmm ... more than a bit bias .... I would say ...

Armyman said:
I have to agree with Jasmin on this one. I thought your comments about Alexis are off and abit crule. I don't see any stretch marks and she definitely doesn't look pregnant. Having met Alexis I would agree that she needs better pics but her beauty speaks for itself. I read this thread and I think Jasmin has every right to defend Alexis.

My SO always tells my son to keep his mouth shut if he doesn't have anything nice to say.


New member
Sep 27, 2006
Alexxis Review

The intent of this thread was simple - to basically state that Alexxis was much prettier and better looking in person than the picture on Jasmine's web site. I think its unfair to further comment on this matter unless you have seen Alexxis in person. This thread was also not supposed to develop and divert into a negative feedback thread on other individuals. If you have a problem with an establishment or individual then you probably should have started a new thread focusing on your particular subject. All I can say about this thread if that if you want to post your own opinion of Allexis then you should see her - she is very pretty and a nice person to spend some time with.


May 17, 2005
Fair enough ... it was not my intention to divert or add more negativism to the thread or individual in the first place .... but at the same time I am not going to sit here and let things be said about me or anything else that is not true .... my original response was very much in line to what you have started .... some people just can't take any criticism ...

If you are so afraid of negative comments, then stay away.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
Monamie said:
The intent of this thread was simple - to basically state that Alexxis was much prettier and better looking in person than the picture on Jasmine's web site. I think its unfair to further comment on this matter unless you have seen Alexxis in person. This thread was also not supposed to develop and divert into a negative feedback thread on other individuals. If you have a problem with an establishment or individual then you probably should have started a new thread focusing on your particular subject. All I can say about this thread if that if you want to post your own opinion of Allexis then you should see her - she is very pretty and a nice person to spend some time with.
I saw her, she was a little better than the pic, but I don't think she is VERY PRETTY.


New member
Dec 29, 2006
First time visitor to Jasmin & Friends

I visited Jasmin & Friends today - first time there and Alexxis gave me a perfect massage!

Alexxis is a very beautiful lady in EVERY way ! I will definitely be back to see you Alexxis before the end of Feb. Thanks & Take Care.



Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Peter4 (Ms. 1x poster), how many other MAs have you seen to compare?

I agree 100% with GMUOO on the Jasmin backlash stuff. She tried the same bashing BS on me through PMs & public posting. She thrashes like a shark when she believes her business or her personal integrity is threatened. She threatened me with cutting me off her mail distribution list. Like, WTF is that? I laugh at her superior intellect.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Actually, the "tummy" in that photo is very sensuous -- and also very honest. Most fashion models would/could exhibit a similar "tummy."

This is yet another one of these cases where some men have no clue of what real women are made of, being only familiar with the after-edited, photo-brushed versions of gay/man-boy lover photo-editors.

Real women have bellies -- some are skinny and some have more fat on them, some are well-muscled and some are not. But even the skinniest, most well-muscled belly can look like this at times -- and why not? Many men associate femininity with soft, round, caressable bellies. But too, it's often the case that females pose in the hard/flat bellied stances so preferred by male homosexuals.

You have to decide what you want: a man/boy? a girl? or a woman? Grow up and get your desires in line with who you are.



New member
Mar 28, 2004
JoyfulC said:
Actually, the "tummy" in that photo is very sensuous -- and also very honest. Most fashion models would/could exhibit a similar "tummy."

This is yet another one of these cases where some men have no clue of what real women are made of, being only familiar with the after-edited, photo-brushed versions of gay/man-boy lover photo-editors.

Real women have bellies -- some are skinny and some have more fat on them, some are well-muscled and some are not. But even the skinniest, most well-muscled belly can look like this at times -- and why not? Many men associate femininity with soft, round, caressable bellies. But too, it's often the case that females pose in the hard/flat bellied stances so preferred by male homosexuals.

You have to decide what you want: a man/boy? a girl? or a woman? Grow up and get your desires in line with who you are.

Actually, its clear that you need to grow up and accept that most guys don't like fat women. Your attempt to denigrate those men who prefer slender/fit women, ie. your gay/man-boy comment, makes it clear that you're not happy with your body. Presumably, that's why you strike so viciously. Men are wholly entitled to their own tastes.

It is rude of you to condescend to people who's personal tastes you don't approve of. And how dare you insult slender women who either put a lot of effort into keeping fit and thin, or who were born that way and can't do anything about it.

Signed - a staunchly heterosexual he-man who, like the majority of other men in this country, likes his women slender. :D


New member
Dec 29, 2006
Thanks Jasmin - I am the same Peter who called this morning and then I called back this afternoon and had the wonderful session with Alexxis. Your place is great Jasmin, and I don't worry about someone like "Jabby" - he seems to have issue - probably Dr. Phil is the person he needs to see. lol

Anyway - thanks for today - and as far as I am concerned - there will be more "tomorrow's" for me at your place. Take Care

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