La Villa Spa

Review - Jorja


Aug 21, 2001
This review is long overdue...

I was in London a few months ago and knew I would have about an hour between visits with friends. I had a look at some websites to see who might be available and who might be fun to meet. I decided on Jorja.

We traded emails and agreed on a time and a one hour meeting. I arrived a few minutes late but had called ahead to let her know. Jorja was okay with my slight delay, about 5 minutes.

I got the code and the apartment number from Jorja and made my way upstairs. Jorja opened the door and I almost fell over. She later said she thought there was something wrong with her by my reaction. Man, I was blown away but how attractive this woman is. I didn't really have any expectations when I arrived, but damn… this woman is gorgeous (at least to my eyes she is). Great hair, beautiful eyes and smile, pretty face all on top of one fabulous body (again, for my eyes and tastes). I explained my reaction to her later… she literally took my breath away. I thought for sure I was at the wrong location. I couldn't believe I was about to spend an hour naked with this delicious woman.

The hour was terrific. Great conversation. A firm, pleasing and sensual massage. We traded places for a while and she let me explore her glorious curves. I love her legs and ass!!! not that there's anything wrong with the rest of her. She's slim and trim with magnificent contours and nice pert breasts that fit her form perfectly (they may be too small for guys into huge hooters but I thought they were perfect on Jorja)... and did I mention yet that she's gorgeous.

The finish was done with style and passion and left me weak kneed and grinning for the next few hours.

Jorja is one of the most beautiful and most sensual women I have ever spent time with.

You know I will repeat… each and every time that I'm in London and my schedule meshes with Jorja's.


Aug 21, 2001
Hey Calloway, I did say she's "one of the most beautiful..."... thanks for the tip about the duo. I may try it sometime, but probably after two or three more solo visits.


Aug 21, 2001
So Many

calloway said:
Who's the other one? :D
Thanks Calloway. Your response is great!!! You really know how to make people laugh and smile.

I know you will understand my point of view on beauty but just so others do as well...

There are so many women who are beautiful in their own way. Their beauty for me, besides being physical, really has a lot to do with how I connect with them. Some other "beautiful" women I have been with include Mariah, Krista @ Allure, Diana (Amazon Woman), Kathleen (BadKat), Sierra Sky and Jakobee James. I'm sure you're familiar with many of these fantastic women and will know their physical beauty is varied. Some of these "beautiful" women may not be highly rated by some men on a scale of 1 to 10. I was fortunate enough to connect with these women and enjoy them each and every time I am blessed with their company.

Keep 'em laughing Calloway. I always enjoy your posts!


New member
Nov 11, 2005
Nice review SilverC! I have been fortunate to have spent a few sessions with Jorja and she is absolutely one of my personal favs that I've met anywhere in this country in over 16 years of traveling & hobbying!!

Now please remember, us Londoners don't want you big city boys taking up too much of her time...
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