Putting down, an old friend.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
" refusing food & water " a sure sign they will pass away in a day or 2.
True. However even 2 days less suffering was worth the cost involved, and I think his ultimate passing was easier for him at the vet's hands as opposed to the last throes of a natural death.

In truth I felt we should have taken him out of his misery at least 3 weeks before we did, as it seemed to me there was no more "quality of life" for him. However my wife wasn't ready to let him go. I have to admit we had several heated arguments about it, but I deferred to her wishes as I didn't want to hear for the rest of my life about how I killed him before his time. The final mutually agreed decision to put him out of his misery was made the day before we did it.

The same issue came up between my brother and his wife regarding their dog. I imagine that kind of difference of opinion regarding the appropriate timing is not at all uncommon, given the intense emotions involved for all concerned.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Zack passed away at about 4pm yesterday wrapped in a blanket with me holding him and with his family huddled closely around him, as he took his last breath :(
There was much emotion from all of us, but he went peacefully. I grief but I'm also at peace, as he is no longer suffering and probably there near Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you Iris and another member who had earlier sent me this Inspiring poem.

I'm grateful to all the encouraging and thoughtful posts on this thread. I see there are many of us who are animal lovers here Thank God.

On that note seeing that Zack came from a loving family, he inspired me to post this video for the less fortunate of his species. Don't worry, this one has a great ending.
Update on Miley ;)



Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
I’m having a hard time with this, but our oldest true friend and pet Zack, sixteen years young, has reached His limit of life,
he can hardly hear and his eyesight is next to none and he also has a hard time walking falling over very often and now my ex has to carry him up the stairs.
So my ex and I as well as my daughter Have come to a decision to end his life. With all of his complications is still a very loving dog. When younger what a hell of a personality he had, bit of a yapper
but that’s what made it him so special. In his early years he could hear people walking a block away and would start yapping
(Never fuck with his domain and his environment) I’m going to miss that. We are having him euthanized tomorrow.
My ex and I have seven animals between us and we have taken care of all of them (You couldn’t phantom the vet bills). Except in Zack’s case.
There is no more to be done and I guess that’s What I’m struggling with. The process will be hard as we have to witness him dying after the injection.
I don’t particularly like this process, but on second thought I owe him that.

On a side note, Zack is a Schnauzer. I’ve had animals most of my life but nothing can come close to the dedication, loyalty
love and protectiveness of this breed, also they are probably one of the very few of the smaller breeds recommended for young children.
And he proved thart to us over and over to again.

This is not him but his clone. When he was a young boy.

As I said, I've had pets most of my life, and they were all great, but this one just captured my heart. He was 4 months old when we brought him home.
Four months later he owned the place. LOL.
Let’s Just say I will miss him. :(
Terribly sorry for your loss.....

My ex and I had to let our dog go a number of years ago. It was very difficult.

Funny, our vet told us not to look for another dog, as the dog would find us. About a month later, my brother called, and was looking for a home for his puppy, as it was causing stress in his relationship. He knew how well we treat our pets.

She arrived within the week, same breed as our first dog. My ex still has her.
Last edited:


Dec 24, 2001
So sorry for your loss. I've been there and if I may offer a bit of advice, it's okay for a grown man to cry, even in public. :frown:


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
So sorry for your loss. I've been there and if I may offer a bit of advice, it's okay for a grown man to cry, even in public. :frown:
My tears were falling for the loss of this little guy. There was no way I could hold that feeling back. Btw Thank you.


Mar 12, 2004
Isn't though, look how happy she is. All they want is to be loved and she is getting it now.
We don't agree much dude, and you try to be the bad ass sometimes, but you can't be all bad, when you love animals as you do. :D

Sorry for your loss, been there, done that.

My experience has been that, in time the hurt will subside, and turn into great, bring a smile to your face, memories.



No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
We don't agree much dude, and you try to be the bad ass sometimes, but you can't be all bad, when you love animals as you do. :D

Sorry for your loss, been there, done that.

My experience has been that, in time the hurt will subside, and turn into great, bring a smile to your face, memories.

LOL that is so true and maybe its because we have less tolerance for humans than we do for these instinctively loving creatures.
Btw Thank you for your words.

Just looking

May 24, 2010
Yay! That's a sweet story.
Wonderful video, Makes me want to get a dog who is in trouble. What a great happy ending for Miley . See the sprit lift and how much love can do for an animal.
Hope this inspires, us all to be kind and love animal's. You dealing with your grief in a great way by sending this video.
Hang in there buddy.


I can't even read this thread because I know it's about a dog passing away and that is my weakness.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Very sorry for your loss.

I've had to put down pets over the years when it just became too brutal to carry on. Logically, it was the right thing to do, but I was never sure. Even when my one pet was so beat up the vet virtually had to tell me that the time had come. I still tear up thinking about that little animal that helped save my life. (Long story.)

Anyway, I was there with them in the vet's office at the time when it was the end. It's burned into my memory. But I'm glad I was there for them so that they wouldn't be so afraid. I saved their ashes and when I go, I want to be cremated and my ashes mixed with theirs and scattered into the forest. Together forever.


I rescued a 2 year old shih tzu. Since Xmas day he's been sick. He literally collapsed over onto his side and peed himself. His pee was dark yellow almost orange and he cried out in pain like as if he had got his legs slammed in the door, a loud yelp like that! That was the first time he did that, took him to the emergency hospital on Boxing Day, they did a urinalysis and said he has a lot of crystals in his urine sample, sent us home with anti biotics and pain medication. Started giving him soft food with water in it to make him a soup. He collapsed again about 3 times on Sunday. We carried him into the vets office this morning, our regular vet is on holidays so the other vet who works in the office is taking care of him. She told us the emerg sent over his urinalysis and mentioned bulirubin in his pee, the emerg Doctor never told us this. Now he is jaundice, his rbc level is 14 where it should be 30. He is at the vets right now staying overnight getting fluids, and steroids.

What happened to our perky lively dog?? He is showing all the symptoms of liver failure, but why? The blood work doesn't come back until the morning. Is there a vet who can shed some light? I'm so worried, the vet said lets hope he makes it through tonight because he doesn't look so good.

We've had Paco since Oct, got him all his shots, fixed him, and now this. I'm racking my brain going back and forth with what could have happened. It's come on all of a sudden. Did he injest something on Xmas? We had a lot of ppl here, did someone feed him something toxic and it's destroying his organs? I don't know., But I hope and pray he makes it tonight. He is a very spunky guy, he's strong. If he can pull through tonight the blood work up should help us where to go next in terms of treatment


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I rescued a 2 year old shih tzu. Since Xmas day he's been sick. He literally collapsed over onto his side and peed himself. His pee was dark yellow almost orange and he cried out in pain like as if he had got his legs slammed in the door, a loud yelp like that! That was the first time he did that, took him to the emergency hospital on Boxing Day, they did a urinalysis and said he has a lot of crystals in his urine sample, sent us home with anti biotics and pain medication. Started giving him soft food with water in it to make him a soup. He collapsed again about 3 times on Sunday. We carried him into the vets office this morning, our regular vet is on holidays so the other vet who works in the office is taking care of him. She told us the emerg sent over his urinalysis and mentioned bulirubin in his pee, the emerg Doctor never told us this. Now he is jaundice, his rbc level is 14 where it should be 30. He is at the vets right now staying overnight getting fluids, and steroids.

What happened to our perky lively dog?? He is showing all the symptoms of liver failure, but why? Is there a vet who can shed some light? I'm so worried, the vet said lets hope he makes it through tonight because he doesn't look so good.

We've had Paco since Oct, got him all his shots, fixed him, and now this.
From what I have learned, its the food. If he comes home back alive, get him the right diet and yes it can be more expensive. But you will not have problems any more. Look what their putting in peoples foods'
can you imagine our animals !!


He's been on nutram sound it's a very good food, but maybe it's not for him. Where we got him from they only ever fed him what they were eating and he was okay with that. I will do whatever it takes, the diet is the least of my problems right now. If that's all it is, that would be the best case scenario and I hope you are right

From what I have learned, its the food. If he comes home back alive, get him the right diet and yes it can be more expensive. But you will not have problems any more. Look what their putting in peoples foods'
can you imagine our animals !!


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
He's been on nutram sound it's a very good food, but maybe it's not for him. Where we got him from they only ever fed him what they were eating and he was okay with that. I will do whatever it takes, the diet is the least of my problems right now. If that's all it is, that would be the best case scenario and I hope you are right
He's probably a male. Which have the hardest times with these conditions. Sophie its all about food intake for males. You got to keep him on an SO diet. Talk to the Vet about it.
I realize this thread is about the loss of our Zack but he passed from old age, three years beyond his expiry date. Take care of him when he comes back and watch his diet.
If you do, you will have him a long time.

Btw I wanted to mention, we got a new pup at home, Or should I say a 57 lbs 1 !/2 year old. He's in love with our 4 yr old female and she's keeping him in line but she likes him LOL Go figure.


He's probably a male. Which have the hardest times with these conditions. Sophie its all about food intake for males. You got to keep him on an SO diet. Talk to the Vet about it.
I realize this thread is about the loss of our Zack but he passed from old age, three years beyond his expiry date. Take care of him when he comes back and watch his diet.
If you do, you will have him a long time.

Btw I wanted to mention, we got a new pup at home, Or should I say a 57 lbs 1 !/2 year old. He's in love with our 4 yr old female and she's keeping him in line but she likes him LOL Go figure.
We have an 8 year old Labrador and she was bonding with this little guy. Glad you decided to give a dog a home and your female a new best friend
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