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[repost] Amanda's slide into hell (Toronto Sun, 19/10/03)


New member
Apr 20, 2002
OK total rambling here so sorry in advance for the total lack of organization - but just the thoughts that popped into my head after reading this.

I agree its something for all to keep in mind - many of us don't "want" to support or promote this type of situation but it could be easy to walk into when we are thinking with the wrong head. Inadvertently we can/could be contributing to this type of situation. There are alot of vultures out there. But what can we do? Tough call and not something that could happen overnight - or maybe ever. In this case it was an underaged worker - so how can you help someone like that - you can't recommend her to a decent agency - because the decent agencies won't take on an underaged girl. Our system and many other systems in other countries are at fault - but some things can't be fixed. As much as I hated what happened here it's a fact of life that will happen in different places all over whether it be a worker in the trade or someone just as innocent walking home from work. There are just as many or more cases like this from a different side of life where the same end result happens but they don't get the media attention.

Bottom line as much as you want to help someone - not everyone can (or want to be) helped.


New member
May 28, 2013
So Amanda's 29th Birthday was yesterday... Not sure if anyone still reads this post or not but it's coming up to 10 yrs... It will be 10 years this sept... This was the 10th birthday without her. I am her Sister - her baby sister - I am M in the articles and I'm so happy that people cared enough to make this a discussion. Let's not forget... there are more girls just like her out there now that with any luck won't end their lives the same way....


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Hi Melissa,

First let me say, that I'm very sorry for your loss.

Although it predates my entry into this "hobby", I remember this story, (and a few stories like it)...

As some of my predecessors pointed out earlier in this thread, most of us here promote a clean, healthy, voluntary and above all safe environment for all involved.

Having said that, we can't deny that there is an ugly side to it, unfortunately.

I for one make it a point to see only independent and mature SP's, and research my partners very thoroughly before even contacting them directly. I only speak directly to the SP, and if there is even a hint of inappropriate goings on, I bale, and won't have anything to do with it.

It won't bring your sister back obvously... nothing will unfortunately... but if we all adopt a similar ethic, it may prevent another story like her's in the future.
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