Rabbi threatens to sue over Christmas tree


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
MarkII said:
I was thinking about this thread...lets say I was from Texas and decided to live is Israel.

What do you think my chances would be to tell this Rabbi in Israel that I wear a Stetson and I decorate trees for Christmas and demand they do the same at the Synagogue or I'll sue?

I think I would politely be told to leave, I was not welcome there.

Yes but that is a stupid comparison. In fact public places in Israel like airports, libraries, and malls are multi denominational. No one religion tries to take control of these in Israel. The problem with western society is the belief that repression of christianity is repressive while repression of everyone else is common sense.

Mao Tse Tongue said:
The Hasidics are often bananas anyway, like all extremists.
Mao Tse Tongue I had no idea you were such a stupid f**ker


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
LancsLad said:
Its CHRISTMAS, we say Merry Christmas and at one time had the balls to stand up for ourselves.

Sad what happens when the politically correct want to drag us down.:mad:
It's not "Seasons Greetings" or "Happy Holidays", it's "Merry Christmas", plain and simple. It's sad that the Politically Correct want us to only say "Happy Holidays", yet want our money as we buy gifts for the "Holidays". Our "Chrismas Dollars" should be spent on "Christmas Gifts" from stores that recognize "Christmas".

I saw the Honda add, where the guy runs outside to see Santa's sleigh on the roof, pulling a car hauler full of Honda vehicles. If they can't use the word "Christmas" in their add, yet make the visual connection to the "Christmas season" I say we boycott the company. It's amazing the number of companies that want to take advantage of the "Christmas Season", yet won't make mention of "it".

Before a few of you go off half cocked, I see a lot of people who don't believe in the real meaning of "Christmas", yet go out of their way to take advantage of "it". It's some of these same people, who pressure town and city officials to keep the word "Christmas" out of the towns decorations. This country was founded by people who believed in "Christmas", and have allowed religious freedoms. This country is tollerant of allowing imigrants to bring their heritage with them. If they don't like the freedoms they have been afforded by coming here, then don't stop others from enjoying their freedom.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
According to CNN this morning, SEA is removing the Christmas trees.

The airport said they didn't want to get sued by every religion in the world; so there will be no religious symbols at all.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Actually Mao, the opposite is true. The Orthodox are in many ways more tolerant of Christians celebrating their religion than less religious jews are, and have more respect for the believing Christian than the non-believing Jew.

Your statement says something about your own tolerance though, doesn't it?

And for those of you who do not belong to any minority group and who do not understand the hubbub which comes up every farking year:

1. Santa, reindeer, silver bells, outdoor decorative lighting, tinsel, dying indoor pine trees, red stockings, the Grinch, and carols, are ALL CHRISTMAS SYMBOLS whether you celebrate the day as your saviour's birthday or not.

2. Public space, in a democratic system which does not privilege one religion or ethnicity over another, is not a place for religious symbols. It's BASIC to our system that Church and State are separate. So while to YOU it might seem totaly inoffensive, do you think that is the test?

It's simple. I know that since most of the people in our society are Christians who no longer actually understand that they are Christians and think that everyone believes what they do and shares the same symbols they do, that putting Christmas trees at City Hall is no big deal. And it really isn't a big deal, as long as every other group that wants to put its religious or cultural symbols up at City Hall for every other holiday that they want to can also do that.

Probably better to kleep it in the private sphere, don't you think?

But there's no reason to hate people for speaking up when Church encroaches on State. It's FREEDOM. Go back to Iran if you don't like it.

Mao Tse Tongue said:
He's one idiot. The Hasidics are often bananas anyway, like all extremists. Generally less Orthodox Jews are exceedingly tolerant of Christmas, so one does not make a rule.


Mar 20, 2004
funsmartguy said:
I would remind you (or inform you), Judaism holds respect in high order for all peoples, regardless of race, religion, colour, creed or ethnicity.

You can say that with a straight face ???? I was born in Canada and the only time that I have been discriminated against has been by certain Jewish people. I have many Jewish friends but there are some that have no respect for anyone other than their own.

I have a Jewish friend who I'm quoting here say "I hate Christmas" but she will take all the Christian holidays off and accept her "Christmas bonus" from work !!!!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
boffo said:
Actually Michael Richards is not Jewish. His parents aren't Jewish and he never went through a conversion process.
He just fancies himself to be a Jew because he's spent so much of his life hanging around with the tribe.

Thats just odd.:confused:


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
LancsLad said:
Its CHRISTMAS, we say Merry Christmas and at one time had the balls to stand up for ourselves.

Sad what happens when the politically correct want to drag us down.:mad:

Exactly . They should have had the balls to tell him to just to piss-off.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
According to the news the trees are back. Seems that after the airport took the official one down every airline checkin counter and space became covered with Cristmas decorations, put up by employees and the airlines.

The rabbi dude has declined to sue so airport put the big ones back up.

My theory is that behind the scenes some really top dog in the jewish heirarchy in the US must have told that local rabbi to STFU. Probably told him that pissing off gentiles is not good for business.:)


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Merry Christmas

^^^^ '[_] ^^^^​

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!

With thanks to Jazzy_Doll for the contribution.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
pussylicker said:
It's not "Seasons Greetings" or "Happy Holidays", it's "Merry Christmas", plain and simple. It's sad that the Politically Correct want us to only say "Happy Holidays", yet want our money as we buy gifts for the "Holidays". Our "Chrismas Dollars" should be spent on "Christmas Gifts" from stores that recognize "Christmas".
I think it's the other way around. The businesses say "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings" not to be "politically correct", but to maximize the bottom line. They don't care what you say as you hand over the credit card.

then don't stop others from enjoying their freedom.
You still have the freedom to say "Merry Christmas", and you even have the freedom to go to Church. No one is stopping you.

Pope Benedict XVI

Ich bin der Papst.
Apr 22, 2005
hinz said:
It's reasonable but since when Christmas celebrate the persecution of the Jews? In retrospect, the Christmas holidays are getting more "secular", "commercialize" that it's amazing why the Panzer Cardianal, oops the Pope does not protest with the same rigor as this Rabbi.
I been a little busy pissing off the Muslims and then making nice with them in Turkey. I'll get around to taking on the commercialization of Christmas when I feel like it.

Merry Christmas, or as I like to say "Frohe Weihnachten!"


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Ratzinger redux

Pope Benedict XVI said:
I been a little busy pissing off the Muslims and then making nice with them in Turkey. I'll get around to taking on the commercialization of Christmas when I feel like it.

Merry Christmas, or as I like to say "Frohe Weihnachten!"
That's, uh, "Fröhliche Weihnachten," Your Holiness..


Pope Benedict XVI

Ich bin der Papst.
Apr 22, 2005
maxweber said:
That's, uh, "Fröhliche Weihnachten," Your Holiness..

Beide Formen sind gut.

Ich sage "Frohe Weihnachten", und Sie können "Fröhliche Weihnachten" sagen (oder schreiben). Alle sind glücklich.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Kathleen said:
It goes from a PC world, to outright double standard and bias this time of yr. ...
You're right, that is what started the whole thing. The airport said Christmas trees were allowed but a menorah wasn't. Any common sense says all or none in a public space.

It used to be great having Christmas specials on TV, and Christmas plays in schools.
Now its Holiday specials, and Holiday trees.....
I've already watched "The Grinch who Stole CHRISTMAS" this year. Things don't seem to be denying Chistians their chance to celebrate, just including everyone else.
Holiday decorations look too Jewish
The story says the problem is that people don't like the Jewishness of it. Seems pretty specific to me (and not against Christmas).


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
johnhenrygalt said:
I think it's the other way around. The businesses say "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings" not to be "politically correct", but to maximize the bottom line. They don't care what you say as you hand over the credit card.
This didn't start 15 years ago, but is a recent trend where I shop. They don't put up the "Merry Chtistmas" banners anymore. I know businesses have made the most out of commercializing Christmas, so yes it helps their bottom line. Who starts their toy campaign in Sept if it isn't for Christmas.

Who buys gifts in volume, except those buying for Christmas. It isn't just "Christians" that take advantage of Christmas. Non believers celebrate Christmas too, only focusing their attention towards Santa Claus. Seasons Greetings or Happy Holidays plays toward combining both Jewish and Christian celebrations. Another Faith has their holiday in January.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Kathleen said:
I believe your mistaken about the airport stating an Menorah was not allowed. As I read it, and agreement could not be reached. Maybe the Airport was open to something like a modest sized Menorah, but had concerns with a giant one.
Well, from the original post,
The Port of Seattle felt that allowing such a clearly religious symbol to be displayed in the airport might violate constitutional prohibitions about mixing church and state, said Terri-Ann Betancourt, the airport’s chief spokesperson. The airport thus turned down Bogomilsky’s request.
Those Christmas Trees had been there for 25yrs. (I know .. so) but the point is, in a changing world, that was a tradition.
It was also "tradition" for many years that women weren't allowed to vote.
Muslims, Jewish, and others have not had 'issues' with Christmas until recent yrs.
Or perhaps, because of the predjudices in North American, Christian dominated culture, these groups were not comfortable enough to speak up. Look what happened to those who chose to speak out for change in 1960's Mississippi
However.. allowing Jewish items never seen before might upset a Muslim, and more Christian things offend someone else.
In our culture, we promote diversity and acceptance of others. The arguement is not about other's symbols offending but equal opportunity to celebrate your own.
The point is, Christmas Trees are more of a Pagan culture then a religious one such as a Menorah.
They were pagan but for the past several hundred years, it has been a symbol of celebration for Christmas.

I don't mind the PC "Happy Holiday" but I also have no problems with Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Eid Mubarak, etc. To each their own.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Christmas trees return to U.S. airport after rabbi drops lawsuit


Pat Davis, president of the Port of Seattle commission, which directs airport operations, said late Monday that maintenance staff would restore the 14 plastic holiday trees, festooned with red ribbons and bows, that were removed over the weekend because of a rabbi's complaint that holiday decor did not include a menorah.

Airport managers believed that if they allowed the addition of an 8-foot-tall (2.5-meter-tall) menorah to the display, as Seattle Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky had requested, they would also have to display symbols of other religions and cultures, which was not something airport workers had time for during the busiest travel season of the year, Airport Director Mark Reis said earlier Monday.

Port officials received word Monday afternoon that Bogomilsky's organization would not file a lawsuit at this time over the placement of a menorah, Davis said in a statement.

"Given that, the holiday trees will be replaced as quickly as possible," he said.

Davis added that the rabbi "never asked us to remove the trees; it was the port's decision based on what we knew at the time."

There were no immediate plans to display a menorah, airport spokesman Bob
Parker said, saying restoration of the trees was expected to take place
overnight Monday.

"A key element in moving forward will be to work with the rabbi and other
members of the community to develop a plan for next year's holiday decorations at the airport," the port statement said.

The rabbi has also offered to give the port an electric menorah to display, said his lawyer, Harvey Grad.

"We are not going to be the instrument by which the port holds Christmas
hostage," Grad said, emphasizing the rabbi never sought removal of the trees, but addition of the menorah.

The rabbi had received "all kinds of calls and emails," many of them "odious," Grad said, adding he was "trying to figure out how this is consistent with the spirit of Christmas." Thirteen trees had sat above foyers that lead outside to the airport drive.

The largest tree, which Reis estimated to be 15 or 20 feet (5 or 6 meters) tall, was placed in a large lobby near baggage claim for international arrivals. After the removal, some airline workers decorated ticketing counters with their own miniature Christmas trees.

Customer service agents with Frontier Airlines pooled their money Monday
morning to buy four 1-foot-high (30-centimeter) Christmas trees, which they placed on the airline's ticketing counter.

The airlines lease space for ticket counters from the airport, and can display trees there if they want, Reis said.
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