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Republican Leaders Are Mocking 'Child' Trump Behind His Back


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Yes useful idiot Clown is exactly right. He draws in huge money for rhe GOP and his idiocy draws attention away from their nefarious acts and legislature
Putin just gave his Trump endorsement the other day. He will provide as much funding and propaganda as he can


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Most large firms of every sort and most large trades and supplier would not deal with him. he chose more vulnerable trades etc who he could squeeze when the time came for payment. He was the king of litigation. Even though he like to say that he never settles he always settled but unless a particular trade was strong or very principled for less than 100 cents on the dollar. I know the usual crowd will be here shortly to tell us that is just good business. It is not.
They would not deal with him for their own businesses. But be careful. There is a lot of very rich billionaire behind Trump right now. They see him as the perfect front men to ensure their own future and vision. Which is basically to protect their wealthy assets and eventually go back to a white America.

These white rich right wingers do not like the current demo-graphical pattern of America.

So yes he is a pure idiot front face clown. But be careful of what is behind the clown.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
They would not deal with him for their own businesses. But be careful. There is a lot of very rich billionaire behind Trump right now. They see him as the perfect front men to ensure their own future and vision. Which is basically to protect their wealthy assets and eventually go back to a white America.

These white rich right wingers do not like the current demo-graphical pattern of America.

So yes he is a pure idiot front face clown. But be careful of what is behind the clown.
The billionaires who are behind him, and yes there are several, will only be behind him as long as he is their useful idiot. As soon as he stops serving their purposes they will abandon him.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
All those GOP goofs criticising Trump now are a bunch of hypocrites. Where were they back when the orange turd was in office?

Bunch of sheep.

If Trump gets reelected in 2 years, you just know that every last one of them will be lining up to get down on their knees and suck his cock.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2022
The billionaires who are behind him, and yes there are several, will only be behind him as long as he is their useful idiot. As soon as he stops serving their purposes they will abandon him.
Exactly as they’ve done with every other puppet politician since the beginning of time.
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