Reality Check: Inside the Sex Trade


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
The article doesn't surprise me because it concerns Florida. Florida is full of right wing bible thumpers who put prostitution as a crime on a par with murder. Whenever an activity is as repressed as prostitution is in florida, you will get very few if any legitimate providers - you will get only those who have to do it to get by. Places like Canada that make sex a legitimate industry get legitimate practicioners.
I was in Fort Myers a couple of years ago and went to one of the massage parlors that have sprung up there over the past few years. Unbelievable rip off. First the door fee, then the girl does the a la cart thing - $50 for topless, $100 for bottomless, $150 if you want to touch the top, $200 if you want to touch the bottom, no massage, quick HJ and you are out. I also heard that the MP's pay off the Lee County Sheriffs department big money to leave them alone. The same Lee County Sheriffs Department has a website that calls abortion a crime and promotes the Sheriff's type of christianity.

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
Reality Check: Inside the Sex Trade
Yeah. I just love that you prefer the "reality" in a sensationalistic article from another country to what real women working as escorts in this country have to say.

Remember this General Gonad gem?

topic #1: How do SPs keep it together?

I am always fascinated by the psychological aspects of escorting. Yes, it is the oldest profession but it also takes its toll on one's mind. I have many conversations with SPs. It might surprise many clients that many SPs have a very low self-esteem which can often be traced back to abuse in their childhood. They often feel the need to 'fill a void' by meeting a man that compliments them. The "easy money" is undeniable but this is not an easy profession.
What the hell is your agenda anyways? Your endless wish to 'see the inside' of an escort's life is intrusive as hell, and then your parroting of "reality" back to us is laughable. That's the charitable way of putting it, unlike say, obnoxious and creepy.

And incidently...CANADA and the USA are different countries. Why the hell do we even need to discuss the collective pile of steaming hypocrisy and short-sightedness that passes for US prostitution laws, their enforcement of same, and sensationalistic 'coverage' of these issues.

Since when has to US not been full of shit on nearly any issue involving sex in the last few years? 2257, anyone? Wake up. Leave their shit on their side of the line instead of dragging it over here to promote agenda-driven stereotypes that damage the credibility of Canadian escorts.

For the last bloody time;

American does not mean Canadian.

Streetwalker does not mean escort.

Therefore...wait for it...American streetwalker is not the same as Canadian escort!


For example, BBBJ is offered by most of the ladies who post to this board
Not me. Not a chance in hell. I didn't fall out of the dumbass tree and hit every stupid stick on the way down, thanks.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
I didn't fall out of the dumbass tree and hit every stupid stick on the way down, thanks.
No, that would be Keith Richards. He is neither Canadian nor American. But, he sure looks like a streetwalker.:D


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
But remember, prostitution is illegal in the USA and it is not illegal in Canada. So the business in the States is a lot "tougher" and attracts a differrent type of person.

Oil Please

General Gonad said:
Unwitting sex workers were sent by their agencies to men known for abuse for extra cash. Sometimes prostitutes were used simply to deliver cocaine or other drugs to people. Sex workers never received screenings for AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases and, on the contrary, were often pressured by both their agencies and clients to engage in risky sexual behaviors—again for more money. Prostitution ring leaders almost always "tried" a woman personally first before hiring her out for sex with others.

For several years, "Jennifer" worked for various so-called escort services in Northwest Florida. Now, she's one of the key witnesses in a major State Attorney-led investigation to put about 10 agencies in the region out of business and about 30 owners and operators behind bars.

Jennifer, who's real name has been changed for this story for her safety, recently came forward to the Independent News to discuss Northwest Florida's sex industry. It includes one mother-daughter operation, called Hidden Desires, that used a tool shed in their front yard on Palafox Street. It contained little more than a bed, TV and sex toys, to ply their trade.

During an hour-long conversation, Jennifer makes it clear that this is no Hollywood fairy tale, like "Pretty Woman."

"It's chaos. It's constant chaos," she says. "If you're not doing drugs, you're around people who are. People think you're living a glamorous life. There is no part about it that can possibly be seen as glamorous. It's sex with strangers. It's 24/7. It's dangerous. You can't maintain a regular, normal life."

...This really blew me away:

Health Risks

Jennifer, who admits having a sexually transmitted disease, also says sex workers' health is never a concern by the agencies or clients, who both pressure women not to use condoms and engage in risky sex acts.

"There's never any screening," she says. "It's hard for me not to laugh at that question about healthcare. Some girls never used any protection. You had to provide (healthcare) yourself."

Historically, sex workers have been blamed for transmitting AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. But it's difficult to determine precisely the incidence of AIDS infection among sex workers, or the prevalence of safer sex practices during sex transactions because they receive scant attention from both public health officials and researchers. Plus, the stigma and criminal actions attached to prostitution make reliable data hard to come by.

However, because a prostitute can typically have sex with 200 to 300 people a year and often engage in risky behavior, including drug use, they're thought to pose more of a health risk for AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

Some studies put AIDS among sex workers at the same national infection rate of other women—22 percent—with syphilis and hepatitis estimated at 25 to 50 percent and STDs, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes as high as 95 percent.

Sex with a prostitute is the third most common way for American men to contract the AIDS virus, some research reports. However, recent studies suggest the risk of contracting AIDS from a sex worker is probably no greater than the risk from a girlfriend.

Click here for full article, which is a must read:

Why a MUST READ? I would not have intercourse with anyone unless I wore a condom!

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
Originally posted by Morgan Ellis;

Here I was told that if I didn't develop a crack habit, the hooker union was going to take away my team jacket. I feel so misled and lied to.
Originally posted by Selina;

Believe it or not, some of us have never touched drugs, are super safe and enjoy offshore investing as a our own hobby....
That's it! Turn over the team jacket...cuff her!

"You have the right to remain drug-free and sane, however anything any lazy journalist wants to sensationalize can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion. We assume you have a pimp, but should you not have a pimp, one will be fictionalized for you. During any questioning you may decide at any time to be damaged goods in dire need of rescuing, to not have made it past fifth grade, and confess to having single-handedly kept all of Medellin in bullet-proof Ford Escalades.

You're going downtown, lady! :p
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