Ready To take the Plunge - Advice Needed...


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I've been debating whether or not to try out some independents in the classifieds. Usually I'm an agency guy, but in this particular case, I may have to go the indy route. Reason being, I have a fetish for middle aged BBW's, and most agencies do not have these types of ladies working for them.

The truth is, I'm a bit apprehensive about calling, since I'll be TOFTT, so to speak. I'd like to think that most ads are honest, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking it could be a scam as well. I've heard of people getting robbed/beaten up by calling some of them. My strategy is to book an upscale hotel and see the lady there. My reasoning is that if there were some type of altercation, at least hotel security wouldn't be far away.

Do the rest of you think my concern is valid, or am I just over-reacting here??


New member
Mar 7, 2005
drlove said:
I've been debating whether or not to try out some independents in the classifieds. Usually I'm an agency guy, but in this particular case, I may have to go the indy route. Reason being, I have a fetish for middle aged BBW's, and most agencies do not have these types of ladies working for them.

The truth is, I'm a bit apprehensive about calling, since I'll be TOFTT, so to speak. I'd like to think that most ads are honest, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking it could be a scam as well. I've heard of people getting robbed/beaten up by calling some of them. My strategy is to book an upscale hotel and see the lady there. My reasoning is that if there were some type of altercation, at least hotel security wouldn't be far away.

Do the rest of you think my concern is valid, or am I just over-reacting here??
I just over-reacting


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Ok I just called the ad I had in mind, the lady seemed really nice over the phone. Now I'm wondering if i should just see her tonight at my place and not worry about the hotel room after all??


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
vivalapanocha said:
Any possible chance you could ask to meet at a neutral spot first, before she comes over ? Lets say a coffee shop. That way you can get a better idea if she's on the level or too flaky. You could always say "its my first time so I'm kinda nervous" ;)

I don't know if I would go that far. After speaking with her, the problem with booking a hotel in advance is that she does not have a set schedule. She has another job and only does this in her spare time. So, if I book a hotel room and she can't make it, I'm out some $$$. Similarly, my work schedule can change at a moment's notice as well. Therefore, I'm left with the idea of calling to see if she's available at the spur of the moment, and if so, seeing her at my residence. I'm a bit nervous at having a complete stranger here; however, she seems legit - she was also very pleasant to speak with. Moreover, I have seen brand new ladies here before, albeit through an agency. Any thoughts??


Lives for DATY
Aug 17, 2001
East of TO
I have never been a big fan of having a lady to my residence on the first visit, ah hell for that matter ever as the wife wouldn't take to kindly to it.

But seriously there are a ton of rooms that can be booked on reasonable short notice, when the time is good for both of you. Have a short list of a couple or three hotels that are easy to get to and all in the same general area then when the timing is right call them. I would willing to bet that one of them would have a room available that night no problem.

It is just safer to go the hotel route if you can, expecially on a first date.

IMHO anyway
Personally, would never have an escort to my house... agency or indy. The only exception might be if I had seen her a few times elsewhere, had gotten to know her well, and built a bit of a realationship with her.

I don't want to suggest that all of these girls have "issues" or aren't trustworthy. A number of the girls I have seen are damn near "take her home to meet Mom" types... But it's the drivers, the agency phone guy etc. Do you really want all of these folks to know where you live?


New member
May 16, 2003
Stoo said:
Personally, would never have an escort to my house... agency or indy. The only exception might be if I had seen her a few times elsewhere, had gotten to know her well, and built a bit of a realationship with her.
totally agree... I have repeated many times with some ladies but I think I would maybe see 2 out of around 10 regulars past and present to my home...


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Meister said:
I thought you were talking about getting married.
Not likely... *lol*!! Not without a solid cohabitation agreement or pre-nup. I'll be damned if I let any woman walk away with half of my gross pre-tax dollars. :eek:


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Stoo said:
I don't want to suggest that all of these girls have "issues" or aren't trustworthy. A number of the girls I have seen are damn near "take her home to meet Mom" types... But it's the drivers, the agency phone guy etc. Do you really want all of these folks to know where you live?
Well, she's an indy, so I will be dealing only with her. No phone guys etc.. Now, it seems to be above board, however, the only thing that worries me is what to do IF it turns out to be a scam and some 300lbs. guy starts banging down my door trying to rob me! That, and the general ruckus something like that would create. Of course that's a long shot. My gut feeling says it's ok. I just don't want to spend the money on a hotel room when it's a lot easier to see someone here.


Dec 27, 2006
One of the hardest tasks for people who like to break into houses is casing the place. So handy for them to have someone who will say “oh nice new huge plasma TV there!”

If your phone number is available… they call, the break, they enter, you return to a few less burdensome physical possessions.

People who hire wise security consultants get told: Do not have anything of value in view of Pizza Delivery guy. Do not invite strangers, especially if they might have criminal element friends, into your home. Look at your home from outside at night and see what you are advertising to window shoppers.

Remember, she does not even have to do it on purpose, all she needs to do is share the info with someone interested.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
LordLoki said:
One of the hardest tasks for people who like to break into houses is casing the place. So handy for them to have someone who will say “oh nice new huge plasma TV there!”

If your phone number is available… they call, the break, they enter, you return to a few less burdensome physical possessions.

People who hire wise security consultants get told: Do not have anything of value in view of Pizza Delivery guy. Do not invite strangers, especially if they might have criminal element friends, into your home. Look at your home from outside at night and see what you are advertising to window shoppers.

Remember, she does not even have to do it on purpose, all she needs to do is share the info with someone interested.
OMG is it better to be paranoid or sane? We are SP's not thieves posing as SP's.


Dec 27, 2006
Fabulous said:
OMG is it better to be paranoid or sane? We are SP's not thieves posing as SP's.
If you read my original statement, did not say SPs where. But for example, 'girl leaves house, girl tells drive "wow nice plasma TV", driver comes back latter after calling the house.'

One family in 10 (roughly) in Toronto is touched by crime every year. Simple actions can reduce that to 1 in 1,000. Other actions bring the number to 1 in 1.

The company that services my furnace do background checks on their workers and drivers. Actually most companies do that now days.

Sorry Fabulous, I hear you are fabulous, but I just cannot tell how well you check out your drivers etc. Of course once you get to know someone it would be foolish to maintain that level of concern.

But a complete strangerregardless of occupation might be a bit of a risk.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
LordLoki said:
If you read my original statement, did not say SPs where. But for example, 'girl leaves house, girl tells drive "wow nice plasma TV", driver comes back latter after calling the house.'

The company that services my furnace do background checks on their workers and drivers. Actually most companies do that now days.

Sorry Fabulous, I hear you are fabulous, but I just cannot tell how well you check out your drivers etc. Of course once you get to know someone it would be foolish to maintain that level of concern.

But a complete strangerregardless of occupation might be a bit of a risk.

OH I see now drivers are thieves? you are really paranoid! That's NOT how it is in this business. Think SP's are really that stupid, ha. Why the heck would I wanna be carrying out a big ass tv, when cash is much lighter and it fits in my pocket or purse. Dude get real. I got so many big ass tv's around here I am running out of rooms to put them in, and guess what I bought them with money I earned not stolen merchandise trading.

I don't need to check out drivers, I drive, get with the program, this is not Saudi Arabia where women can't drive.

We are all strangers until we meet.


Retired asian sp
Jul 29, 2007
LordLoki said:
If you read my original statement, did not say SPs where. But for example, 'girl leaves house, girl tells drive "wow nice plasma TV", driver comes back latter after calling the house.'

One family in 10 (roughly) in Toronto is touched by crime every year. Simple actions can reduce that to 1 in 1,000. Other actions bring the number to 1 in 1.

The company that services my furnace do background checks on their workers and drivers. Actually most companies do that now days.

Sorry Fabulous, I hear you are fabulous, but I just cannot tell how well you check out your drivers etc. Of course once you get to know someone it would be foolish to maintain that level of concern.

But a complete strangerregardless of occupation might be a bit of a risk.
You have every right to be concerned. Heck, I completely understand what you are saying because I hire service people to enter in to my home when I am not here. I understand why you might want to have your guard up. I hire a dog walker who comes here 5 days a week to look after my dog while I am at work. She has the keys to my home and while I do not have a nice plasma TV, I do have expensive electronics (a lap top with thousands of dollars of work/software and sensitive documents on it). The young person who I selected to walk my dog is someone who I would like to think I know relatively well. I know this person's family. The fact that I built a rapport makes me feel that I can trust her enough to enter in to my home, look after my animals and leave without taking anything. So far this person has proven herself to be a trustworthy young adult.

That said, I would like to think that most people who work in the sex industry are pretty simple people just looking to make good, fast, drama free money. We are people with families to feed and look after. The last thing we want is to be spending time away from our people because we are in jail.

My experience in sex work, was that the majority of the people I worked with were people with jobs, families and outside lives. I knew people in the sex industry who worked day jobs in banks, schools, real estate offices, law offices, accounting, etc. These were the type of people who would not be willing to put their futures at risk, and often sex work was just done for a relatively short period of time to meet a short term goal. For example, a sex worker I knew was working towards becoming a flight attendant for a major airline. She was an on again, off again sex worker basically because she liked expensive things.

I for one am one of those cases. I have a university degree, and a decent job with good benefits. When I applied for my job they did everything from a criminal record check and credit check to a psych profile. If I ever got a criminal record for stealing or robbing someone I can promise you I would get fired in a heart beat. My line of work involves dealing with sensitive information such as skip tracing, SIN numbers and credit reports (I see thousands of these a day). So robbing someone's house would not be worth it to me. To do something like that would prove that I have no ability to think of my future and would be showing little respect for my family and myself. It would just be a dumb move.

I am not in sex work at the time being, but I might be coming back. I want to be buying a house and getting some investments in a few years. I make roughly 35 k a year, and let's face it that is not a whole lot of money especially when you are getting started in life and the government taxes you to death. Basically (and I think i speak for all sex workers when I say this) I want to earn quick, drama free money without getting myself in to a shit load of trouble and losing my long term career in the process. And getting myself arrested and/or not being able to sleep at night is not exactly my idea of drama free.


Dec 27, 2006
Sorry Fabulous, I did not realise that you could act as a reference the Independent that drlove had randomly selected and no one had reviewed or even knew. Not certain how you know she drives herself either.
Granted that TERB professionals do not do drugs, do not associate with criminals, and are all actually professionals (actually seems that as a group they are). Will you grant me that some of the women who post on sleazier boards may not live up to this community’s standards?
It is not about you or me; it is about playing the odds. When you go to Vegas you know if you play long enough the house always wins. You also know you stay on 20 when you play blackjack. It is all about odds.
In this case it is not about a respected know TERB professional, it is about an unknown person who may or may not be honest.

Am I paranoid? Perhaps I am a little. Are you taking this personally? Perhaps a lot?
We are not talking about a known SP professional who belongs to a long term community. We are talking about a completely unknown person. Can she drive? Who knows? Does she have a driver? Who knows? Is she part of the street scene? Who knows? Is she a drug user? Who knows? She is not a respected member of a community who knows and can vouch for her. She is completely unknown. Not even the benefit of having seen her. All he has is a voice, and we all know the phone sex worker stories.

So Fabulous, I would maintain that my advice is actually prudent and quite logical... The cost of a hotel room is a small investment for most people compared to the possible risks of inviting a complete stranger involved in sex trade into your home. It is far safer to choose someone from a self policing community like TERB. Probably safer than picking up a civilian in bar if you insist on taking everyone home as soon as you meet them.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
LordLoki said:
Sorry Fabulous, I did not realise that you could act as a reference the Independent that drlove had randomly selected and no one had reviewed or even knew. Not certain how you know she drives herself either.
I am not acting as a reference, but said that he felt comfortable with her and that she sounded sane, had a regular job etc. So we are talking about a specific case not some junkie. Maybe you didn't get a chance to read Asiangurls message but I think the point she was trying to make was: WE DON'T LIKE JAIL, BEING AWAY FROM OUR FAMILY, OR MESSING UP OUR REGULAR JOB.

Granted that TERB professionals do not do drugs, do not associate with criminals, and are all actually professionals (actually seems that as a group they are).
you are wrong about that, I am off to do some crack right now and later I will rob some clients. :D

Will you grant me that some of the women who post on sleazier boards may not live up to this community’s standards?
There are no sleazier BOARDS but there are sleazier people. People try to rip me off sometimes too, does that mean all clients are bad?
It is not about you or me; it is about playing the odds. When you go to Vegas you know if you play long enough the house always wins. You also know you stay on 20 when you play blackjack.
well depending on the dealers cards and my cards if I have 2 tens I might split them, I am sorry what was your point?

Am I paranoid? Perhaps I am a little.
I'd say alot. If you had some personal experience that was bad I'd understand, otherwise you are too stereotypical.

Are you taking this personally? Perhaps a lot?
not at all like I said;later on I will stake out some houses and maybe give all my thieving friends a call, see if they have time for your tv.

So Fabulous, I would maintain that my advice is actually prudent and quite logical... The cost of a hotel room is a small investment for most people compared to the possible risks of inviting a complete stranger involved in sex trade into your home.
ok so here you go again, what is wrong with sex workers, why are you even fucking them if you don't trust them? a little bit at least? huh

While I can understand some of your concerns, I think you are just blowing it out of proportion and assuming that most SP's are thieves. Not the case. And there is no need to try create this kind of paranoia and bad propaganda.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Fabulous is probably right. It's just that it's a bit unnerving for me to answer a no name ad in the classifieds than deal with a well known respected agency. She sounded polite on the phone, anyway. I suppose if something did happen, she wouldn't be that hard to track down. I have her cell number, and I know she also offers incall lin her apartment. so she has a place. I'm probably more concerned that if something happened, the neighbours would find out since I live in an upscale building and my privacy is very important to me.
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