Ready To take the Plunge - Advice Needed...


New member
Mar 7, 2005
MLAM said:
If you think the issue here is legality then you are SERIOUSLY missing the point. I never ONCE brought up legal me is was all about risk vs. reward, and having a "straight" life versus one that must be kept under the wire. The whole jail thing is YOUR excuse for to try to say "see, I'm no different than a clerk at Canadian Tire". If it works for you, go for it, but don't try to paint ME as that stupid.
My life is not under the wire, cause I am comfortable with who I am am and what I do. It doesn't bother me in the least. Mind you I don't go braging about it. WHY; cause of people EXACTLY LIKE YOU.
I am way better than the 'clerk' you describe. I got WAY more guts and glory. I am not some little shithead spending all day away from my family working low wage job, living in the ghetto SURROUNDED BY CRIMINAL ELEMENT.
hEY I never called you stupid. YOU ARE JUST THE VISION OF PERFECTION
(jerk off on that honey)
With the exception if the cabbie I'd say you are pulling things out of your ass. No way I buy being a cop or a fire fighter is more risky than being a sex worker. Come back with some stats versus assumptions then we a can talk.
Every occupation has its risks. You claim to be an educated person. Yet you know shit about REAL LIFE.
And since we are being bold and truthful; I'd rather suck off a businessman for (2 min. or 20 min. it never lasts longer than that) than deal with the criminal element that Police Officers deal with all day or the hazzards a Fireman faces.
Now, in regards to what people CAN do...I never said they couldn't. But you will note that the professions you listed (again with the possible exception of cab driver) do not come with social stigma.
That's why I was hesitant to bring up other dangerous professions. (yeah yeah I know you'll pick that one apart) but trust me it's a profession cause it takes alot more than education than you can ever buy in your life to deal with people like you everyday.
oH come on, EVERY COP IS A DIRTY THIEVING COP we all know that.

And while they come with risks, they also come with support systems to address those risks.
And that's funny to you?
We have our support system while it may not be perfect, we are not without FRIENDS.
You, on the other hand, if we are to believe you, show up to fuck total strangers without even the benefit of someone close by for protection.
Ok what is your point? I've heard of Real Estate agents being killed showing up to show 'a stranger' a house.
I go only to upscale hotels and residences where I verify the last name. Either way; I trust the hotel to have checked the clients id, etc. at point of check in. It has never been a problem. If it's a residence I verify myself, nowdays usually online.
If I don't like the man's attitude or sense any negative vibes, end of story I don't go. If I get there and the man is not up to my standards for whatever reason, I leave. I accept the risks that come with sex work albeit I do it safely to minimize any inception of disease. Another words... ah forget it you've been on this board long enough to know what I am talking about.

You arrive, take off all you clothes, and have sex with someone you do not know from ADAM.
Ok so you take out someone chick once or two times, than fuck her and you met her through ADAM too? or what is difference? your fucking a slut? or a ho who wants to be your wifey?
A possible...what did she say ...crack user who might try to convince you to go beyond your boundaries and then ask you to drive by his drug dealers house. That isn't dealing with a known risk that can be mitigted...that is just stupid. IMHO of course...
NO problem, lets got get some, cause obviously since sp's are all of the criminal element we must know a crack dealer. We all know crackheads are the best customers, lol. You are out this world with your assumptions. In all my time served I can probably say I've met less than 5 crackers.

Most people aren't willing to go to jail. Most people also aren't willing to suck off strangers for money either. So your point here is?
I guess that's why I am not MOST PEOPLE, but that still doesn't make me a criminal; like a thief. YOur bible thumping is becoming evident. You need to realize its the 21st century.
I am not willing to loose a finger (mechanics, machinist, etc). I won't become a nurse cause I don't like needles or dealing with the sick. I am sure I can find all kinds of excuses not to become worthy of some sort of other profession, cause I am happy where I am at. Although if I won the lottery I'd tell you all to FUCK OFF. could just not be a slut. I guess that option had not come up for you...
And I choose not to have someone with values like that in my home. See? We both are on the same page.
Dude you've been out with more slut playing bitches, than I could bother to find and locate all your stupid boring ass tales.

Could be how you carry draw toward you your own element. That not withstanding, you could also just say no.
Yeah seems like you missed the whole story. I said no long time ago, I get paid for it now.

So...if you are a "civilian" you are doomed to catch a diesase? All "civilian" women are STD carriers? I see it isn't just Johns who like to delude themselves...the whole "this is so much better than the 'real world' of civilian dating because those people are only out for money / free bareback sex and they just want to use me" thing.
Do you realize you are whining like a little b.....? naw didn't think so
I happen to know a few "civilians" who manage to "take care of (their) own" without turning tricks. I married a couple...have dated a few.
They turned you?didn't they? Please don't tell me all your education money and successes and you never dished out a dime? Your divorces? your dates? you fucken cheapskate
But...if you want to take pride in your accomplishments, I understand. Human nature it is.
You are the brightests, smartest man on the planet. (stroke stroke stroke)

So every girl in college is either getting money from her parents or turning tricks? Ok...then....what do the guys do? Turn tricks as well?
Higher education in Canada is DIRT CHEAP. I spent 5 times what an education costs in Canada getting my undergrad and grad degrees, and didn't turn a single trick, nor did I get a dime from my parents. That is just a lame ass excuse cop out. If you want to turn tricks instead of getting a real job - fine. Your choice. But don't insult my intelligence by trying to claim you had no other options.
I never claimed I didn't have other options. My life story is just different than yours. Maybe I wasn't smart enough back than to persue (education) what I think is of value now. But that still doesn't make me a thief or a criminal element. I am sure I had other options but this one fell in my hands sort of speak. Cop out or not, it seems to bother you more than me.
That would be the desperate circumstances I was speaking of, though again I would say there are other options. For example, whatever it is that guys do in those circumstances (oh wait...they all become thieves, don't they?).
BTW...people who live a life whereby getting fired instantly becomes looking at in no relationship with friends or family...yeah, those are the type of people who becomes thieves out of desperation. Not all do...some for example apparently become SPs...but I am not going to put myself at risk hoping for the best.
are you drunk?
you STILL do not get to come into my house. Because, given your lack of education and skills (by your own admission) and your willingness to do things of questionable social suitability, you match the profile of either a thief, or someone who would facilitate thievery.
Man you crack me up. YOu can take your big ass education and skills and shove them you know where? But I am coming your house later and taking everything you got (I am a thief afterall, not just there to fuck your questionable character). OOOOps sorry, you aint got SHIT. cause according to your own self rightiousness (f the spelling) good AMERICAN GOOD DOER if you been divorced twice YOU STILL AIN'T GOT SHIT cause of course you pay alamony and child support.
Does not mean you are, does mean I am not taking my chances. You have admitted to even having been desperate, and confessed to being a person who appears to make bad choices
LOL, yes I confess, it's all my fault, I admitt to making some bad choices in my life. RESCUE ME


New member
Mar 7, 2005
(like the one to not secure education, or having a child with someone who would not pay alimony or child support, or leave a death benefit, and to not have a job of your own while involved - and having children - with such a person). I don't' like to be around people who live their lives so randomly, and I sure as hell am not going to have them in my home without good reason. And to fuck is not good reason.
So you too were born into a PERFEC FAMILY, eh? what happend, your parents were perfect, your siblings, YOUR FAILED MARRIGES? your children, are they perfect? no born disabilties? it's all good for you? BLESS YOU MY SON
It tickles the shit out of me.
glad to BE OF SERVICE, next time why don't you use OHIP and check your therapist, your disdain is overwhelming.
Not true. I've all but started fan clubs for some SPs on this board...the ones that conduct themselves with obvious dignity and class. The ones who clearly COULD be doing something else, but for whatever reason elect to do this because it fits their life right now. The ones who have never claimed that their circumstances brought them to this point. The ones that don't attack their client base from behind an internet handle, the ones that don't run 30min specials. I have expressed (go check my history) an ADMIRATION for a woman who has enough game to be able to handle her business PROFESSIONALLY and who has enough charm that men truly pay for her company (hence no 30 minutes specials) with sex being the cherry on top. I respect ANYBODY who does what they do well, and who runs the game versus letting the game run them. That would include THIEVES (but not B&E guys) and escorts (but not internet whores).
Sorry you must mistake me for one of your more affordable internet specials.
Yeah yeah I know you said over and over again you don't partake. BULLSHIT.
You know nothing about GAME. Clearly how could you, I am sure it's below your standards, and anything you might think you are educated in regarding this business you learned it from here not from internet whores, right.

Dude go feed your children


New member
Sep 11, 2007
This is a very angry thread.

But does anyone know any solid cases where escort services were potential causes of later commited crime (outcall in this case) ?


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
I am not sure about outcall but this is the biggest cluster-f*** on Terb since I have been here.

It was handled strangely by the SP and client. The "phone guy" proved all detractors on CL correct. Tristan is/was a big freaking idiot.


Jan 20, 2007
After reading a couple of threads that were going around terb all week, involving some BOOKER T, MISS MAYA BLUE & SARA from CRAIGSLIST, they were actually also getting bashed by one ESCORT INFORMER on a popular site that we are all pretty much aware of, CRAIGSLIST...I did a litlle homework,

I went through the SEARCH function of TERB and came up with a few reviews to prove to this ESCORT HUINFORMER that he might actually have terrible scoops as both these girls in question are pretty good at what they do!

How do I know this?
I don`t, cause I have never been with either of them!

However you people do know about them, as here are some of the reviews!

I couldn`t really come up with anything about this BOOKER T guy, as He did only have about 15 posts!, Probably a JACKASS!

My plan this week:

MY plan next week!

You see I would have never looked at these girls, one was too expensive along with bashfull comments on CRAIGSLIST, and the other...Well East Indian was just not type!, along with the horrible comments one individual is always posting...I find it amusing!

I guess any publicity is good publicity!

I know there are BOOKER T fans on the board, as one member always is talking about him...Ha!

He can waste his time on searching up on a guy, I know where I will be...


If anyone out there knows this ECORT INFORMER, or if you are out HUNTING for him, tell him THANKS

I`m, off going to watch some old wrestling videos, here`s one with STONE COLD wearing his favourite hunting cap!
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

...your angry irrational rant did nothing but emphasize my point.

No way no how I am risking having you...or someone who might be like my home.

You are so frustrated and bitter that you even went so far to slag people you don't even know, and have never met (you your angry haze of a memory, recall that I never called YOU a theft...I said that I rather not take the chance that you were). All the women i have been out with are sluts, huh? Why...because they went out with me, or because they don't sell their bodies?

All women who are not sex workers are sluts, and all your (potential and otherwise) customers can fuck off. That is some reality you have to deal with. I suppose it is what you are calling "real life".

Suffice to say I am not your type, and you are not mine, and I suspect we are both pretty happy to leave it like that. I know I am.

I am done now...something about arguing with a fool and all that. I LOVE a good debate...this never clearly aren't equipped with the faculties for one. guy hobby knowing there is some chance THIS bitch might be the one who shows up at your door? You all have more guts than I...
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New member
Mar 7, 2005
MLam try being original (your grad/undergrad/overgrad degrees should help you figure out what I am talking about).

You DONE long time go. You stepped into the rink with someone you refer to as a fool, now you are running like a chicken, lol.


New member
Nov 8, 2006
So what was the question?

Somewhere along the way I think everyone forgot what the question was the drlove asked. :confused:

As everyone knows, this hobby has risks. Drlove, if you meet someone for the first time at your home, there is a risk. I recall some time ago one of Terb's well known members has posted on this subject. I tried to locate it, but no luck. Over the period of a year he saw well in excess of 100 girls. He always had girls come to his place, for legal reasons, as I recall. He had one situation where one of the girls he saw decided to stay overnight, and he had a difficult time encouraging her to leave in the morning. A few days later she appeared uninvited at his door banging on it asking him to see her. He dealt with the situation. Is there a risk of something going wrong by having a stranger at your home...yes. Did the member continue to see girls at his place, yes but he understood that there were risks. It is no discredit to the countless honest people, it is more a reflection that there are risks with anything in life. The question you have to answer Drlove is whether you are prepared to take the risk and have her at your place. No one can answer that for you.


New member
Mar 10, 2007
"My strategy is to book an upscale hotel and see the lady there. My reasoning is that if there were some type of altercation, at least hotel security wouldn't be far away."

Don't think for a moment that hotel security or the police will be on your side.

You're just another John in their eyes.

They'll readdress the situation from their perspective and document / charge accordingly.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I think I'll make an appointment to see her next week and take a chance. As I said, she did seem nice on the phone, I know she offers incall in her apt. as well. I just don't feel like spending cash on a hotel room when I don't really have to. The good thing is, I live in a nice building, and if something were to happen, I'm sure I could get security's attention pretty fast, as it would take awhile for the lady to leave if she tried to rip me off. E.g. (waiting for the elevator, going through the lobby) etc..


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
hunter001 said:
I am not sure about outcall but this is the biggest cluster-f*** on Terb since I have been here.

It was handled strangely by the SP and client. The "phone guy" proved all detractors on CL correct. Tristan is/was a big freaking idiot.
This is EXACTLY the type of situation that I`m afraid of. However in my case, it`s an outcall
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