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Q107 fires Andy Frost, John Scholes and Al Joynes


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Time to subscribe to satellite radio now that psychedelic Sunday and Little Steven’s Underground Garage are gone from Q.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Time to subscribe to satellite radio now that psychedelic Sunday and Little Steven’s Underground Garage are gone from Q.
Silvio Dante's Underground Garage is Channel 21 with a 24 hr rotation. They have some intereting guest hosts including most of the E Street Band.



Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
It's funny, but the big rock bands are pretty much all gone, or reduced to just touring now to rake in the bucks. The entire creativity of rock and roll has been reduced to small scale stuff. It's the result of file sharing killing the market and the internet and access to information altering the way young people listen to music. And frankly, changing times and attitudes toward music. Most young people are into the mass marketed stuff that is just meaningless drivel to me. (Kind of reminds me of the disco era, without the funky clothes.) I keep waiting for the next Dylan or Beatles or U2 or REM, but it's just not happening.
Music is to diverse to compare the creativity of one generation to that of the next.

A lot of bands in my youth were the typical classic bands of today or even yesterday - Floyd, Zepplin, Sabbath, Hendrix, Beatles, etc. They were all creative bands on their own merit and if you watch any of the "making of or history of" videos associated with these bands, they all have one thing in common - They were influenced by someone before them. Which means a prior generation of fans that have said the exact same thing you wrote.

The late 70's featured numerous hard rock bands and it continued through the 80's with the addition of metal hair bands. I think rock and roll went back to it's 70's roots with the grunge scene. With grunge, there were a lot of bands that were heavily influenced by the bands I used to listen to as a kid and their music and creativity was as high as the bands that paved the road before them. If you are bored and want to crank it up a notch there are other levels of rock and roll that take it to the extreme (metal, thrash metal, speed metal, death metal, etc.). These bands are also highly creative and actually made their own roads for future bands to go down.

There are bands from all periods of time who made a special impact on the world that will never be forgotten. However there is still much more music that will be created and a few of them will be added to those lists of timeless composers.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Andy Frost is unlistenable.

Years back when he was doing Leafs talk, you couldn't get one unbiased comment out of this mouth. Listening to the station after watching the game downtown at the arena or a pub and driving home, and as a hockey fan you want to hear some decent analysis of what happened, since you don't get that live and you can barely hear anything at a Jack Astors.

Yet all you heard was homer comments as if the Leafs should have won all the games.
Who cares about his hockey knowledge? He is a DJ and actually a musicologist regarding the the era of his specialty, 1965 to 1975. He did a great job and I bet q's rating will take a dive. Sunday was the only day I would listen to Q. We'll see what their new format is, but I'm guessing it will suck. Hopefully some other station will pick up the Sunday show with Andy... gotta love my fix of the great classic tunes of the most diverse and creative era that rock has produced! From Yes to Jethro Tull to Joni Mitchell and Marvin Gaye, Beatles, Stones, Sly, Dylan, Supertramp, Gentle Giant, Genesis, Rare Earth....... a great era of diverse musical creativity ( unlike todays formula crap)


Astute Observer
Aug 8, 2005
On the highway of life
Scholes was on Toronto Mike recently. Couldn't say much about his dismissal as he still does work for AM640, but he DID say Joynes was escorted out. And he thinks highly of the new guy Kolter.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Silvio Dante's Underground Garage is Channel 21 with a 24 hr rotation. They have some intereting guest hosts including most of the E Street Band.

Paulie could not be more wrong about women's washrooms if he tried.

When I was a kid in High School I had some pretty tough jobs and one of them was at a department store. Won't get into the details, but me and this other guy, both 16 worked after school and weekends and we did EVERYTHING that had to be done, including cleaning the public cans. I can fucking ASSURE you that women's washrooms are pig pens. Filthy. I used to have a shovel in my cart to clean the women's washrooms. They shit on the seat, they shit on the floor, they leave their rags everywhere, they piss everywhere, diapers, makeup, you name it. I still shudder at the thought. That job made me realize that the myth of the prim and proper woman was just a myth.

The mens washrooms were a breeze to clean.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Wow Tiberius.

I had to walk around with a giant dildo vibrating air pockets out of wet cement but I never had to clean johns.



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Paulie could not be more wrong about women's washrooms if he tried.

When I was a kid in High School I had some pretty tough jobs and one of them was at a department store. Won't get into the details, but me and this other guy, both 16 worked after school and weekends and we did EVERYTHING that had to be done, including cleaning the public cans. I can fucking ASSURE you that women's washrooms are pig pens. Filthy. I used to have a shovel in my cart to clean the women's washrooms. They shit on the seat, they shit on the floor, they leave their rags everywhere, they piss everywhere, diapers, makeup, you name it. I still shudder at the thought. That job made me realize that the myth of the prim and proper woman was just a myth.

The mens washrooms were a breeze to clean.
The washroom door handle in the ladies room has 7-10 times the bacterial, fungal and viral load then does the gentleman's.


New member
Feb 17, 2002
Today's afternoon show wasn't even live . It was a repeat of one of Kolter's afternoon shows last week
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