The One Spa

Rambling newbie review of Carrie Moon


New member
Oct 25, 2003
Last night was my first encounter with an escort. I had done some reading on this and other boards and decided that Carrie Moon was a great choice for this encounter. While I had read that there are others who might be more attractive, the consensus seemed to be that an hour with Carrie was pretty much guaranteed to be a great experience. I may be seeing someone else later on my trip to Canada, but I am glad that Carrie was the first.

You ever hear that expression "you don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle"? Too often, when this advice is followed, you wind up with all sizzle and no steak. As a result, we get cellphones with cameras and email and instant messaging, but which don't seem to work all that well as telephones, or superstar athletes who can do the 360 inverted dunk, but who can't defend a pick and roll. We also get men and women who place so much emphasis on how they are perceived, that they forget to take care of who they are. We get men who work so hard to get ahead and make money that their lives are a shambles of stress and unhappiness. And we get women with fake breasts, fake hair, fake noses and fake personalities.

Well, Carrie is none of these things. She is genuine. She is real. And in her line of business, I think that makes her fairly unique; one of a fery few among a very many women in a profession that has more than its fair share of falseness...and I'm not just talking about boobs. What I came away with from my encounter that surprised me most was that I had tremendous respect for Carrie. Not only because of the things I have said, but because it is clear that she enjoys her work and has put a lot of time and effort into perfecting her craft.

When I arrived at Carrie's, I was a nervous wreck. I am sure some of you can relate back to your first time with an escort. I was totally unsure of what to expect. Carrie noticed immediately and gave me a big hug. From that point on, I began to slowly relax so that by the end of the hour, there was no trace of anxiety and I felt very comfortable.

I will not go into the specifics of our session, as I think that is kind of crude. I will say a few things, however.

First of all, I read the expression YMMV on these boards a lot. I always sort of laughed at this because I figured that it was obvious. I see in some cases its not, but for a woman like Carrie, it shouldn't even need to be said. As an intelligent woman, understanding the nature of her work, she will vary her "mileage" according to her comfort with her client. Since it was the first time she had met me, it would appear that she was a little conservative on this end. However, its also because I respected Carrie that I didn't try and push her boundaries. It's also because she HAD boundaries that I respected her.

So, while I was not able to bust out all of my moves (some of which I have been led to believe are quite good), I still had a fantastic time with Carrie. Throughout our session, I never got the sense that she was putting an act - either sexually or in conversation. Her reactions all seemed genuine and never forced. She enjoys having sex and it shows. She is also very very good at it. She makes you feel like there is nothing she would rather be doing than lying naked in bed with you, doing what she is doing. For that hour, I felt like I was the only thing that mattered to Carrie. I would equate my experience to buying a suit. In Carrie's bed, I did not feel like a customer walking into Tip Top and searching among the hundreds of suits on the rack looking for one that more or less fit. I felt like I was in a tailor's workshop, having every piece of fabric marked and fitted specifically to my measurements, created solely for me.

As far as her appearance, all I have to say is that if you can't appreciate a woman like Carrie, then I feel sorry for you. There are fast-food women all around, but very few classic dishes left in the world. Carrie....well....I'd say Carrie is like French Onion Soup. Warm, comfortable, yet absolutely delicious and satisfying. At one point, I got up to use the bathroom, and when I came back and saw Carrie lying on the bed, it was as if I was looking at a classic oil painting from the 1700's attempting to depict the beauty of the female form. She curves exactly where a woman is supposed to curve and exactly how a woman is supposed to curve. And when she, lemme tell ya, she curves well.

Carrie is not Britney Spears. She is not that cheeleader in high school that you desperately wanted to nail in the janitor's closet, but who didn't know your name. To me, Carrie is the girl you spill your coffee on as you exit Starbucks who you wind up sitting down with and sharing a laugh over the incident, then going back to her place where she rides you silly. OK. So maybe only I have that fantasy. But its not a bad one, eh?

Thanks Carrie for a great introduction.


4 horsesmen
Jul 4, 2002

I couldnt agree more, very well said. I have seen Carrie several times ( not enough !!) and wish could see her more. She even helped me with suggestions on antural products for sleeping and pain.

She is a real woman in body and sole!



Active member
Aug 16, 2003
I've never posted before, but after reading this review of Carrie, I just had to add my 2 cents worth.

I'm not into the hobby in a big way. I've seen her twice. Your description of her is absolutely incredible. To quote ricflair, you've "captured" the essence of Carrie.


New member
Sep 4, 2003
Well I saw Carrie last week and the review is bang on I will also not elaberate on the behind closed doors but she is safe discreet and wonderful


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
u're all nuts!


New member
Jun 14, 2003
From the reviews I've read of this woman, I'd sum her up as this:

A wonderful experience and a beautiful woman in her 30s for someone who's seeking erotic companionship.

A trashy, ugly skank with boobs down to her knees for someone who's seeking a dirty supermodel pornstar fuck.

Maybe to make reviews fair to the ladies, we could be more objective, and come up with a clever term for the context in which you describe her. Perhaps we could use "companion" and "romp"... so a review could read " excellent companion, although if you're out for a romp, take a pass on this one."

One man's trash is another man's treasure.


Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
Wow. A truly heartfelt thanks to all who think my personality is as important if not more so than my looks. I too feel that is the most important part of an encounter sexual or otherwise. I have to admit that it does hurt my feelings when someone detracts in comments about my body as it doesn't fit their perfect image of the '10' woman. Most gentlemen that visit me are just that 'gentlemen' and I love being in Ottawa for that reason. It's very strange being reviewed in intimate details about an encounter and I believe that should be left in private. Thanks so much for the eloquent review. I feel like someone has been able to articulate better than myself what really happens in my head anyways... luv Carrie.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
dodgeram. lol thats a good idea. I realize that everyone looks for a different thing in a woman. some. companionship. some just pure wanton sex. some a mixture of both. but personally i think for me. attitude and then looks are most important. you can have a bombshell broad. who's a bitch. or a decent girl who actually puts effort into it. i'll take the latter. i've had too many bombshells who are terrible lays.


Loves to Give ... LOVE
Aug 11, 2003
Here Here To Carrie's Comments


You are so right .. the chemistry has to "click" for an encounter to be pleasureable for either party ... preferrably for both.

The body follows the mind and if the mind is not "in to it" then who cares about the body.

It's all about giving & receiving ... mutual FUNN.

from "A Gentleman who enjoys sharing the Finer Things in Life"
Last edited:


New member
Sep 4, 2003
Carrie I enjoyed the 20 min or so we talked you are more than an SP you are the best see you soon and we didnt just talk for those who are going to ask or thinking that


Luv to lick & lick to luv
Jan 28, 2002
Ottawa East
Yeah she does seem very nice. I have yet to meet her but she always answers my emails.


New member
Nov 27, 2002
Don't hesitate to see this wonderful lady. She is beautiful, fun to be with and has a smile that will melt you.



Luv to lick & lick to luv
Jan 28, 2002
Ottawa East
Ahhh, you guys are making this harder and harder! oups.. didn't mean that way.

Since I don't see SPs every now and then, I was about to wait for DANI to come in town. Which I will probably do.

After I will see Carie!!! I promise! I truelly do. ;)
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