La Villa Spa


If an sp was nervous and wanted to "just talk/waste time" would you:

  • Feel sorry for her and go along with it

    Votes: 7 17.5%
  • Attempt to coax her into moving the session along

    Votes: 33 82.5%

  • Total voters


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Let's say you booked an appointment with a lady from a well respected agency e.g. Select, Cupid's, Hollywood et. al. and you found her to be very nervous when she arrived (first time jitters or relatively new to the business.) If the appointment progressed and you found that she was trying to fill up the time with just talking, what would your response be? Feel sorry for her and go along with it, or say to yourself, "even though, I paid for the session and I don't want to be shortchanged", and attempt to coax her to move things along so to speak.

I can understand that someone may be having second thoughts, yet by the same token, a client shouldn't be left feeling as though he got ripped off either. Comments?


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
It is just money and would not press the issue. I would discuss the issue with the ladies management if I felt like I was getting ripped off. Pressuring a person in a situation like that is a no win for everyone.

Instead of saying "feeling sorry" the word you might be searching for is "respectful"... just a thought.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
Sounds like a TOFFT, I try to research the ladies I see, if I don't and have a bad experience, I blame myself. Notify the agency, if they're reputable they'll deal with it, otherwise take it as a loss......however, if they reccomended her, that's different, I think another appointment should be given with the lady of your choice, maybe not free but at a substantial discount.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
hunter001 said:
It is just money and would not press the issue. I would discuss the issue with the ladies management if I felt like I was getting ripped off. Pressuring a person in a situation like that is a no win for everyone.

Instead of saying "feeling sorry" the word you might be searching for is "respectful"... just a thought.
Well, respectful and feeling sorry aka empathy for her are two totally different actions/reactions. One can be respectful as well as feeling empathy for someone.

I for one would talk to her and try to find out what was making her nervous and try to get her to relax and if she was having none of that I'd suggest that she leave or I'd call the agency while she was there.

hey, everyone has off days and maybe she was just not comfortable with you? I mean, face it: we are the customers and while always should show respect for the ladies it isn't up to us to accept lousy service. I mean we pay damn good money for a service to be rendered and if that service isn't up to par? Then we shouldn't pay for it (or as suggested) all of it.

If, for any reason, you think the session might not go as you'd hoped, stop before it proceeds any further. If you "try" and make a go of it, the agency will have an excuse to not appropriately reimburse you (I speak from experience on this one).


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
This actually happened to me awhile ago. Part of it was due to misrepresentation from the agency. When I was talking to them, the phone lady gave me the impression that the lady in question was outgoing, vivacious etc.. Then when she actually arrived, I could tell she was nervous, so we did end up talking for quite a bit. Then when I hinted at "proceeding" I got the impression that she was stalling for time. I felt bad for her, so I finally sat down and asked her if she was sure that she was ok with this. She said she was, no problem etc.. However, it turned out to be a "dead lay".

I suppose I could have called the agency, but for one, it would have been very awkward with her there, and if I had waited until after she left, I still would have been out some money since there is no way they would have sent another girl out for free... perhaps at a discount, if I was lucky.


New member
Mar 7, 2004
there's no need for coaxing

What I typically do is I just start taking off my clothes at some point. If she objects or gives any sign that she doesn't want to have sex, then (and only then) are you in a position to call the agency to complain. To complain that the woman seemed to just want to talk isn't legitimate. It needs to be clear that she didn't want to have sex. If that is clear, then you should get a refund.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
tboy said:
Well, respectful and feeling sorry aka empathy for her are two totally different actions/reactions. One can be respectful as well as feeling empathy for someone.

I for one would talk to her and try to find out what was making her nervous and try to get her to relax and if she was having none of that I'd suggest that she leave or I'd call the agency while she was there.

hey, everyone has off days and maybe she was just not comfortable with you? I mean, face it: we are the customers and while always should show respect for the ladies it isn't up to us to accept lousy service. I mean we pay damn good money for a service to be rendered and if that service isn't up to par? Then we shouldn't pay for it (or as suggested) all of it.

If, for any reason, you think the session might not go as you'd hoped, stop before it proceeds any further. If you "try" and make a go of it, the agency will have an excuse to not appropriately reimburse you (I speak from experience on this one).
Yes being respectful sometimes actually means you might have to talk to her and ask her what is going on and is there anything you can do to make the session go better. :rolleyes:


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
There are so many ways to go with this....

Mystique Misty said:
Im so tempted to to host a semminar some day for providers and there clients just to help us all understand the ins and outs of the sex industry and how it all works . Misty
I wouldn't know where to start:p


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Mystique Misty said:
Put yourself in her shoes and think about if it were your first time would you want her to hurry things along or appreciate the circumstances and just go along with it until a comfort level is established ?

I agree with you, just that the appointment was only one hour and we were closing in on the 40 minute mark, and still chatting.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
I'd make her feel as comfortable as possible, but as they say: time is money, and it's MY money! Rather than just talk, I get into more foreplay while talking 'smooth' - comment on her soft skin (if she does) or make comments about what you like about her while caressing, soft kissing, gentle pecks on the neck, looking into her eyes, etc. So instead of taking 20 minutes to just talk, I'd spend 20 minutes getting her into the mood.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Mystique Misty said:
Put yourself in her shoes and think about if it were your first time would you want her to hurry things along or appreciate the circumstances and just go along with it until a comfort level is established ?

Also if you sense her feelings why not bring it to her attentiuon and say something like " I feel you might be nervous because your new at this . I remember when I was new to this and I appreciated having someone like me who was considerate and patient so set your mind at ease and enjoy yourself thats what its all about " . You might be amazed at how quickly something that simple might turn things around .

Im so tempted to to host a semminar some day for providers and there clients just to help us all understand the ins and outs of the sex industry and how it all works .

As much as I feel for the new ladies etc and I've been the 'first' for more than a few, I don't think someone being new is any excuse to not provide a customer with the service that he's paid for simply for the fact that they're nervous and not sure about it.

For eg: you take your car to a mechanic to get the tires rotated. You drive off and 10 minutes later one of them falls off. You go back to the mechanic and say WTF? He says: oh, it was his first you excuse it? Nope.

If the lady is new, the agency should advise the customer and let them decide whether the extra effort will be worth it or not. It really isn't our place to be the teachers without our prior knowledge. We hear time and time again how this is a "business" and if the lady isn't able to provide us "the customers" with the service we expect? We should know about it or be compensated for it.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
a 1 player said:
I would go along with it for about 3 minutes then ask her to call the agency so I may discuss the issue with them.

:D nah, more like 5 to 10 mins.

I would start to move on her like a normal date, play with her hair, kiss and start to feel her out.

Maybe shes just new and is used to being pushed a little--I would not use force thou.

I did have one lady like that once and once I started to feel her out she pushed me back. I back right off and threw my hands halfway up. And was like dam, whats up? She then pulled her shirt off and was good then after.

I am not comfy getting undressed first, makes it too much like "why am I paying for this". So maybe that what she didn't care for--maybe she was just try to check me out and see if I back off ??

But in the end we had fun.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
This one girl tried this with me once, and I went along with it like an idiot. She was attractive enough to keep me interested, and willing to put up with her delay tactics. She cleared out half the mini bar, with out really asking for permission. Wanted room service, 20 minute bathroom/shower/phone calls, and pretty much any stall tactic in the book was attempted. I went along with it, but held my tongue not wanting to seem like a perv. Time was almost up and the added time subject was broached. I told her that she was a shitty escort, and she needs to leave. I came back into town a few weeks later and booked her again for one hour. From the moment she walked in, I asked if we could fuck right away. I banged her for the full hour. Saved a week full of ammo for her. She liked it. I then became her regular for months. Never did much talking, straight to sex. She did apologize for being a shitty escort, and admitted to the shinanigans. Only one other escort has admitted and apologized. They wanted to go to heaven. LOL :cool:

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Wanted room service, before the main event :eek:

Gee, you are a very nice guy, I would have laughed.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Interesting topic, which fortunately I haven't yet experienced. I wonder about calling the agency asking for additional discounted time and then putting her one the phone with them?

My basic points are needless to say you shouldn't force someone into having sex that they don't want (there's a legal term for that), at the same time this is transaction where the client should expect to get something for their money, and if the escort is new and needs more time than typical then the time should be discounted and the type clientele limited by the agency.


Nov 8, 2005
A1 said:
I would go along with it for about 3 minutes then ask her to call the agency so I may discuss the issue with them.
I would give it about 2 minutes:D . In all seriousness, we are the paying customers. It is not our jobs to be Psychiatrists or Therapists etc. For $250--$350 hr we should get a full hour of action. The only time it would be ok to have a chat is between sog's etc. If I wanted game playing I would go on a real date. Sp's are supposed to be a sure thing----lol.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
If they talk you out of your money without providing the service then you are a sucker. If you want to do a good deed donate your money to a worthy cause. Most of the girls are charming young woman but they don't work on the same merit badge system as the girl scouts . If they can spend an hour with you without physical contact and be paid I bet this would their preference . Notwithstanding the countless posts by the studlier terbites who have the girls experiencing multiple orgasms :rolleyes: .

I think you need a start up routine to eliminate the yappy girls . Hi , how are you , you are so cute , hugs kisses , donation offerred , where's my towel ? Thrown in a big smile and some charm and you should be golden.
Obviously you need to find your own comfort level but this routine has worked well for me .
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