Allegra Escorts Collective
Toronto Escorts

Response to Non-Consensual Recording Attempts - New Policy for Personal Items

Allegra Escorts

Supporting Member
Feb 27, 2014
To Our Dear Clients:

As many of you are aware, there has been a large increase in the number of times that a client has attempted non-consensually record a session with an SP. Technology has allowed a non-descript recording device to be put inside almost anything, which is a growing concern for us. This behaviour is dangerous to the safety and privacy of SPs and clients alike, and we have decided to alter our policies to prevent this practice from continuing.

We will now be asking that clients leave all their personal items - phone, keys, watch, jewellry, etc - in a small basket that will be available to you when you enter the bathroom to shower before seeing one of our SPs. You will be asked to hang your clothes on the hangers provided to you on the back of ours bathroom doors, and your personal items will remain in the bathroom, untouched and undisturbed, during your entire visit with our SPs. No one will enter your bathroom during the time you are visiting our locations, and you may return to the bathroom at any time if you need to access or use any of your items. But no personal items, including phones, watches, backpacks or briefcases, will be permitted in any of our bedrooms.

We are confident that this will also reduce the number of forgotten items at our locations as well, which means you'll never have to come back to retrieve your watch or keys - we understand that a wonderful session with an Allegra SP might leave you a bit forgetful or disoriented! - so we view this as a positive change for multiple reasons. However, if one of our SPs politely reminds you to leave your things in the basket prior to entering her bedroom, please understand that this is now our policy, and is made with everyone's best interests in mind.

We thank you for your understanding, and we encourage other agencies and Indy SPs to adopt similar policies for everyone's protection.

Happy Hobbying!
~The Allegra Escorts Collective
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts