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Reality Check: Inside the Sex Trade


Dec 31, 2005
Unwitting sex workers were sent by their agencies to men known for abuse for extra cash. Sometimes prostitutes were used simply to deliver cocaine or other drugs to people. Sex workers never received screenings for AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases and, on the contrary, were often pressured by both their agencies and clients to engage in risky sexual behaviors—again for more money. Prostitution ring leaders almost always "tried" a woman personally first before hiring her out for sex with others.

For several years, "Jennifer" worked for various so-called escort services in Northwest Florida. Now, she's one of the key witnesses in a major State Attorney-led investigation to put about 10 agencies in the region out of business and about 30 owners and operators behind bars.

Jennifer, who's real name has been changed for this story for her safety, recently came forward to the Independent News to discuss Northwest Florida's sex industry. It includes one mother-daughter operation, called Hidden Desires, that used a tool shed in their front yard on Palafox Street. It contained little more than a bed, TV and sex toys, to ply their trade.

During an hour-long conversation, Jennifer makes it clear that this is no Hollywood fairy tale, like "Pretty Woman."

"It's chaos. It's constant chaos," she says. "If you're not doing drugs, you're around people who are. People think you're living a glamorous life. There is no part about it that can possibly be seen as glamorous. It's sex with strangers. It's 24/7. It's dangerous. You can't maintain a regular, normal life."

...This really blew me away:

Health Risks

Jennifer, who admits having a sexually transmitted disease, also says sex workers' health is never a concern by the agencies or clients, who both pressure women not to use condoms and engage in risky sex acts.

"There's never any screening," she says. "It's hard for me not to laugh at that question about healthcare. Some girls never used any protection. You had to provide (healthcare) yourself."

Historically, sex workers have been blamed for transmitting AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. But it's difficult to determine precisely the incidence of AIDS infection among sex workers, or the prevalence of safer sex practices during sex transactions because they receive scant attention from both public health officials and researchers. Plus, the stigma and criminal actions attached to prostitution make reliable data hard to come by.

However, because a prostitute can typically have sex with 200 to 300 people a year and often engage in risky behavior, including drug use, they're thought to pose more of a health risk for AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

Some studies put AIDS among sex workers at the same national infection rate of other women—22 percent—with syphilis and hepatitis estimated at 25 to 50 percent and STDs, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes as high as 95 percent.

Sex with a prostitute is the third most common way for American men to contract the AIDS virus, some research reports. However, recent studies suggest the risk of contracting AIDS from a sex worker is probably no greater than the risk from a girlfriend.

Click here for full article, which is a must read:



Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
I would not say it is a must read.. it is from Florida. i don't see how it is relevant here


New member
Jan 8, 2006

General Gonad said:
Sex with a prostitute is the third most common way for American men to contract the AIDS virus

General Gonad said:
However, recent studies suggest the risk of contracting AIDS from a sex worker is probably no greater than the risk from a girlfriend.
Sounds right

Going surfing for some answers, I'll be back!!


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

However, because a prostitute can typically have sex with 200 to 300 people a year and often engage in risky behavior, including drug use, they're thought to pose more of a health risk for AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

Some studies put AIDS among sex workers at the same national infection rate of other women—22 percent—with syphilis and hepatitis estimated at 25 to 50 percent and STDs, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes as high as 95 percent.

...makes absolute sense to me, and I fail to see how anyone could refute it.

Of course this doesn't apply to EVERY sex worker...and probably doesn't describe a significant percentage of women who post here. But the MAJORITY of sex workers - of ALL types and levels? Of course it does.

Now how anyone could rationally say that sex with a sex worker who has had sex with dozens of strangers is less risky than a civial who probably fucks 3 or 4 different guys in a year, all of whom she probably knew pretty well, is beyond me.


Dec 31, 2005
Read the whole article from the link above...

This is an inside look at the ugly aspects of the biz. Here are two important sections:


Business records taken from one agency show it made between $20,000 and $29,000 in one month, claiming one-third of the earnings from its prostitutes, who typically charge anywhere from $150 to $600 an hour, authorities allege.

Some escort services developed sophisticated ways to collect the money. One required its prostitutes to make deposits into a bank account with the amount of cents deposited identifying the sex worker, so the agency could keep track, investigators found.

Pressure always existed to meet more clients, says Jennifer. The agencies strictly enforced one-hour time limits, calling on the 30- or 50-minute mark, to see if they were done and could meet another client for sex. During the lunchtime rush, some expected their prostitutes to have sex with at least five men in an hour, she says. Once scheduled, sex workers were given a time limit to meet with a john.

"You're always on days or nights," she says. "If you didn't take a call in five or 10 minutes, they'd say 'You're gone. You won't ever work again.'"

Jennifer says a prostitute could earn as much as $1,000 to $3,000 on a good day and between $7,000 and $10,000 in their busiest weeks during spring break, the summer tourist season and Christmastime.

"You're spending a lot of money and making a lot of money," she says. "You get addicted, like men get addicted to power. You have to make it, while you're younger."

Still, she says few seemed to spend the money wisely, including her.

"Where was the money going?" Jennifer says. "Some lived in modest homes but had all the electronics inside. You eat out a lot and have drug habits. If there was no drug habit and they lived modestly, I don't know where the money went."


The prostitutes worked under constant threats and pressure and drugs were prevalent, Jennifer says.

"They pressure you to do illegal actions, things against your own beliefs," she says. "There was violence. There was drugs. People would call just for drugs. They'd say, 'Are you a party girl?' and pay the escort fee, just to get drugs.

"Some women who don't do drugs do this. That's bizarre to me. How do you do it without taking drugs?"

Still, she says she and other women preferred agencies to being independent because the escort service would do the advertising in the newspapers, phone books and Internet, set up appointments, so they wouldn't have to develop an emotional tie or repertoire with the men, handle the business side and provide a lot more "volume" or clients.

Despite those "advantages," Jennifer says the agencies failed to protect sex workers' safety or health.

She says some agencies did set up code words, so women could warn if they were in danger, like "Everything's great."

She says some of the local agencies at one time wanted to collaborate on known abusive clients, sharing their do not serve, or DNS, lists. But some owners refused and no action was taken.

"The agencies knew if someone was abusive and they wouldn't even warn girls," Jennifer says. "The business owners had a total lack of concern for your personal safety. They could have collaborated on this. But one owner did not want to do it. He said he was not concerned about safety. If someone was abusive, they could hold out for more money."


Apr 24, 2005
Sounds like some 3rd world country. Did the article actually say Florida? Could this ever happen to an Indy SP in Toronto?

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
That's the whole point of being indie! I owe nothin' to nobody except my clients a good time.

Well, except for the CCRA living off the avails.


New member
Jan 8, 2006
Do you believe...

General Gonad said:
This is an inside look at the ugly aspects of the biz. Here are two important sections: Blaa Blaa He said he was not concerned about safety. If someone was abusive, they could hold out for more money."
Do you believe:
Canadian soldiers are the same as American soldiers
Canadian Politicians are the same as American Politicians
Canadian Values are the same as American Values

I could go on and on

Oh and what about Beer?

Get with it!


New member
Jan 8, 2006
Oh man

General Gonad said:

The prostitutes worked under constant threats and pressure and drugs were prevalent, Jennifer says.

"They pressure you to do illegal actions, things against your own beliefs," she says. "There was violence. There was drugs. People would call just for drugs.
I have yet to meet a lady in the industry here that would tolorate any of this.

They are all as mean as junkyard dogs! ;)


Feb 15, 2004
General Gonad said:
Some studies put AIDS among sex workers at the same national infection rate of other women—22 percent

1. If the same infection rate exists for sex workers and other women, it negates the arguments of much of the article.

2. There is no way in the world the HIV infection rate is 22 percent, it is way lower.


Dec 31, 2005
Are independents more prone to developing emotional ties?

The article above argues in favor of becoming an independent. But the SP also states the following:

"Still, she says she and other women preferred agencies to being independent because the escort service would do the advertising in the newspapers, phone books and Internet, set up appointments, so they wouldn't have to develop an emotional tie or repertoire with the men, handle the business side and provide a lot more "volume" or clients."

This would imply that you make more money working at a "high volume" agency and that you do not run the risk of developing emotional ties with your clients. It also explains why independents are more expensive than agency ladies since they pay advertising out of their own pockets and manage their appointments. Obviously, being an independent is a lot easier when you're doing this part time and not relying on it as your sole source of income.



New member
Aug 20, 2003
Cute In A Kilt said:
Because IN GENERAL sex workers are more aware of the risks associate with unsafe sex and those that have the resources practise safe sex,

Tragic.... don't EVEN compare our beer to theirs LMAO

i WOULD SAY THAT MOST OF THE PROFESSIONALS SPs practice safe sex but there is a large goroup of street girls addicted to drugs who will do bb for their fix


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Cute In A Kilt said:
Because IN GENERAL sex workers are more aware of the risks associate with unsafe sex and those that have the resources practise safe sex, and IN GENERAL civilians don't seem to get that idea in their head and therefore practise unsafe sex wayyyyyyy more often, your more likely to get bbbj's in the "real" world, a lot of sp's prefer covered bj's because we are educated and know the risks. I'd rather see someone who's slept with 1000 ppl using condoms then sleep with 1 person who has slept with 5 ppl without a condom. You sleep with someone who doesn't use a condom, your sleeping with everyone they slept with and so forth......

Tragic.... don't EVEN compare our beer to theirs LMAO
Because IN GENERAL sex workers are more aware of the risks associate with unsafe sex and those that have the resources practise safe sex, and IN GENERAL civilians don't seem to get that idea in their head and therefore practise unsafe sex wayyyyyyy more often, your more likely to get bbbj's in the "real" world, a lot of sp's prefer covered bj's because we are educated and know the risks.

I think you are talking about a specific segment of sex workers...not ALL of them, or even most.

For example, BBBJ is offered by most of the ladies who post to this board, and they would fit the category you are making reference to.

Additionally, there is simply no disputing that drug use is higher amongst sex workers than the civilian population. This is been studied ad nauseum. I am not saying EVRY sex workers use drugs, and I am certainly not saying you do. I am saying it is more likely that a sex worker is a drug user than a random civilian.

Beyond that, as you know...because you are very informed...there are a host of STDs for which a condom is NO protection against. Things like herpes come down to simply a matter of how often you spin the chambers and put the gun to your head...no exchange of fluids is required, so a condom is no protection. SPs spin the chambers far more often...orders of magnitude more often...than your typical civilian...and the guys SPs have sex with? The sort of guys who have sex with SPs...versus a civilian who bangs 3 or 4 guys a year, typically some guy who is lucky to get laid 3 or 4 times a month...and typically the same chick.

While I wouldn't agree with you stance in this regarding AIDS, I'd say your logic is sound - I just think you are incorrect. But for MANY other STDs...your logic is flawed. Condoms...indeed MOST safe sex practices (and certainly not ones the vast majority of SPs use...do you use dental dams for DATY?) simply are not a protection against many STDs...
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

candu said:
It's not very hard. The average sexworker is using a condom with guys who are complete strangers (as in people that are not worth the risk), whereas the civilian is picking guys up in bars while intoxicated or feel they are "in love" (either way they are impaired in judgement) which leads to much higher incidence of unprotected sex and thus an obvious higher risk of infection. The very nature of the two groups makes civilians statistically a higher risk group for infections, despite the sexworker having sex with more total partners. :eek:

If you were to read the stats the article is quoting, you will see they assume that both groups use condoms equally, which quite frankly even they know isn't the case.
...is exactly the logic I am speaking of.

You believe this sort of thing when you want to believe it to fit your objectives / lifestyle (seeing escorts)

"whereas the civilian is picking guys up in bars while intoxicated or feel they are "in love" (either way they are impaired in judgment) which leads to much higher incidence of unprotected sex and thus an obvious higher risk of infection. "

I don't know what type of "civilian" women you know (or what sort of women are common here in Canada), but amongst the women *I* know...this is EXTREMELY rare behavior. Yes, you can find all sorts of skanks in bars - they don't represent MOST women....just women in bars. Amongst women I know, they can count on one hand the number of one night stand they have had in their lives, and most of those in fact involved use of a condom.

I mean...aren't you guys the same ones always complaining about not being able to meet / pick up women and get laid? You figure they are fucking everybody else except you?

The women *I* know have sex within relationships almost ALL the time. Sex outside of relationship is rare (but not unheard of). But when it happens...they know they guy they are dealing with is a player and they use condoms.

I really think that you guys (not necessarily you in particular) really get your perception of women distorted based on primarily interfacing with strippers and escorts. These women, heaven bless them, do not represent MOST women. Of course, for those of you who indulge, this is a good thing. But it isn't typical female behavior.

Women associated sex with emotion. Casual sex is VERY rare for women, in general (not speaking of just 19 - 24 year olds here...the primary demographic of strippers and escorts...I am talking about ALL women...at least those under age 50) when it is done (because it is occasionally) women are FAR more concerned about their health and well being than men. They want to have babies. Every time I "pick up" someone, they insisted on using a condom....and while my sample size is relatively small versus the entire population, it is probably larger than most guys.
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Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Hey guys, there's a real hottie working at the LCBO on Queens Quay.
She's about 5"8' brunette with a sweet personality, cant miss her, she's the only cutie-pie that works there (LCBO > near the sugar factory).

I really like her, I like totally go there :eek: even if I dont need liquor (which is rare)


New member
Jan 8, 2006
This song is for you Kilt

Cute In A Kilt said:
Tragic.... don't EVEN compare our beer to theirs LMAO

Dr. Hook (Shel Silverstein lyrics)

Don't give a dose to the one you love most.
Give her some marmalade...give her some toast.
You can give her the willies or give her the blues.
But the dose that you give her will get back to youse.

I once had a lady as sweet as a song.
She was my darlin', and she was my dear.
But she had a dose, and she passed it along.
Now she's gone, but the dose is still there.

So, don't give a dose to the one you love most.
Give her some marmalade...give her some toast.
You can give her a partiridge up in a pear tree,
But the dose that you give her might get back to me.

So if you've got an itchin'...if you've got a drip,
Don't sit there wishin' for it to go 'way.
If there's a thing on the tip of your thing or your lip,
Run down to the clinic today, and say...

"I won't give a dose to the one I love most.
I'll give her some marmalade...give her some toast."
Give her the willies or give her the blues,
But the dose that you give her will get back to you.



Apr 24, 2005
Who were the women that got infected with HIV who had sex with the Saskatchewan football player and the Toronto nightclub doormen? Were those women sex trade workers? Did they insist that those two guys use condoms?

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
General Gonad said:
"Some women who don't do drugs do this. That's bizarre to me. How do you do it without taking drugs?"
Oh my God! What? There are escorts who don't take drugs? I am shocked - shocked, I tell you. What on earth is the world coming to?

Here I was told that if I didn't develop a crack habit, the hooker union was going to take away my team jacket. I feel so misled and lied to.

I'd write more, but I have to go tie off a vein, and then I need to meet my pimp for my daily beating.

Toronto Escorts