Ashley Madison

Regarding John School


New member
Nov 15, 2007
Hi all,

I was recently caught in an undercover operation in Toronto and the cop give me a court date and told me that you will have to show up that day and will most likely have to go to john school.

I just wanted more information on that. I am new to this and just got tempted as the women was just standing down the street from my home...

Anyhow any information will be great. I am a first time offender so I am not sure if that will help or not.



New member
Jan 6, 2006
lol, I hope htis is a joke. WTF is john school, sounds made up! Rule 1 of terb should be avoid streetwalkers, especially in a city with so much choice!


New member
Nov 15, 2007
well I hope I wasn't involved in it.... but if anyone has any info on it and what are the fines and all... that would be helpful.


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
asher645 said:
Hi all,

I was recently caught in an undercover operation in Toronto and the cop give me a court date and told me that you will have to show up that day and will most likely have to go to john school.

I just wanted more information on that. I am new to this and just got tempted as the women was just standing down the street from my home...

Anyhow any information will be great. I am a first time offender so I am not sure if that will help or not.

Sorry about your troubles. I imagine you must be quite embarrassed. I wish some of your fellow terb community members were more helpful ... sigh ...

Let me try to walk you thru the process:

When you go to your first court appearance - the brief will probably be screened for diversion (John School). You need to pay about $500 to enroll in the programme. I think it is offered one Saturday each month. The Court will give you an information sheet so you can register in advance.

The programme consists of listening to lectures from former street workers, health practioners, police officer and a Crown Attorney about the problems assoicated with street prostitution.

Essentially - if you admit the allegations and you do not have a criminal record- you can do the John School. In exchange the charge will be withdrawn from your record.

If you wish to have a trial (you are entitled) - you could probably seek an absolute discharge upon conviction. But the Crown will not offer diversion (withdraw charge) if you have a trial.

A paralegal could represent you at trial (cost about $750). Or if you are a student or very low income - you could get a law student from University of Toronto or Osgoode Hall to represent you at trial.

If you take the John School option - you attend court for the first appearance. You will probably receive disclosure (the notes of the officer and any evidence the Crown will present against you at trial). Your case will be adjourned 3 months or so to complete the John School and you will probably be required to complete 5 hours of community service work. Your case will be withdrawn once you return to court and show you completed what was required.



Feb 18, 2008
zeebo said:
lol, I hope htis is a joke. WTF is john school, sounds made up! Rule 1 of terb should be avoid streetwalkers, especially in a city with so much choice!
"John School" is a term used to describe a course johns may attend to teach them about the evils of prostitution and how the girls are abused, beaten, enslaved, etc. Some of it's true but there's so much variety in their circumstances that it's hard to know what part's true and what isn't. Think of it as sensitivity training for customers.

From a tactical point of view, agreeing to attend john school can result in a reduced or suspended sentence.

From a strategic point of view, it's better to play off the streets and not be subject to entrapment or plain bad luck. The quality of girls is better, too. And escorts/service providers are more likely to have chosen their line of work than to have been coerced into it - as a john'll find out if he does go to john school.


New member
Nov 15, 2007
Thanks for all the responses...

I am a university student and this is my first offence of any kind. (other than a speeding ticket 1 + year ago I have never been involved in anything)
I would really appreciate if you can advise me on what would be the best option for me to take. I can't afford a lawyer and don't want to have criminal record.



Awesome !
Aug 16, 2006
In Hamilton in the past they have put those names of the have been busted and that have to attend John school in the local news paper.
Guess it is Hamilton's way of trying to stop guy from hobbing S W

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
syn said:
There are free lawyers called "duty counsel" at the courthouse who will give you free legal advice.


Wow thats pretty cool, the USA sure doesn't have that :(

As for John school, yeah, ask about Terb, lol.

And ask about legal outcall dates....see if John school tells the "whole" story about the Sp world, lol again.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
zeebo said:
lol, I hope htis is a joke. WTF is john school, sounds made up! Rule 1 of terb should be avoid streetwalkers, especially in a city with so much choice!

John School:

You will have to take these courses and pass before you graduate.

- Wacking off 101
- Condom rolling. Putting on a condom properly.
- SP fingering ( advanced course - finger your SP like you are picking up a six
pack )
- SP/MP economics. How to arrange you finaces so that you can hobby
without your wife finding out.
- Bukkake artisticly - Bukkake a SP like you are decorating a birthday cake.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
John School:

You will have to take these courses and pass before you graduate.

- Wacking off 101
- Condom rolling. Putting on a condom properly.
- SP fingering ( advanced course - finger your SP like you are picking up a six
pack )
- SP/MP economics. How to arrange you finaces so that you can hobby
without your wife finding out.
- Bukkake artisticly - Bukkake a SP like you are decorating a birthday cake.

Actually, NOT funny at all.

best you delete it.



Jun 2, 2008
I got busted once while in university...I went to trial and pleaded guilty by way of depression...said my mom died in England and I was depressed...the judge sent me to a shrink for one year...I had to meet once every 2 weeks 26times and had all charges dropped...absolute discharge...afterwards. The next day, I went and saw 5 hookers in a row and have never been caught since. However, I am more selective and use incalls/outcalls or agencies now.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
Wow thats pretty cool, the USA sure doesn't have that :(
Actually it does happen in some places in the U.S. It varies from State to State and even County to County.

In general it's going to be a few minutes of advice, and limited to misdemeanors (non-indictable offenses) and traffic offenses.

Of course if one is facing a Felony charge (Indictable Offence) then in words of the U.S. Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona “if he or she is indigent an attorney will be provide at no cost to represent him or her.”


New member
Nov 15, 2007
Thanks for the responses that I have been getting. I really appreciate all the advise. One thing I do want to ask is if I do consider John School and pay the $500 fine... will the charges dropped or will I have a criminal record on file.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
asher645 said:
Thanks for the responses that I have been getting. I really appreciate all the advise. One thing I do want to ask is if I do consider John School and pay the $500 fine... will the charges dropped or will I have a criminal record on file.
Re-read post 5...I think it answers that, at least as to what is the most likely outcome.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
John School:

You will have to take these courses and pass before you graduate.

- Wacking off 101
- Condom rolling. Putting on a condom properly.
- SP fingering ( advanced course - finger your SP like you are picking up a six
pack )
- SP/MP economics. How to arrange you finaces so that you can hobby
without your wife finding out.
- Bukkake artisticly - Bukkake a SP like you are decorating a birthday cake.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
asher645 said:
I was recently caught in an undercover operation in Toronto
I've sent you a pm. Unfortunately the first clue was probably that she was far better looking than the vast majority of Street Walkers.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts