Removing Bees Nest


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Hire someone and go to the cottage.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
use a good spray for the bees, but do it at night when all (or most) of the bees are in the nest, if you do it in the day time, most of the bees are out of the nest, and will continue to swarm for days .


Aug 21, 2007
Berlin said:
Where exactly is that bees nest ?
Attached to brick

Gentle Ben said:
use a good spray for the bees, but do it at night when all (or most) of the bees are in the nest, if you do it in the day time, most of the bees are out of the nest, and will continue to swarm for days .
How safe is it to spray at night, is there still a chance of being stung?


New member
Aug 16, 2003
Give a bee keeper a call. They may be interested. Dad did that a couple years ago regarding a hive the size of a basketball. First call made the guy came out and retrieved the hive.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
If it's honey bees then call a bee guy, if it's mudwasps, indicated by the mud larvae nests they build, or paper wasps, they build the hives, a wasp spray can be used in the evening, after dark, the spray cans spray up to 18 feet or something. you'll need a flashlight to zero in on the opening of the hive. If it's mud wasps just aim , at night, and soak the larvae nests, usually clumped together with many others. The paper wasps I believe have a queen and therefore if it is displaced or terminated then your prob. will go away, but if it's mudwasps they'll keep coming back in one way or another. You can't get rid of them totally but you can cause them to move and slow them down.


Active member
Apr 11, 2006
I've had good success with the sprays. Check the can, they indicate how far away you can stand to spray. I'd suggest you buy 2 cans and blast the shit out of the nest with pretty well 1 whole can. If you need more the next day, you're set. I've been able to get many nests in some difficult locations with the sprays but if it's tough to get access, call a professional. I think the usual rate is about $125-$200 but it may be more if the access is tougher.


YES - I am FEMALE!!!
Nov 2, 2005
Do what most guys here do.

Poke and run!

LOL. :eek:


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
On top of yo mama!
KWI said:
Do what most guys here do.

Poke and run!

LOL. :eek:
lol! i at least stay for small talk afterwards.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
babyfinsta said:
lol! i at least stay for small talk afterwards.

I guess that's not too much to ask for ...

... as long as there won't be any spooning required.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
rubmeister100 said:
You have to do it at night when the wasps/bees are in the hive.

Cover yourself with loose clothing as you see fit, just in case. And a mosquito head net from Canadian Tire.

Get a shop vac with the big 2.25" hose and a rigid extension tube.

Approach quietly and hold the rigid hose right up to the opening of the hive (an inch or two) and fire up the vacuum cleaner. Any bees leaving the hive to see what the hell is going on will get sucked into the vacuum. Let it run for a few minutes to make sure you get them all. The vacuum up the hive slowly from the bottom up to catch any stragglers.

If it is a small mud wasp hive the size of a golfball then just suck it up right away.

Afterwards, spray some Raid into the vacuum cleaner while it is running and keep spraying as you shut it off to allow the cahmber to be fully saturated.

CAP OFF THE HOSE when you are done (so none come back out later!) and go back and spray the next morning and afternoon to make sure you get them all.

Then throw them out in a garbage bag. You can also use one of the dry vacuum bags to ensure you don't have to touch any!

Works every time!
Very nice technique.

Might I also suggest prepping the vacuum cleaner w/ a Raid™ soaked rag in the canister so the critters that you suck up are at least dazed.

There is nothing to stop them from flying right out the way they came in, so be sure not to turn off the machine until you've administered the full poison dose and capped the hose end.
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