Qualities of an SP


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
Qualities sought in ideal SP's

Thought I'd chime in on this one

For me, number one on the list is

"The will and ability to make herself vulnerable during our time together"

The many qualifiers to that phrase are these:

*It probably encompasses what others term "attitude"

*I have exactly no desire to take ('extra' or unexpected) advantage of the offered vulnerability.

*"Vulnerability" covers "trusting" "relaxed" (as opposed to tense)and "open to my interests in how the details play out"

(note: I'm not someone who is kinky or too far toward one direction, but I really enjoy closeness, intimacy, and a slow build-up to the pinnacle and that seems to take more vulnerability than might the "get to the room, she hikes her skirt up, you bring your pants to your knees, and then get off doggy style" kind of encounter)

Thinking about it further, it seems that a good deal of that vulnerability can be detected in whether you see your SP in "take-charge" mode from first encounter, OR if she allows you to have significant input on the pace or details of the time shared.

One thing I know about the TO escort industry is that Danielle from GOE has always shown a natural instinct which offers that trait of being able to seem vulnerable in the mentioned ways.

A second trait of major importance might be "honourable" where it concerns not being misleading.

Another significant trait that matters is to be "approachable".

Approachability is important given the deep contrast between our regular lives where women either shun our approach or we ourselves won't step around our own resistance to make social overtures. In the sex trade business the male mind is piqued by its sudden and surprise belief and realization that he can and may approach any woman with initial confidence not often known to him otherwise.

The good news for SP's is that most of this is happening in a man's mind as he shops for an SP, but that is greatly enhanced when a woman quickly offers a small dose of that above mentioned vulnerability in simply being open to his interest and at least to further discussion.

I don't believe that appearance-related issues rate a mention if those traits are present, because the individual physical traits of all women (all people...) are always enhanced by the variety we see in all the rest. A woman with the mentioned non-physical traits prominent in her work image is going to be a delight most of the time.
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Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
You guys are hilarious, you want SP's to be "honest", "with integrity" and "sensitive"? Yeah right, Oh c'mon!!!

All SP's are only supposed to be beautiful, young and with a nice butt--- the rest is pure hogwash.

Guys, were are trying to let off some sexual steam here not choosing Ms.Perfect for marriage for Christ's Sakes! Don't be so naive!


Well-known member
May 4, 2002
Greater Toronto Area
Alien's views make me marvel what women must put up with -- whether as escorts, or simply as women in this society. Put politely, his views and mine do not coincide, and he fancies some of us naive -- of all things -- for seeking some personal connection with our SPs of choice. My, my....

OK ... if all I wanted was a women to spread her legs and let me poke her "hoe" ... I would not spend one month reading reviews and chatting with SPs for a whole month in order to figure out who I wanted to see ...

And while I was researching I did not ask the SPs how they look like, or for a pic nor a webpage ...

If I like thier attitude and character first, then I would ask for more detail such as a pic or etc. because I do have preferences too ... but I would have to like their character and attitude first no matter how hot they are ...

She can look like Britney, but if shes a dumb ass, has no character nor attittude ... fuck her ... I ain't spending $200 plus seeing her ...


Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
Re: desirable qualities

Anya said:
In other words, there are a great many hobbyists out there whose tastes do not fall into "Alien's" parameters.

But perhaps, in general, they're not willing to admit it? Just curious as to what response I might get.

Typical proof that it's a wide field .... some prefer a simple quickee release, and some like submissivedave enjoy the research involved with creating the right experience.

I love doing the research beforehand, as time and money lead to limitations of their own. The older i get, the more drama I like when it comes to sexuall gratification.


New member
Apr 29, 2003
Most everywhere
Cardinal Fang said:
My three qualities could be all the above but if I had to I would have to narrow it down to:

Blonde, Irish Canadian, Blue Eyes!
Yes along with.... great attitude, charm and a nice set of natural boobs


New member
Oct 22, 2002
Alien scoffs at the idea of wanting honesty and integrity in an SP. However when entering any business transaction that,s what most of us want. Why would dealing with an SP be any different? There is lots of half hour incalls available for those who just want to get it off,but 1or 2 hr sessions seem to be the norm so of course, like alot of guys have stated, attitude is number 1.During the session you know that your gonna "get it", but attitude will go along way toward enjoying your time. this goes for both the provider and the client.
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