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Q for the ladies: Stag party protocol?


New member
Sep 1, 2001
Spring is coming, and with spring comes weddings and of course stag parties.

I've been recruited by a couple of best men who haven't got a clue what to do when it comes to planning a good old fashioned stag party. So, I thought I'd pose a couple questions here on terb instead of just private emailing, because I'm sure there are probably others on terb who are, or a shortly going to be, in the position of throwing a stag party for a friend, and could benefit from the same info.

I was wondering what the deal is with hiring escorts for a stag party? Do you charge a minimum 'cover' fee to show up at the party, maybe do a couple dances for the groom and then work the room? Assuming the party is meant to raise funds for the groom, is the groom usually given a % of the money you make in the night?

I'd appreciate any info or party ideas that the ladies (or guys) would like to contribute to this thread, and maybe I'll compile it into a stag party resource page on TorontoErotica, include listings of escorts and dancers who do stags, etc.

thanx in advance.


Aug 19, 2001
In a living hell
Sheik said:
The cheapest way to do it is to negotiate with a strip club to host the stag there. Some clubs are willing to work with a flat rate for drinks, food and in the rare case, the dancer herself. Remember the dancer will feel most comfortable in her own environment as opposed to a private hall or residence. [/B]
That's true Sheik, but keep in mind what the goal of the stag is.
Is it:
a) Just to have a great send-off party for your buddy? If so, sometimes the strip club is a great way to go.

b) A great send-off, plus a money maker to help your buddy out financially. Traditionally, making anywhere from several hundred or even thousands was usually the goal of a stag. Meaning you need a hall, print tickets and charge a fee to go to the stag. Rent casino games (ie black jack tables, roulette wheels) and maybe throw in a peeler show or two. Also remember, for the price of entry the guests expect to be fed as well.

The old fund-raiser stag seems to have gone out of vogue over the years. I'll have to make notes and get contact information for gals that will work stags. I've run into a couple of girls who work at SCs who have told me they run 'stag businesses' on the side. There's a girl who works at Tony's East, stage name Tori, petite redhead, small chest, but a great butt. She told me she had a stag business, but this was about two years ago, don't know if she actually got it off the ground. Essentially her business plan was similar to being a wedding planner. So you could use some of her services or let her plan the whole thing, running from booking a hall, arranging temporary liquor licences, arranging food, casino games, printing tickets etc. Oh, and of course, arranging dancers if desired.

I've met a couple of other dancers who've told me they're trying to set up a similar business on the side. I'll make a point in the future of getting the necessary information and pass it on.


Toad-ally Sexy Sr Member
Aug 17, 2001

I agree with K57. I had a stage that raised money and we had a great time. My closet friends and I went out to a club later and they paid to have a couple of really nice dancers dance for me. I would rather have it that way and make moneu (I got $650) plus the guests of my stag got prizes from 40 oz bottles to hats.

Your buddy can always use the money for a really nice SP you suggest or he may already know about.
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