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Resale Value: Apple vs ALL others!

The 1

New member
Sep 10, 2011
Those Apple haters, easy test for you though I'm 100% sure you already tried this ...

Try selling your devices on eBay, Kijiji and see how many offers you get and how fast. ;)

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
this is because Apple is the monopoly in making iphones and macs, so their specs are easy to compare and price. Whereas, PCs and Androids have hundreds of different brands and manufactures, not so easy to compare and price. however, Samsung Galaxy series smart phones are almost monopoly in Android and so they are just as easy to sell.

Resale value does not directly correlate to the quality. Mercedes Benz resale value are quite good, but their reliability rating is worse than Hyundai


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Those Apple haters, easy test for you though I'm 100% sure you already tried this ...

Try selling your devices on eBay, Kijiji and see how many offers you get and how fast. ;)
I agree 1 - if you want to sell Apple - now is the time to do it. You don't want to sell it when the rush to sell is on.

Apple haters is a little strong but I can understand as the Apple wagons are circled, the number in the circle decreases and the paranoia sets in. I have compassion for Apple fans ... it must be tough to be number #1 and then suddenly find yourselves only slightly ahead but in the same downward spiral as BlackBerry. How many people could plug their eyes and ears to the world around them dismissing technological advances as needless fluff or irrelevant? Obviously as a past iPhone user - I couldn't.

It could be that Apple devices are so great - so superior to the rest of the mobile devices - they will never, never drop their value .......... or ...... just a suggestion..... one reason that the prices are so close is that the devices themselves are virtually the same. For example; before the Japanese cars hit the market - all the large north american giants changed their models to each year putting huge pressure on the consumer to sell. The Japanese kept their styles from year to year and their resale value remained high because of it.

Apple hasn't really changed much over the years - you need a set of calipers and a magnifying glass to see changes. The look, the features, virtually everything stays basically the same. Android on the other hand has been increasing functionality by leaps and bounds. Buying a two year old Android can seriously limit the current functionality compared to the new ones. How much functionality (if any) do I loose by buying a one or two year old Apple device ?

It is good reason to think - maybe using my old iPhone to source music for the car stereo - should be rethought. I didn't think anyone would pay so much for a limited capacity device.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
This thread is really pretty farking hilarious!!!!

Who else but mind numbed brainwashed fanbois could get a stiffie over buying a frigging used PC, FFS!!! .....:biggrin1:

Members of the iCult are definitely a bit 'funny' in the head!!!.....:crazy:

I always buy a new PC not a freaking used one......:eyebrows:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
IMNSHO he looks more like a mind numbed fanboi who may have finally realized how badly Apple has been hosing him......:eyebrows:
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