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Rapper Kenny Clutch killed in Las Vegas shooting


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
I was there...

I was making my way back to my hotel having been out parting until 4:00 am at ACT Nightclub. I get back to my 6th floor suite at the Aria at about 4:20 am and heard what thought were gun shots. :confused: I looked out the window overlooking the valet area of the hotel and saw a black SUV turn left onto the strip... didn't think much of it at the time... so I went pee, and went to bed.

The next morning I get into a cab to head off for the day... cab driver said the strip is closed, we'll hafta go the back way. Hmmm, well OK. He mentioned there was a bad accident on the corner of Flamingo and Las Vegas Blvd.... and that the strip would likely be closed for quite some time.

After the day was over, I jumped back into a cab to head back to my suite to get cleaned up for dinner. The driver said the strip was STILL closed, and the altercation was between a few gangbangers. I arrive at my suite and put the news on... found out then, that the altercation between the cars involved and caused the accident which started in the valet drop off at the ARIA and that shots WERE fired! :Eek: I missed the start of all this... BY MINUTES! :Eek:

Not sure who this rapper guy was, but as a result of his actions, an innocent cab driver and his fare, a mother of 3, also in town on business like I was, are no longer. :(

las venganza

Senior Member
Sep 21, 2007
Yes, we could go on and talk about Jesse James (the outlaw) or the Mafia for days but how would this make the city safer for young Black males? It is not Jesse James or the Mafia that is shooting 15 year old Black males.
WHAT!!?!!?? LOL

That’s not the point I am trying to make…at all!!

I am saying that, white culture does glorify white gangsters…not in Gangsta Rap, but in movies, tv.etc. My post was in response to this comment:

You missed the point. Yes there are white gangsters, but white culture does not glorify them the way rap culture glorifies black thugs. Does disliking crime and criminals make me racist?
I never said that there wasn’t a problem in the Black community. Quite the opposite! There is a huge problem in the Black community.

Black thugs kill each other and sometimes injure or kill innocents, but at the same time, White gangsters kill or maim innocent bystanders as well…that’s what I am saying!!
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