Rape in South Africa - New Survey


Jun 6, 2009
Aardvark154 said:
Given the two South African provinces surveyed, I wonder whether without the article saying so, this survey was of the rural Black population rather the country as a whole or the Afrikaner and Anglo-South-African population.
Actually those provinces contain the major urban centres in SA, save Cape town. Since approx. 80% of the SA population are the black and the rest are the whites and coloured ( that's what they call themselves), its a pretty good sample.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Kyra, studies may question it, but in nomadic stone age societies that are tribal in nature, do you think captured women were having consensual sex? I doubt it, and given the strongest, smartest, fastest males won those encounters, it would mean their genes were passed along.

At the root is the view that women are chattel, only there for the men. I read a book a couple of years ago (fiction) that had an interesting premise... early societies may not have known that males were just as required as females to produce offspring, so because of this "solo" miracle, those societies were more matriarchal. Once men realized the truth, it resulted in the death of the so-called "Mother Goddess" societies, sub-planted by male-dominated ones.

Boy are we ranging far or what?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
blackrock13 said:
Actually those provinces contain the major urban centres in SA, save Cape town. Since approx. 80% of the SA population are the black and the rest are the whites and coloured ( that's what they call themselves), its a pretty good sample.
I stand corrected, as I hadn't realized that the old African "homeland" rural areas had been merged with the urban areas. They still have a larger than normal Black population and the largest urban centres would be Johannesburg, in the Transvaal and Cape Town in Cape Province.




New member
Mar 18, 2009
Here's a thread on a book about evolutionary rape:


The arguments against start from a "rape is wrong, don't justify" position, as opposed to straight science. It's a theory of why it happens, not justification for it happening.

Are children of rapists more likely to rape? Probably. Are they somehow forced to by their genes? Definitely not.

Back to South Africa... the issue is the wide-spread nature of rapists in that article. The actual rate of rapes is about twice Canada's per 1,000 people, although that may be exacerbated by the wider definition used in Canada (all sexual assault, in its various forms) versus actual penetration.

This whole thing is society's dirty little secret. It's just wrong, whatever the cause.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
blackrock13 said:
Actually those provinces contain the major urban centres in SA, save Cape town.
Are you sure about that? I know that Durban (the 3rd largest city in S.A.) and Pietermaritzburg are the two largest cities in KwaZulu-Natal. But in the Eastern Cape Port Elizabeth, East London and Grahamstown are the largest population centers and I know Pretoria is larger than Port Elizabeth.

The two largest cities Cape Town and Johannesburg were outside the study area.

Edit: Opps, I see Oagre already said the same thing!


New member
May 2, 2009
Hey Kyra, The only reason this study was done...probably because South Africa has more affirmative action committees then other parts of Africa, and they have opened up their society to protocols based on this.
University students do their dissertations on this subject, and then they are published. South Africa is still a haven compared to other parts of Africa

Its good to see that your concerned about this subject. But you should really focus your attention on whats really going on in Africa when it comes to social justice. Check out Darfur, Rwanda, Uganda....etc

With the AIDS virus, droughts and war, half the population does not even live past 30.
Yet the death rate still hasn't caught up to the birth rate. They pop out babies like Pez dispensers and we get stuck with the tab.

I think Africa has to start to control their population, and adapt the same model China had. Other wise things are going to get a lot worst. Remember guys, these people have souls, just like us, but its so far away, we cant feel the effect.


Jun 6, 2009
Aardvark154 said:
Are you sure about that? I know that Durban (the 3rd largest city in S.A.) and Pietermaritzburg are the two largest cities in KwaZulu-Natal. But in the Eastern Cape Port Elizabeth, East London and Grahamstown are the largest population centers and I know Pretoria is larger than Port Elizabeth.

The two largest cities Cape Town and Johannesburg were outside the study area.

Edit: Opps, I see Oagre already said the same thing!
My point was that there 'were' large urban centres, not the largest, KZN is quite well off compared to some other areas and reflects a good 'average' population sample and I hate to use that word. Jo'burg is a good choice to leave out as it is an abhorrent place and will skew any type of study of this type. SA has three capitals, each responsible for a different aspect of government and must be given special note if encluded in any stud.

Nodifferent than including Ottawa, Washington DC or the Hague in a similar study elsewhere. These are not typical cities in their respective countries and show a unique profile. SA has 3 of these and each one is different.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Nefari said:
How the hell would anyone know the "unreported" number?
haha my thoughts exactly
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