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Quiting smoking.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
I had the flu last weekend and have not had smoke since Sat. I think I'm getting the double wammy (flu and withdrawl symp.) I tried it last year by slowly cutting back 1 smoke a day. This time its just plain cold turkey. I'm getting tired of only sleeping 2 hours at a time before I have to roll over to stop coughing. Right now I'm in the headache /nasea phase , my one hand is tingly , no energy/appetite ,everything irritates me and of course I'm still coughing a lung . Tomorrow better be a better day.:(


New member
Feb 21, 2008
I am a non-smoker but both my parents smoked heavily for decades before quitting. My mom fought and beat lung cancer. Both are in their eighties and going strong.

It's never too late. Good luck to you :)

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Good luck, the first week or two are the worst.

You diff. need to stop smoking, funny I waited until I had a health problem too. My throat was very sore, was given anti-acid's and they helped but smoking was causing the problem.

Now 3 years later I need nothing and am so glad I quit.

Don't buy any more smokes. Throw your lighter away. Hang on to your smokes you have left just in case you break down but don't BUY any more.

After the first month, throw everything away for smoking. Ash trays, old smokes, nothing you can see to remind you of smoking.

You can do it and be so happy a year from now.


Jun 21, 2006
I did it at the end of last fall. In Nov, my fav SP and I decided that we were quitting together and at the end of a 10week trial we donated the money we would have spent on smokes to the Canadian Cancer Society. I havent seen the lady recently but last I knew she still quit too!....SO CAN YOU!!!!


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Good luck to you. The first 2 weeks are the shits but it gets easier after that. You should also avoid booze for at least a month. Alcohol increases the craving and weakens the resolve.


Farkin Icehole
Mar 1, 2004
dont bend over
Has anyone tried the laser treatment yet ? I have an appointment next week been able to cut back to about 5 a day but do need a little extra help. Just Curious


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
hilroy said:
Has anyone tried the laser treatment yet ? I have an appointment next week been able to cut back to about 5 a day but do need a little extra help. Just Curious
Stick with it jerbear, it is so worth it.
I tried the laser treatment, didn't do a thing for me, I knew I was in trouble when the person doing it said it could be used for weight loss too, and she was grossly overweight. I tried every gimmick from hypnotism to accupuncture to the patch to gum. The unfortunate thing is there is no magic bullet. If there was one the line would be miles long.
Finally went cold turkey. After two weeks of absolute misery things started to get better. Smoked 2+ packs for over 30 years. Haven't smoked for 7 years. Lots more money in my pocket, don't have to stop doing stuff to grab a smoke outside, don't freak in airports looking for a place to smoke.
I was really having difficulty getting an erection, doctor told me it was because of the smoking. It took a while to get everything back, but now It gets there without viagara.
Best of luck. Keep on plugging away, it can be done.

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
I STOPPED SMOKING withthe help of zyban, I don't know if it helped. I was misserable for about 4 months. I still get cravings ten years later but, IT IS WORTH IT! You are now a NON SMOKER that means you don't buy smokes or beg from others for them. Try hard candy or mints, I am now addictied to mints, cheaper and more healthy. Do or do not there is no try.

b d


Feb 6, 2007
VIP near you....
I got some chicken noodle soup and gingerale for you and a nice comfy set of pillows for you to rest your achy head. Get better hun! xoxoSammy


New member
Flu Tips

Jerbear....Hi...Go to the pharmacy section and look for tea tree oil...Put a big pot of water on the stove and 4 drops of tea tree oil in the pot...Once it starts boiling lower the flame...Let is boil for over and hr...The scent will go through out the will kill any germs in house...There are so many products of tea tree, soap,oils,hand sanitizer...The stuff is a bit pricey,but it's worth the money...

As for you quiting smoking...The best thing to do is get tic tacs,lifesavers,lollipops...Pick up some hobbies....Keep yourself busy....As for zyban, yes it has worked for many people, but a few months ago i heard on the news, it has side affects...Study and do research...

Sleep remedy..Buy (tension tamer) and (sleepytime) tea...Mix one bag of each in a cup and drink it an hour before your ready to go to bed...You can make 2 cups out of both tea bags...It tastes like a mint tea...Hope that helps you...



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
Good luck...I hope it's not as tough as giving up hobbying. I can only do that for about a month and then the tingle for fresh poon hits.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
You an do it. Cold turkey is the hardest, but most successful way to stop and keep off the cigs.

Have lots of celery around to munch on. And most importantly, CHANGE YOUR HABITS. This might mean staying out of the SC and bar scene for a month or so. You do not want to fall into old habits and take up the weed again.


way to go!

best of luck to you ...... I quit @ 26 months ago with the help of Zyban AND the patch. Was told by the lung folks that using both together MORE than doubled the chance of success, they were right. Had failed @ 5 times previous. I was also sick when I quit, I felt too shitty to go out and buy cigs so I threw on a patch and that was that, never had one since. Never set a "quit date" but had been taking Zyban in the hopes I'd get inspired.

If you can't get out, have someone pick up some patches for you. Will help with cravings. If you get technicolour dreams cut em in half. It's kind of late to start Zyban, you usually start them a few weeks b4 quit date and you need a prescription.

Since you're on the way the patch might be enough. Some people prefer the gum, never tried it. Just keep in mind, the next cig you have will be your undoing so do whatever you need to not have it. Throw out everything NOW. If you need a crutch throw on a patch or have nicotine gum. Or try brushing your teeth. Or get a blowjob *g*

Just remember, millions have gone through what you are and made it thru ok. Grit your teeth and tough it out, it gets easier every day. Yeah, I still get cravings, as others have said we will for years. But it's kind of an amusement as opposed to a real tribulation these days. I know if I have one drag I'm toast and I have come too far to blow it.

There's people in your boat all around you, you probably don't know most of em. But most who have gone thru it will be happy to do whatever they can to help. Don't be afraid to tell people, you may make some friends and find hidden pockets of support.

We're all pulling for you ....... (no, not THAT kind of pulling!!!! LOL )


Sep 15, 2004
I have been smoke free for almost 2 years now and I stopped when I had strep throat. I also lost my voice then and didn't feel like having a cigarette for over a week. When I got my voice back, I decided to keep smoke free one day at a time and it worked. My suggestion, throw all cigarettes away and chew on tea tree oil toothpicks you can get at health food stores. Good luck.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
I have been smoke free since I got pregnant the second time (I quit for the first one too but started again afterwards). It has been just over a year and a half and I still get cravings everyday pretty much.
I know now however that I will not be having anymore kids and I won't have that excuse to help me quit again (quitting when you are preggers is SOOOOO easy). It is easier for me at this point to NOT smoke than it would be to quit again a few years from now.

The hubby tried a new drug which is specifically for quitting smoking and he is doing really well so far it is called Champix and apparently has far fewer side effects than zyban.


New member
May 10, 2005
COngratulations at quitting! I quit over 6 months ago, feel all proud and righteous :). My simple mantra is "Not ONE puff, ever again". Simple but it works. As long as I never pick up a cigarette I will not smoke.

Cutting back DOES NOT work, all you are doing is putting yourself through continous withdrawal, deffo not fun.

Stopping smoking is like being unchained to me, I don't have to look for smoking areas in airports, go out in the freezing cold or rain to have a smoke, I know my clothes and breath don't stink of smoke. I smoked for about 36 years, this is my 3rd go at it. I do feel very confident this time around, because I HAVE NOT CHEATED :) THat was my downfall the previous two occasions. NOt one drag ever again. Yes it is tempting, but when you are tempted, answer this simple question, "What problem will this fix?".

Good luck and keep at it, it is not easy (especially at first) and NEVER be tempted to "sneak one". THat one cig will be your downfall.

Here is a link to a great resopurce which I found extremely helpful (It even emails you daily to keep youi up to date on your progress)


Hello Swerve69!

Your Quit Date is: Monday, November 13, 2006 at 11:00:00 PM Time Smoke-Free: 492 days, 7 hours, 16 minutes and 4 seconds Cigarettes NOT smoked: 5908 Lifetime Saved: 1 month, 15 days, 3 hours
Money Saved: $2,129.76


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Steely said:
I've never smoked, But I'm trying to quit seeing a certain young lady and I don't have the will power. I'm a weak and a coward. They should come up with a patch for that!! I wish you all the best at quitting you'll be far better off health wise
Try a 16oz hammer . When you get hit with that you forget about alot of things. But it does leave a pretty patch mark. LOL
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