Question- and let the flames start *S*


Aug 10, 2002

I have been reading lotsa threads on this board and one of the things one hears a lot about is that one is supposed to have 'respect for women;.

Well a couple of comments,

a] I don't see the respect part being reciprocated. So why should men really give a damm. [General Comment]

I mean realistically if you are nice you will
1. be divorced and screwed over by your ex-wife, and by the judicial system and society in general .
2. If you manage to walk the tightrope, you could live a life subservient to your wife's needs, greed and your kids [who may be subtly indoctrinated by your wife against you]. I have seen this happen to people.. lots of them.. and the fact that most people keep on doing the same stuff says a lot about human intelligence or the lack thereof.

Now if you are looking for a GF online/offline, you will realise that even very ugly and not so rich women have rather high standards, a phenomenon that never ceases to amuse me.

Do men really believe that women will be respecful towards them just because they are. But hey if you have money and/or the gal is well plain looking, I guess the charade works.

2.Why do SPs expect men to respect them?

I mean it is a service, yes a service. While both parties will pretend to be nice to each other to get the most of what each wants from the transaction, do SPs actually expect customers to care, I mean would they if the customer had no money and is lonely??? So why should the guy be respectful?? as opposed to just civil.

and I will repeat that one of the reasons I like the SP experience is that it is a service [hopefully with no hidden 'surprises'], a service that can be bought.

My 2 cents.. and let the flames begin.. and I have never figured out why men defend gals in this respect, are they afraid, brainwashed, feeling protective or do they actually hope that someone will actually like them for who they are? [The last reason is rather poigniant, isn't it]


New member
Oct 13, 2002
lucifer said:
I have been reading lotsa threads on this board and one of the things one hears a lot about is that one is supposed to have 'respect for women
There r only a handful of guys saying this, and they say it over and over again, so it seems like it's the opinion of the majority of the board, but it's not.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
lucifer said:

So why should the guy be respectful?? as opposed to just civil.

I think you answered you own question. If you find "respect" a troublesome word just substitute "being civil".

I don't think anyone is suggesting that you "worship" women.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
lucifer said:

and I will repeat that one of the reasons I like the SP experience is that it is a service [hopefully with no hidden 'surprises'], a service that can be bought.

That's correct. It's also true that most sucessful business transactions are built on trust and mutual
respect. Lest you have forgotten, the adult entertainment industry is a business.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Oil Please said:
What I hate most is how some guys on this board rush to the aid of any female when you say something negative about them.

Usually the problem is not what people say, but how they say it. Just because you don't like the way a SP looks, don't assume everyone else feels the same way. You have little to fear if you state your position diplomatically.

As I recall, I have had to ask you to tone down your language at times. If you recheck lucifer's post he also talks about being "civil".

The Baron

lucifer said:

Do men really believe that women will be respecful towards them just because they are.

Yes absolutely and I can tell you this from experiance. Respect for anyone providing a service weather it is a person behind the counter or an sp, will almost always get you better service. In the case with an sp its even more important. Yes they are getting payed for a service but they are not getting payed to be treated like dirt. Mutual respect can make the time with anyone that much better, it dosnt take much effort and it pays off in a big way.

And as for tbills comment "Im with you lucifer"
That dosnt suprise anyone here. You ve realy shown all of us what a true gentleman you are



Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
Oil Please said:
well there big girls( some of them are real big(Jenn Angel))so let them fend for themselves!
How would you know?

You have never met me!

Real big?

Ok I am 5'10" I admit it damn it... But I have no tummy... I have a waist... I only have one chin... How am I "REAL BIG"???

Just asking?

Oh yeah... Oil please... What's with targeting me twice in one day?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Just to take this maybe one step further .

We are all participating (whether as buyers or sellers ) in a service being provided which is different than the norm ( some might even say slightly bizarre ) . This service entails actions that parallel actions taking place outside of this service . It then can become difficult to seperate the two - and in fact one of the goals of many of the buyers of this service is to recreate as closely as possible the non-purchased experience . The non purchased service almost invariably involves emotions and the best purchased variety for most involves the illusion of emotion - if not emotions . The service is even rated in reference to the non-purchased GFE .

Another difference with this service as compared to say - carpet cleaning or accounting - is that there may or may not be additional complex emotions involved such as guilt , possibly anger etc. etc . This really begins to complicate things , now combine all this with hormones .......

I think that everyone would agree that the best SP's are wonderful actresses - if not all of the time then most of the time .This can create distrust all by itself except for those purchasers who are extremely secure . I'm guessing that an inordinate number of the purchasers are probably somewhat insecure . No buyer wants to be secretly scorned by the seller ( and vice versa ) . A natural defense mechanism is to belittle or overly objectify the other party and a lot of this shows through on this Board .

A shrink would probably have a field day if they weren't mostly nuts themselves .
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Aug 19, 2001
Lucifer, I 've read your orignal post several times, and I don't understand - what is your question?


I'm Back
Feb 11, 2002
overlooking an old mill
names please

Sheik said:

As a matter of fact I know some very slim women that will only have sex with large men, because thats what turns their crank.

Really? Enquiring wops want to know.



Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there

Lucifer I try to treat everyone with respect the sales guy from the staffing company that calls every week the guy who delivers the mail my real estate agent my neighbours and even the annoying guy who cleans our office. I only stop treating people with respect if they do something to lose my respect.
I personally have never met Jenn Angel or Sheik or Fred but I have respect for them and will continue to treat them with respect and if we all followed this theory we would all enjoy life better.

I have met Kiarra in person and I have great respect for her and would never call her a whore. That would be rude.

Take Care


Big Ben

Official Time Keeper
Aug 17, 2001
In the watchtower
Kiarra you are such a respectful whore! :p


The problem is some guys think that if a women doesn't respect herself then why sound he.

Example. streetwalkers. I've never gone down that road but I'm willing to wager that they have a lot of horror stories of guys "disrespecting" them. Do they not deserve the same level of respect that any SP gets?

Simply put, the male mentality is still at the point where we do see women as a piece of meat. All of us, no exceptions! Anyone who says they don't is a liar. Don't get me wrong, there are different levels and extremes but we all still think that way.

If I ever stop thinking that way, I won't need this board.

Just being honest.

Big Ben

Dr. Gonzo

New member
Jul 19, 2002
We may, in the murky malarial swamp of our most base urges, see women as merely a vehicle to go out and spread the seed. This is, after all, how we all got to this point in history (just as women at the most base level see us in a similar light: who will provide the best genetic material and provide etc..)

But we also stopped living in caves and living in our own filth (those of us fortunate enough to live in an industrialized nation at least). We figured out how to do more than scavenge for food and club strangers with bones.

We've come a long way since the days where those instincts prevailed. Now we still have the instinct, but we have the insight to recognize that we don't have to abide by it. We can choose to be more than that, more than animals. This is what sets us apart to some degree.

If you choose to be ruled by your feral instincts, you are welcome to do so. But a word of advice: evolution marches on, my friend, regardless if you are in the band or not.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
badnick said:
ps. Lucifer you an idiot, but I still appreciate you. :)
No disrespect to u, badnick, but I think calling someone an idiot for expressing his opinion is disrespectful!

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
lucifer said:

2.Why do SPs expect men to respect them?

It is sort of like walking into McDonalds and ordering a value meal. Be as rude as you want, I could care less, but, the ruder you are, the more spit you are gonna get in your burger. :p

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Re: Re: Question- and let the flames start *S*

Sasha Jones said:
...the ruder you are, the more spit you are gonna get...
In this business, I can't really see the downside of this...

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
Ok then,

The ruder you are, the more you are going to get something you don't want. In the case of this business, that may be nothing.
Wow! That would be a good appointment wouldn't it!
All 'cause you didn't feel like being nice.


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
sits... watches... all this fighting.... sigh...

I am mildly amused to see that there are people who are way more annoying than I am in some regards. [I try to treat women well because I love women, tbill seems not to have clued in on this one]

both sides have legitimate concerns and issues, but both sides are also acting with some amount of childishness and perhaps should try to play nicer.

oh well... off to mend bridges.
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