Regrets / the hip


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
If that is your biggest regret in life, then you have lived a very good life.

I regret going to business school and not going to medical or law school.

I regret not spending that one night with my terminally ill father that he asked to talk to me... in private. And instead going out with "friends" who I have not seen in several decades.

I regret not making more effort to keep in touch and continue to cultivate the friendships and relationships with so many incredible people around the world that I have had the incredible good fortune to meet and become my friends. I regret not taking more of them up on their invitations to visit, to travel, to events and parties and just up to their cottage or over to their house for a bbq.

I regret not living more.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I regret turning my back on someone I cared about...she needed me and I wasn't there for her...then she was gone.

I have someone like that in my life. I know that if I ever turn my back on her, she will also be "gone". So I will always be there for her, and I let her know it as often as I can.

If it is within our capacity to "be there" for someone in need, I think we should make the effort.


New member
Aug 24, 2001
fantasy land
If that is your biggest regret in life, then you have lived a very good life.

I regret going to business school and not going to medical or law school.

I regret not spending that one night with my terminally ill father that he asked to talk to me... in private. And instead going out with "friends" who I have not seen in several decades.

I regret not making more effort to keep in touch and continue to cultivate the friendships and relationships with so many incredible people around the world that I have had the incredible good fortune to meet and become my friends. I regret not taking more of them up on their invitations to visit, to travel, to events and parties and just up to their cottage or over to their house for a bbq.

I regret not living more.

This was the most recent and fresh on my mind. Travel is a big one for me too, and school.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I also regret the time I have spent/wasted on TERB. But I find it more than an addicting diversion tactic to take my mind away from other things.


I have seen the Hip 6 times, including last Thursday. No regrets there but I have far too many to list here.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Interesting thread. A lot of Hip regrets, which I find interesting. I saw the Hip twice, the last of which was opening for Rush at Maple Leaf Gardens in the early 90s. This was the Hip at the height of their performance abilities and their popularity. As a result, I can have no regrets about not seeing them in this farewell tour.

The media attention to the legacy of the Hip has got me thinking a little. I believe only 2 Hip records sold 1 million copies - Road Apples and Fully Completely. While it is impressive that almost all of their sales were in Canada, and 1 million units is Canada is impressive, it does suggest that the Hip have (at most) approximately 1 million fans. Support for their farewell tour suggests quite a larger number have jumped on the bandwagon to be part of the "occasion". Most of their records sold in between 100,000 and 400,000 copies. Some of them only sold Gold (Now for Plan A), which is only 50,000 units in Canada.

I like the Hip, but I don't think they were as "universally" loved in their day as the support for them on their farewell tour would suggest.

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2006
Interesting thread. A lot of Hip regrets, which I find interesting. I saw the Hip twice, the last of which was opening for Rush at Maple Leaf Gardens in the early 90s. This was the Hip at the height of their performance abilities and their popularity. As a result, I can have no regrets about not seeing them in this farewell tour.

The media attention to the legacy of the Hip has got me thinking a little. I believe only 2 Hip records sold 1 million copies - Road Apples and Fully Completely. While it is impressive that almost all of their sales were in Canada, and 1 million units is Canada is impressive, it does suggest that the Hip have (at most) approximately 1 million fans. Support for their farewell tour suggests quite a larger number have jumped on the bandwagon to be part of the "occasion". Most of their records sold in between 100,000 and 400,000 copies. Some of them only sold Gold (Now for Plan A), which is only 50,000 units in Canada.

I like the Hip, but I don't think they were as "universally" loved in their day as the support for them on their farewell tour would suggest.
Now For Plan A and a lot of their later albums came out when downloading music was and is still huge. I haven't bought more than 3 or 4 cd's in the last 10 years. I look at their concert ticket sales as a testament to their popularity. I'm pretty sure they have (over the duration of their career, once they became 'big'") had no problem selling out arenas across the country...I know on their previous tour prior to their farewell one they sold out the ACC twice. I didn't get a ticket for the past one but was lucky to see them at the ACC a few years ago...the love of the band was palpable by young and old that night.
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