5 days ago
It's often the weakest people that have the most to prove. It is the loudest buffoon that throws the weakest punch. If you need to scare others to feel good about yourself... then you must always be in fear that someone else might harm you.
Redpillers aren't happy. They are hurting. That's why they hate.
Hate is just a specific flavor of fear.
Fear is the fight, flight, freeze, or submit response. We don't need to think about these reactions, when we are afraid, these happen instantly.
Hate is just anger, and anger is the emotion of fear that corresponds to the fighting action.
So if you hate something, you are afraid of it. Because otherwise, why would you need to fight it? If you don't need to fight it, how does being angry or afraid of it make sense?
When I get hurt, I get angry. Why? Because pain triggers fear.
When I am lost and someone is being an obnoxious passenger, I can get frustrated. Why? Because I'm afraid of being lost and obnoxious passengers make it difficult for me to concentrate on where I'm going. So I feel angry and yell at them to shut up.
Out of fear.
Red pillers are just men who have been traumatized, who have toxic habits, and feel isolated and incapable of connecting with others - and women in particular. They also tend to PROJECT confidence and will PROJECT superiority. They talk loud and long about how Alpha they are, and how much of a cuck someone else is, because in their experience if they act aggressively, others will back down from their "challenge".
When I was younger, someone who would have been a redpiller today, approached me at a bar. I had just finished being introduced to some chick who was attending a friend's birthday party there. He and his 2 buddies came up afterwards and told me that I should "back down" because that chick was "spoken for". I shrugged and went back to eating my oysters and doing shots with my friend.
She came back to me to chat, and we chatted. They shot me dirty looks, and I ignored them. We danced, did some shots, and started making out after playing darts. I left with her about an hour after arriving at the bar. Those guys did SQUAT.
Because if she was really "spoken for," he wouldn't have needed to tell me to back down. And if he needed to tell me to back down, that means he was scared that if he ASKED ME to back down that I'd say no. He wanted to intimidate me because he was a weak dude that believed he deserved to be with someone that wasn't interested in him.
The fact was, I wasn't the problem. I wasn't Mr. Smooth. I wasn't Mr. Steal Yo Girl (as much as I might joke is the case when I tell that story).
The problem was that he was such an awkward idiot that he made me look good by comparison, because I simply DIDN'T CARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME.
I was at the bar to have a good time. I thought it was funny these dudes were trying to stake their claim. I was interested in getting drunk and eating raw oysters, because they were delicious. She thought I was funny, because I made her laugh. I made her laugh because I like making people laugh, not because I wanted to impress her. And I also made her feel safe by treating her like a person. I also made it very clear that I thought she was attractive, but whether or not she hooked up with me, I was also enjoying her company.
And so her "choice" was no choice at all. I was overweight, and he was taller than me and looked like he worked out. But I was fun, I made her feel safe, comfortable, and desirable, and that was enough.
That's pretty much the only thing that will ever be enough, honestly. Because its different things to different people. The trick is you can't get there by being too scared to be yourself that you wind up being some Chad with an "Alpha" tattoo.