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Question about reviews?


find me lurking
Sep 18, 2009
Here, there and everywhere.
Hey everyone,

New guy here and have read pages and pages of reviews, rants, jokes,links to porn, advertising etc. Many LOL moments as well as :eek: I can't believe they said that.

Now I have seen more than my share of SP's in the three or so years of the hobby. I have been told about TERB several times but I thought I would never be into a social site. Not really a computer guy. Now I see the appeal and could have saved a few bucks to boot.

My questions are about reviews.

Should you write a review on someone who has many great recent reviews?

Do you write reviews on repeat visits? Don't see many of those.

How do you write a good review without being called shill. I mean I have seen this thrown at all the new guys.

How do you write a constructive review without getting piled on by all the loyal followers?

Just interested in your 2 cents worth?



Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
You can write reviews on whoever you wants, legends or hidden gems, TOFTT or repeats. Keep it respectful and remember that you are reviewing an encounter with a fellow breathing, thinking, and feeling human being.

As for dealing with the crowd: just be a man about it. :p They can't hurt you.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
You can write reviews on whoever you wants, legends or hidden gems, TOFTT or repeats. Keep it respectful and remember that you are reviewing an encounter with a fellow breathing, thinking, and feeling human being.

As for dealing with the crowd: just be a man about it. :p They can't hurt you.
brilliant as allways! keep it respectful good or bad
as for the shill label -- well see gen, write a glowing review, and i bet no one utters the s word lol


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Hey everyone,

New guy here and have read pages and pages of reviews, rants, jokes,links to porn, advertising etc. Many LOL moments as well as :eek: I can't believe they said that.

Now I have seen more than my share of SP's in the three or so years of the hobby. I have been told about TERB several times but I thought I would never be into a social site. Not really a computer guy. Now I see the appeal and could have saved a few bucks to boot.

My questions are about reviews.

Should you write a review on someone who has many great recent reviews?

Yes if you have something of interest to add .

Do you write reviews on repeat visits? Don't see many of those.

Guys tend to not promote those they repeat with for fear of her getting too busy and they will have trouble booking her .

How do you write a good review without being called shill. I mean I have seen this thrown at all the new guys.

Time to grow a pair . Boys will be boys . Just give what you get .

How do you write a constructive review without getting piled on by all the loyal followers?

Time to grow a pair . Boys will be boys . Just give what you get .

If someone diagreeing with your opinion is cause for concern than don't post because there will always be someone who doesn't agree with something you said . If you think that it is important to keep the good providers gainfully employed and expose the bad ones then please join the reviewers club .

Just interested in your 2 cents worth?


My .02 cents worth .


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Just write what you want. Eloquent, or semi-literate, all reviews are welcome. The collective mind here is pretty good at sniffing out BS shills, and some new guys get all excited when they think they've caught a shiller in progress. They're often wrong and we know it. Since you're not going to shill, its not a problem.
Guys who call shill all the time often don't review much anyway.

Write reviews of ladies who DO have some reviews, that certainly helps. A new poster reviewing an unknown lady does set up red flags. But a review that tends to reinforce the ladys reputation good or bad is rarely called into question.

But at the end of the day, who gives a shit. This board needs new posters and reviews of new SPs, so go get laid and write up your experiences. Be respectful but candid, and you'll be fine. Its lots of fun!


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Try to always write a review.

I you hit negative comments ignore them and do not try to address every person who disagrees with you. They'll get bored pretty quickly.

Just try and remember, if it's a negative review, that the person you're reviewing has feelings. The same as you.

In a word be "truthful".



find me lurking
Sep 18, 2009
Here, there and everywhere.
Thanks for the advise.

I do have a pair so I'm not afraid to voice my opinion, I just don't get all the drama that comes with some reviews or comments.

Boys will be boys I guess.

Again thanks.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
My questions are about reviews.

1 Should you write a review on someone who has many great recent reviews?

2 Do you write reviews on repeat visits? Don't see many of those.

3 How do you write a good review without being called shill. I mean I have seen this thrown at all the new guys.

4 How do you write a constructive review without getting piled on by all the loyal followers?

Just interested in your 2 cents worth?

First of all I'm a SC guy, and I mostly do club reviews of the more obscure clubs... I only tend to mention dancers incidentally, partly because I suck with names, partly because I don't much want to walk back into a club two months later and have a dancer whisper, "That's the guy from a while ago that reviewed me." Dancers have the memory of an elephant for guys that spent money on them. :)

1. Reviews on the recently reviewed: Whatever you want. Writing reviews of the 'already reviewed' allows other readers who have partaken to 'put you in context', while reviewing the un-reviewed is more of a 'public service', IMHO. Personally I tend to focus on the less reviewed SCs because I love to crawl and I hope my reviews spawn some reciprocity. Also, some clubs are so overrepresented people could tell you about the current status of the urinal cakes. So, if you want to establish a rep review the reviewed, and if you want to encourage people to TOFTT reviews or spill their gems review the un-reviewed. One technique is to lump more than one review into a well labelled post. This lets you compare and contrast, and can help people put you in context, and can give people a familiar reference point. (Oh, I saw her, but didn't see her.)

2. Reviews on repeats: Whatever you want. Mind you, if you keep reviewing the same person, or only people from one agency, and bump threads for little or no reason, you'll get branded with a scarlet 'S'. If you re-review you should disclose that you reviewed the Incall, SP, MP, MPA, SC, or Dancer before, and you should do a few unrelated reviews in the interim. Also, if you're say an 'Incall guy', if you actually have relevant advice, chiming in constructively between your reviews goes a long way to establishing some credibility. (There's 6 or so guys in the SC forum who's word I'd take pretty much verbatim because they've lined up well with my own experiences. Or at least I understand their biases and I can translate that to my experience.)

3. Good reviews without the Scarlet 'S': We all have our own preferences, and we all have our own biases, and all ends of the sex industry are YMMV. With that being said honestly disclose your preferences, and honestly disclose your biases, and write your reviews from something of a realist POV. You'll do fine and you'll have some credibility rather fast... Like I mentioned before lumping a couple of reviews to compare and contrast can be good there, along with linking a relevant past review of yours. Aim for clear, concise, and constructive while preserving as much anonymity as you desire for yourself. (I can be long winded.)

4. Good reviews without being piled on: As above: clear, concise, constructive, AND honest. Once you have an established reputation for that and your biases and preferences are known, everybody might not agree with a review, but as always "YMMV". Compare, "I saw AmyXXX from Cl and man she was a dirty bitch what a waste of $120. <Link to AD>" to "I saw AmyXXX from CL. Rate was $120 for the half hour. Her pictures were dated and she's gained 20 lbs. She's also cut and died her hair black. Her apartment was near Queen and Dufferin, she really should consider scooping the kitty litter before appointments. Also, the sheets didn't seem too fresh. Service was all covered, where I had a CBJ, then some cowgirl, and finished in mish. Service was OK. I wouldn't repeat. <Link to AD>" Both posts would offend a 'manager' or 'fanboy', but the latter is defensible in so far as it's true, and the former just encourages a tit-for-tat shitfest.

Don't worry about pleasing every anonymous stranger on the Internet, and don't feel a compulsive need to respond to every critical post withing minutes. Be clear, concise, constructive, AND honest, outline your preferences and biases, and let the chips fall where they may. (With an eye to preserving as much anonymity for yourself as you want.)

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Some SP do not want to be reviewed so respect that

I know of no list that tells you who does not want a review will learn as you go alone

The more honest reviews the better as some Terb's floor is another Terb's ceiling

Just try to be respectful, just because you can get away with churlish behaviour is no reason to lower yourself


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
What she sez!

You can write reviews on whoever you wants, legends or hidden gems, TOFTT or repeats. Keep it respectful and remember that you are reviewing an encounter with a fellow breathing, thinking, and feeling human being.

As for dealing with the crowd: just be a man about it. :p They can't hurt you.
As usual Gen, you are brilliantly insightful.


Dec 9, 2008
What most experienced, credible hobbyists do...
Remain anonymous
Never mention TERB
Be respectful
Be fair
Be objective
Give good information
Temper your review with personal preferences etc.
(read Gen's comments)

Should you write a review on someone who has many great recent reviews?
Yes, they deserve it.

Do you write reviews on repeat visits? Don't see many of those.
Yes if...

a) a quick review to state that a repeat visit garnered the same experience

b) some time has passed


c) you have something else to report (change in service, attitude etc.)

There is little value in posting 4+ reviews of the same girl, saying the same thing.

How do you write a good review without being called shill. I mean I have seen this thrown at all the new guys.
Be fair and realistic in your review. Gushing, over-scoring etc. will be seen as a red flag, causing people to cry, "Shill!"

How do you write a constructive review without getting piled on by all the loyal followers?
Be respectful, objective and fair in your review. Ignore the lapdogs.

The lapdogs provide endless comments and reviews that are valueless promotion. These guys often see themselves as a protector of the helpless maiden. The Knight-errant. They try to curry favour, ingratiate themselves. Navigating through the lapdog's reviews and commentary is not unlike fishing for a rainbow in a school of red herring. Even if the writings are accurate, you cannot trust them. Sadly, there is no reasoning with them. They are the bane of us all. (T_T)
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