

New member
Sep 6, 2003
To protect myself as much as possible I ALWAYS use internet cafes for my Hobbying. I even go to a variety of them. So I had just had a massage at Jade's Spa on Bank and was at the A&E Micro Internet Cafe, also on Bank, when this cop comes up to me and says I have to log off (there were 6 cops in total). Holy crap!! I thought they must have just busted Jade's and followed me to the cafe. Have'nt they anything better to do? I'm f*****!!! How am I going to explain being arrested? Just keep your mouth shut until you contact your lawyer. I could'nt believe my bad luck. I'm so careful. Turns out they are investigating alleged criminal activities originating out of the place (always thought it was sleezy). But for a minute there......:eek:


New member
Aug 18, 2004
FalconHawk said:
...Turns out they are investigating alleged criminal activities originating out of the place (always thought it was sleezy).
Operating out of Jade Spa or operating out of the Internet Cafe?

And I totally get your initial reaction. I'll bet the heart was racing for a few minutes.

Thanks for sharing.



New member
Mar 28, 2004

Reminds me of a day waaaay back in grade 10. A buddy and I were toking up on a metal stairway that led down the side of a hill, off the back end of the school property. Whilst sitting there in cloud of pot smoke, a teacher appears on the stairs above us, clamps us both on the shoulders and says "GOTCHA". He keeps running down to the bottom of the stairs, we assumed to look for anyone else smoking up. Man were we scared - two good little suburban Catholic school boys with totally square parents who would go ballistic, our lives passing before their eyes for being busted for smoking weed. Kicked out of school, no uni, all that.

So the teacher turns around at the bottom of the stairs, runs back up, and as he continues jogging past us he says "why don't you boys smoke at the smoking area like everyone else?" Turns out he was just out for a noon-hour jog, and had no idea the smoke hanging in the air around us was a bit sweeter than normal cigarette smoke. Crap were were relieved.



good thing you didn't just have FS at the spa or you woulda shit yer britches! :p

oh yeah, that kinda stuff never happens *g*
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New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
FalconHawk said:
To protect myself as much as possible I ALWAYS use internet cafes for my Hobbying. I even go to a variety of them. So I had just had a massage at Jade's Spa on Bank and was at the A&E Micro Internet Cafe, also on Bank, when this cop comes up to me and says I have to log off (there were 6 cops in total). Holy crap!! I thought they must have just busted Jade's and followed me to the cafe. Have'nt they anything better to do? I'm f*****!!! How am I going to explain being arrested? Just keep your mouth shut until you contact your lawyer. I could'nt believe my bad luck. I'm so careful. Turns out they are investigating alleged criminal activities originating out of the place (always thought it was sleezy). But for a minute there......:eek:
So were you actually arrested, or just questioned?


bjsk90 said:
So were you actually arrested, or just questioned?
since he may be leary of internet cafes for a bit and he was typing a PM to me when the cops came in ...... I'm about 99% sure he was only questioned, they were looking for other illegal activities at the cafe, not for guys who just left Jade and got a hj ;)

btw, no one has called me to question me on the contents of the PM, nor do I expect them to *lol*


New member
Sep 6, 2003
I was just questioned about some of the activities at the Internet cafe. This place has had a checkered history. Last winter the cops nailed a drug deal going down after hours. Some woman baracaded herself in a room for hours and someone was either shot or stabbed. Can't remember which. I know who the owners were and, well.... enough said. So I was not arrested.


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
FalconHawk said:
I was just questioned about some of the activities at the Internet cafe. This place has had a checkered history. Last winter the cops nailed a drug deal going down after hours. Some woman baracaded herself in a room for hours and someone was either shot or stabbed. Can't remember which. I know who the owners were and, well.... enough said. So I was not arrested.
These Internet cafes seem more dangerous than the seediest strip joints, now. ;)


bjsk90 said:
These Internet cafes seem more dangerous than the seediest strip joints, now.
if only we could get a bj while surfin the net! hmmmmmm :rolleyes:


Active member
Jan 24, 2004
I walked by AE Micro this morning and saw a sign on the door saying as of Sept.6 the landlord had seized control of the premises and the business was dead. I wonder what the raid found?


Luv to lick & lick to luv
Jan 28, 2002
Ottawa East
M.O.F.W. said:
I walked by AE Micro this morning and saw a sign on the door saying as of Sept.6 the landlord had seized control of the premises and the business was dead. I wonder what the raid found?
Perhaps someone was having a BJ while surfing! :D

Sorry... I just had to..


Feb 21, 2005
M.O.F.W. said:
I walked by AE Micro this morning and saw a sign on the door saying as of Sept.6 the landlord had seized control of the premises and the business was dead. I wonder what the raid found?

They had not paid thier rent in about 4 months. That place was still running P3's for chirst sakes. The only decent internet cafe is the flat planet, they don't allow any crap in there


New member
Mar 1, 2004
FalconHawk said:
To protect myself as much as possible I ALWAYS use internet cafes for my Hobbying. I even go to a variety of them. :
I may be completely naive and ignorant here, but there is NOTHING wrong with surfing on an SPs website site. It's called public domain. What is the basis of the concern? I always surf from home, didn't know I was putting myself at risk....

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Supporting Member
jamesronnie said:
I may be completely naive and ignorant here, but there is NOTHING wrong with surfing on an SPs website site. It's called public domain. What is the basis of the concern? I always surf from home, didn't know I was putting myself at risk....
But I am pretty sure you live alone right? But many people don't and don't want the people that they live to know what they are really upto...




New member
Sep 6, 2003
Well, there is more to it than that. I do live alone. The problem I wish to avoid is really coming from the other end, that is, what if an agency is raided in Toronto and their hard drives are seized. The authorities will be able to extract all your personal and contact information and then contact you in their investigation. So even if they can't get you on illegal activities, do you really want them showing up at your door or at the office asking you questions for all to hear. Not for me. Unless the agency or the independent is careful and skillful if wiping the hard drives, your computer can be traced to your lap, literally, if you are using a laptop, and to you home, if you are using a desktop. I will leave it up to the techies out their to disagree with me if I have a wrong idea here.
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