Toronto Escorts

Question for Agency Verifications


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
My friend doesn't mind giving his ID info, if the Agency and lady of hour provides theirs.

Anyone know where to get fake ID's? ;) sarcasm


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2018
Hi y'all,

First post here but for those who have visited agencies such as GG where they require specific personal information (driver's license for example) to book among other things if you're not able to verify via other methods (no referral or TERB account with history), do you believe there to be a risk where your information could be leaked?

Now, it's not that I completely distrust agencies and nor do I know their process for record-keeping and encryption, but it just feels unsettling LOL. I guess you'd have to accept that as an inherent risk if you wish to see their talent. Anyone able to shine some light? Looking for some assurance/insight here thanks.
Never give ID. That's just plain stupid. When I first booked GG they asked for a reference from another agency among other things. I am grateful to whichever agency that gave me a reference. ATEA on the other hand just asked for my terb handle. If an agency asks for ID just skip it. There are a lot of agencies that don't.


Dec 17, 2012
So the average Joe who is married has nothing to worry about???? What about his job? His family and friends?

I t
One time a booker who had my ID insinuated he would call my workplace because I had canceled last minute. I just laughed it off cause whoever she would call will not care. I can see how it could be different for married folks, but then again I wouldnt do this hobby behind my partner s back.
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