RadFem: ‘No Woman Is Heterosexual’


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Good thing you pointed that out. Sick burn. Ha those losers really thought they were telling the truth but you nailed them. You da man. .
I know. I've recognized that I am no match for his wit and intellect. Nor his hacking ability. I wondered how Officer Blackrock discovered our circle jerk techniques but then I noticed the green light beside my Webcam was on...


Jun 6, 2009
Good thing you pointed that out. Sick burn. Ha those losers really thought they were telling the truth but you nailed them. You da man. I like you, heck you can come over to my house and fuck my sister.

I'm being sarcastic BTW.
Considering how much you think you know about me, you attempt at humour is pretty weak.Your retread persona isn't much of an improvement over your last, much like SC. No wonder you two get along so well.

The sad thing is that there are some real dim wicks on this BB who might actually believe what SC, Cubby, and you post.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
The sad thing is that there are some real dim wicks on this BB who might actually believe what SC, Cubby, and you post.

Yeah. Sigh. Dim wicks indeed. Have you noticed that it is always everyone else. If only everyone was so smarterest like you.


New member
Nov 9, 2012
this is what they teach in so called gender/women's studies.
Have you ever taken any women's studies courses? These is most certainly not what they teach. The views you cite represent a small fringe movement within the diversity of perspectives and approaches to feminist theory.

I for one have never considered myself a feminist per se and have as much an issue with misandrous women as mysogynous men.

Do I believe that women should receive equal pay for equal work? YES
Do I believe that a woman's body is hers to do with as she pleases and that if she so chooses to sell it for money that is her right? YES
Ironically, this is almost literally the most basic definition of feminism: The idea that women should have political, social and economic equality and that women should have control over their own bodies.

I only comment because it's distressing to see how many set up feminism as some straw target with the claim that it's out to oppress men and how many times I've heard people blame "feminists" for the attempts to stigmatize and criminalize sex work. It's conservative groups and (with some notable exceptions, mostly) conservative women's organizations that are working so hard to criminalize sex work. Different feminist organizations have different views, but many, if not most, groups believe that it's a woman's right to choose. They're not the enemy! And they're the ones actually fighting for it while most hobbyists just sulk in the shadows.


New member
Nov 15, 2013
Yes, but only if it's to a warm climate. As you know, I don't like the cold. Hence my romantic fireplace. ;)
I love that fireplace ,especially being there with you in your sexy secretary outfit. Now on a quest to find warm climate options :))
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