Yes, I know, Canada is not a free country. U.S. is, probably, the only country in the world that put freedom above all and has truly free speech laws. However, even with limited free speech in Canada, calling someone a n***r or a fu**ing fag is not a hate speech unless you actually ask others to do something harmful to a group of people (e.g., "kill the n***rs"). Nowhere it is said that a person cannot express his homophobic or racist believes in public, so, if it is not prohibited, why it is OK to punish people for expressing their believes? I should be free to go on street and say that, on average, white men are superior to black women and, in a free and low-abiding country, no one should physically assault me and my employer should not use this in any decision making (firing, bonus, promotion), unless I specifically say something about other employees.